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  3. [New build - DEFAULT] 25w11a: Cargo Retrieval Mission, new cargo faction

[New build - DEFAULT] 25w11a: Cargo Retrieval Mission, new cargo faction

A few new additions that will bring for life to the word: - A new cargo retrieval mission: you are tasked to find a few lost storage containers and bring back their items. - Debris fields will spawn in the world. Thanks to ProPeach and Tackietacktack for the build! - Last but not least, KTS, a new cargo faction has been added thanks BigBadKangaroo! It contains 3 ships including some large haulers, and 3 kiosks. Exciting stuff! Fixes and improvements - The holomap has been improved - automatic docking has been improved [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37516568/1c54792d8fd464eb6a574ba74c941c2db46954f6.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37516568/30cda7ec22a6116fad4254012eae280e160c21be.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37516568/278c49908b3db1b747ecfe73eb0878e3eb7e8001.png[/img] Thanks for playing Francois