Development Blog #6: Fight back

Hey there it's time for a new development blog with yours truly, game director Angelica! First of all - I know many of you are excited about the upcoming release of Call of Olympus and want to know exactly WHEN you can jump on that ship to our favorite Greedified vacation destination. I won't be able to share a date today, but let's just say that we will be able to share a timeframe and some sort of news... tomorrow.
Let's dive into today's topic: boss fighting! You might have already spotted parts of our new Greed creature in the key art, so let's take a closer look at our slithering, hissing antagonist. This monumental Greed beast is truly a threat of epic scales!
From the very beginning of this project, we knew we wanted something big. A foe never before seen in the world of Kingdom, something that would truly test our players. We just weren't sure what that might be. Then one day I got a ping from Valentina, one of our artists, who said "I have an idea!" (which you can see pictured below) and I just went "YES!". And that was it.

Introducing a boss into Kingdom has been a new and exciting journey for our development team (with lots of prototyping and testing along the way!). I'm especially amazed at how our soundtrack composer Andreas Hald found ways to incorporate the music into the battle and absolutely nailed the feeling of a tug of war, where you constantly have to be on the lookout for danger while also keeping your eyes (and ears!) open for that opportunity to strike. Every enemy must have a weak point, right?

[h3]FLEET BOATS [/h3]
A major threat requires major weapons to fight. Not only will you have the new abilities in the game at your disposal, you will also have to utilize naval warfare to attack the beast from both land and water. With the new fleet mechanic, you'll be able to bring a small army of archers, ready to unleash a flurry of arrows from a ship that is sailing along with you as you charge into battle. At the very front of the ship you can see a mounted ballista, manned by one of your handy workers, sending those ballista bolts flying at the nearest target - causing devastating destruction in its wake!

Ahh, look at that crystal clear, vivid blue water. Almost wish you packed your bathing suit, huh? Except... now you know what dangers lurk in the depths below.

[h3]🎆We can't wait to show you more soon. Very soon actually. To be more precise... How does tomorrow sound? Yeah, let's do that. Tune in tomorrow for a whole new trailer showing off heroic struggles of epic scales! Sign up for notifications not to miss it now here🎆[/h3]
Come join our virtual fire and take refuge from what grows in the darkness 🔥 Share your stories, participate in giveaways and find fellow Monarchs who share your passion for adventure:
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