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SC Jogos #3

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ːns_blueː Fixed the Race Track #14

ːbr_cautionː I had to remove some of the times from this track to make it fair for all players, sorry.


ːns_pinkː Maintenance
ːns_greenː Added a volume setting for the music
ːns_greenː Added a volume setting for the car's SFX

ːbr_cautionː I am trying to create a work around for the problem with the car pulling to the side when it hits another car/wall (it's a problem from the physics engine), if this still happens to you please let me know.

[h3]ːbar_energyː Help us maintain and improve our games! ːbar_energyː[/h3]
ːbr_starː Donation tier #1
ːbr_starː Donation tier #2
ːbr_starː Donation tier #3
ːbr_starː Donation tier #4
ːbr_starː Donation tier #5
ːbr_starː Donation tier #6

ːbr_cartː Andarilho Store
ːbr_cartː Barro Store

[h3]ːns_keyː Grab a few games for free ːns_keyː[/h3]

V.16.1 / V.16.2

ːns_pinkː Small update to keep the game up to date.

ːns_greenː Added item drop for the game (1 flag per day).

ːbar_luckyː Just a reminder that you can receive free items for the game. For that you just have to play the other games from SC Jogos, or own some of the the DLCs to receive them.

[h3]ːbr_starː Help us maintain and improve our games![/h3]

ːbr_cartː Donation tier #1
ːbr_cartː Donation tier #2
ːbr_cartː Donation tier #3
ːbr_cartː Donation tier #4
ːbr_cartː Donation tier #5
ːbr_cartː Donation tier #6

SC Jogos #2

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