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Hunt: Showdown 1896 News

Developer Insight – 2.1.1 Bugs and Fixes

With the release of Update 2.1.1, we've observed the reappearance of several bugs that had been resolved in previous patches. We are actively tracking these regressions to confirm the scope of change and begin implementing fixes into future updates.

Here’s a rundown of the regressions that we currently have confirmed for fixes coming in Update 2.2:

  • Game Crashes During Streaming - Attempting to stream Hunt may result in crashes, interrupting your broadcast experience.
  • Party Disbanding After Matches - Staying in a party after a mission does not work always as intended, this will now be resolved.
  • Texture Loading Issues - Various objects, Hunters, and items at times fails to load properly, leaving grey placeholder textures visible.
  • Invisible Weapons - The issue of weapons becoming invisible has reappeared, likely tied to the texture-loading problem above.
  • Crashes During Gameplay - Some players experience game crashes or freezes during pivotal moments, including gunfights. These are caused by several issues, but we have identified multiple stability related fixes that will be implemented 2.2. We will be monitoring this closely on roll out to identify any remaining triggers.
  • Extended Loading and Reconnection Times – For some players, starting Hunt now takes significantly longer. Various factors may affect this including player region, internet connection etc, but we are able to implement a fix that should result in faster loading times for most players.
  • Ground Level Glitch - Reconnecting after disconnections leaves players stuck viewing untextured ground layers.
  • Alt-Tab Cursor Bug - Mouse cursor remains permanently visible during a match after alt-tabbing.
  • Hex Breaker’s Cloak - The texture of Hex Breaker's cloak at times appears corrupted
  • Shadow Exploit - Resolved an issue that allowed shadows to be disabled through an exploit
  • Wet Explosives - Fused explosives (such as the Frag Bomb) would still explode after tumbling into water upon hitting the ground

Update 2.2 comes with a ton of bug fixes already, and we’re confident this line up of fixes will improve the overall gameplay experience for many players. However, we are continuing to monitor for any additional regressions from 2.1.1 and will work to include as many more as possible to resolve these recently reintroduced issues.

[h3]Performance Drops & VRAM [/h3]

We also identified some performance related issues regressions with the 2.1.1 rollout. Most notably:

  • System Performance Slowdown When Running Hunt - Some players report that launching Hunt causes their PC to experience significant slowdowns, overloading their GPU.
  • Overall Performance Degradation - Reports indicate a drop in average FPS across various configurations, affecting gameplay smoothness and responsiveness.

We are tackling these issues by improving the way Hunt manages video memory. In certain situations, the game exceeds the allocated memory budget permitted by the operating system, causing a noticeable performance penalty.

For Update 2.2, we’ve implemented a fix that resolves this issue in scenarios where the game is the primary application running on your system. This means that if your machine is running demanding software in the background, you may still run into issues.

Performance remains a top priority for us, and we are continuously monitoring and striving to enhance it. We are actively tracking additional edge cases that could contribute to performance degradation and are already working on targeted fixes to address them. A few follow-up fixes are in the pipeline already, which will be ready in time for the upcoming releases.

In the meantime, if you continue to experience performance drops, we recommend the following steps:

  • Close GPU-Intensive Applications: Ensure no other graphics-heavy applications (e.g., video editing software, digital content creation tools like Maya or ZBrush, or web browsers running graphics-intensive websites) are running in the background. If these applications are necessary, open them before starting the game, not during gameplay.
  • Adjust VRAM Usage Settings: In the settings menu, lower your VRAM usage target. While the default setting of 80 works for most systems, reducing it to 70 may help mitigate performance drops on affected machines.

[h3]Our Next Steps [/h3]

The team is thoroughly investigating the extent of these regressions and are working towards implementing verified fixes as soon as possible. Some fixes are already in testing phase for roll out with Update 2.2.

Please continue to share your experiences via our social channels or community forums. Your input helps us prioritize fixes and ensure a smoother experience for everyone.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Developer Update | 2.2 Overview | Post Malone’s Murder Circus | #HuntPartner

Post Malone's Murder Circus is on the horizon! Step right up and take a look at what we've got planned for the Event and Update 2.2.

Watch the full video: [previewyoutube][/previewyoutube]

Post Malone's Murder Circus Trailer | #HuntPartner

Post Malone's Murder Circus is Coming to Hunt!

Our biggest event to date is just around the corner, coming on December 12th!

#HuntShowdown1896 #PostMalonesMurderCircus #HuntPartner


Developer Insight – Rookie Hunter Evolution

Along with the many other fixes and new features coming to Hunt with Update 2.2, we are also introducing improvements to our Hunter Evolution System. Designed to deepen the identity and progression of your Hunters, the new system has been revamped with enhanced progression tracking and more. Here’s an in-depth look at the evolution of this system, why changes were made, and what you can expect to see in the future.

[h3]The Original Recruitment System [/h3]

Previously, the recruitment system offered players two primary methods of acquiring new Hunters. You could directly purchase empty-handed Legendary Hunters with random Traits using Hunt Dollars or select from a random roster of rotating regular Hunters, all of whom varied in their gear, Traits, appearances, and names. These Hunters were organized into tiers, with early recruits appearing simple and inexperienced, while higher-tiered options displayed the grizzled, battle-worn look of seasoned veterans.

[h3]Changes with Update 2.0 [/h3]

With the launch of update 2.0, we simplified recruitment. We provided a consistent selection of four free Hunters with random basic equipment, while others became purchasable using Hunt Dollars, but were recruited with random traits and no gear.

This change also retired many beloved Hunter models, which had become iconic within the community as we updated them visually to take advantage of new tech our engine integration provided.

[h3]Changes Coming in Update 2.2 [/h3]

We’re expanding the evolution and recruitment systems to include more characters and new progression features. From the release of Update 2.2, you can expect to see the following:

  • 18 Unlockable new Hunters: Players can now permanently unlock a roster of 18 Survivor and Hunters skins by progressing through the Rookie ranks. This will see the return of many fan-favorite Hunters, updated and adjusted to their new role as upgraded variants of existing Rookies.
  • Progression-Based Unlocks:
    • Reaching Level 50 with any Rookie Hunter unlocks their Survivor Hunter tier.
    • Reaching Level 50 with any Survivor Hunter unlocks their Veteran Hunter tier.

    These progression rewards are permanent unlocks and persist through Prestige, allowing players to recruit more and more of these advanced Hunters as they progress through the game.
  • Enhanced Progression Tracking:
    • A new Hunter Progression Screen lets players view all unlockable Hunters in one place.
    • Individual Hunter Progression Screens track progress and preview specific Hunters available in your line up

[h3]Hunters Progression in 2.2 [/h3]

Here’s the lineup of Rookie Hunters that offer Survivor and Veteran variant progression after the next big update:

  • Default Bloodline Unlocks:
    • Oliver Whitman
    • Jane Eddings
  • Unlockable at Bloodline Ranks:
    • Antonia Higuera (Rank 5)
    • Mercy Zener (Rank 34)
    • Ambrose Hazen (Rank 50)
    • Leon Ulitsky (Rank 75)
    • Joan Damon (Rank 90)
  • Prestige Unlocks:
    • Jesse Buchanan (Prestige Rank 1)
    • Laura Gottschalk (Prestige Rank 3)

[h3]Why We Made Changes [/h3]

The updated system aimed to address several challenges:

Enhancing Player Experience: By introducing a structured progression from Rookie to Survivor to Veteran, we are able to allow players to see tangible growth in their Hunter roster. This evolution reflects the Hunters’ increasing experience and resilience, while creating a deeper connection between you and your favorite Hunters.

Streamlined Experience and Consistency: The new streamlined approach simplifies recruitment, enabling better oversight and a more unified, fair experience for all players.

Fostering Hunter Identity: Replacing generic recruits with distinct Hunters who possess unique identities and clear progressions not only deepens emotional engagement but also rewards you with a greater sense of accomplishment as your favorite Hunters evolve over time.

[h3]A Growing System [/h3]

The Hunter Evolution System is a significant step forward in not only improving player experience and clarity, but in building individual stories behind your favorite Hunters as they survive in the unforgiving world of Hunt.

We’re excited to hear your feedback on these changes and the direction of the Hunter Evolution System. Let us know your thoughts once update 2.2 goes live!

Developer Insight - Ammo Scarcity

Coming in our next big content update, we’re introducing a new mechanic: ammo scarcity.
This change will allow us to cycle specific custom ammo types and items in and out of
availability, helping us fine-tune the game's balance, shift the meta, and encourage an even
wider range of unique player strategies.

[h3]What Is Ammo Scarcity?[/h3]
In Update 2.2, certain custom ammo types will gain the status of "Scarce", similar to our
Scarce Traits system. When an ammo type is marked as Scarce:
  • It will no longer be available for purchase in the store
  • Players can still pick it up during missions
  • Existing inventory of the affected ammo types can still be used

[h3]What Ammo Has Been Marked Scarce?[/h3]
For Update 2.2, the following custom ammo types will receive scarcity status:
  • Dolch 96 FMJ & Dumdum
  • Centennial Dumdum
  • Scottfield Dumdum
  • Nagant Officer Dumdum
  • Caldwell Conversion Dumdum

This change comes as we try to reach a good balance between the prevalence and power
level of certain ammo types. Some ammunitions dominate weapon choices through clear
advantages, which means less loadout variety and interest.

The new system we have adopted by making these ammo types discoverable but not easily
purchasable, transforms them into exceptional, valuable bonuses, instead of consistent
go-to choices. We're aiming to increase loadout variety and make the weapons that do
have specific ammo types available for purchase stand out.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts as we roll out these changes with Update 2.2. We want to experiment more with Scarce ammo types in future releases.