Developer Diary | Art & Achievements
Hello and welcome to the art Dev Diary for Graveyard of Empires!
I’m marblemadness, one of the artists responsible for bringing you the art content that will be present in the expansion and unless specified the “speaker” in this dev diary. There was a lot of positive reception for Götterdämmerung, so following up on that is a challenge. But we’ve greased our elbows and dug deep into the sand to excavate the best art we could find, so I really hope you enjoy what we have to show!
Focuses! The bread and butter of the HoI4 experience. Here are some selections from this DLC.
Persian focus Icons
British Raj focus Icons
Afghan focus Icons
Iraq focus Icons
A Dev Diary would not be complete without a selection of the various country Leaders!

Persian Portraits

British Raj Portraits

Afghan Portraits

Iraq Portraits
[h3]Loading Screen[/h3]
This is the Loading Screen for GoE, as graciously created by CremeGene

[h3]3D Models[/h3]
Hello everyone! It’s me again bringing you a closer look at the 3D models for this DLC!
To truly appreciate the artistry behind these models, I have gathered some definition images for us to examine. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the models at this level of fidelity so let’s not waste any more time!
Let’s start with an up-close and personal look at the soldiers who will be risking their lives this time around!

It can be very dangerous to tread these lands on foot. One way to get the upper hand on the battlefield is to get your hands on a tank. Here are some tanks that will be available for each nation:
The big tank to the right is apparently called the flying elephant, but I don’t think it will be flying anytime soon.
You won’t be able to survive by only dominating the battlefields with your tanks and soldiers. They will be easy pickings unless you have some competent airplanes to achieve air supremacy
as well!

Even when there is a fierce battle happening it can be hard to not stop and appreciate the rich history and architecture that can be seen around the globe. In addition to previously added landmarks, you will now be able to see the Hagia Sophia, Sa'dabad Complex and Taj Mahal as well!

Before we finish off with a look at the achievements, I would like to address the elephant in the room by addressing.. Well.. the elephant in the room! Horses and camels are great, but there is no greater ally than this gentle giant:

And to round everything up, we have the achievements. Enjoy!

Graveyard of Empires
As Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq or the Raj, control all of the other three nations' starting provinces.

This achievement is dedicated to the brave soldiers of...
As Afghanistan, capitulate the Soviet Union

I have the high ground
As Afghanistan, control all Himalayan states

Pesky Greeks
As Iran, become the owner of all Greek core states

The Sands of Time
As Iran, own the entire Middle East

The Legacy of Cyrus the Great
As Iran, become the owner of former Achaemenid Empire's states

From Tehran with Love
As Iran, guarantee Poland's independence and ensure it does not capitulate by 1945

Cradle of Civilization
As Iraq, build the maximum infrastructure level in all core states and achieve 100% stability

It's Just Good Business
As the East India Company, own Suez and Panama

Media Mughal
As the Mughal Empire, complete Agency Upgrade Psychological Warfare, become Spy Master and have at least 8 operatives

Oh, how the turntables
As India puppet the UK with Churchill as it's leader

I'm just passing by
Own a state on each continent while being at peace

That's SIkh!
As Khalistan, control all of the starting Raj states

Oil Sheiks
As Iraq, have 500 oil production

Revenge for 1925
As Iraq, form the Hashemite Arab Federation and defeat Saudi Arabia

Avenging the Sack of Baghdad
As Iraq, control the capital of Mongolia

I shall either find a way or make one
Control Rome and have an elephant unit in the state.

Savior of the holy lands
As Afghanistan, become the owner of Palestine and Mecca
And this brings us to the end of the art Dev Diary! We really hope you’ve liked the content that has been presented so far and wish you the best of luck leading the new countries to a prosperous future!
If you haven't already, check out the Expansion pass by clicking here, or the picture above!
I’m marblemadness, one of the artists responsible for bringing you the art content that will be present in the expansion and unless specified the “speaker” in this dev diary. There was a lot of positive reception for Götterdämmerung, so following up on that is a challenge. But we’ve greased our elbows and dug deep into the sand to excavate the best art we could find, so I really hope you enjoy what we have to show!
Focuses! The bread and butter of the HoI4 experience. Here are some selections from this DLC.

A Dev Diary would not be complete without a selection of the various country Leaders!

Persian Portraits

British Raj Portraits

Afghan Portraits

Iraq Portraits
[h3]Loading Screen[/h3]
This is the Loading Screen for GoE, as graciously created by CremeGene

[h3]3D Models[/h3]
Hello everyone! It’s me again bringing you a closer look at the 3D models for this DLC!
To truly appreciate the artistry behind these models, I have gathered some definition images for us to examine. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the models at this level of fidelity so let’s not waste any more time!
Let’s start with an up-close and personal look at the soldiers who will be risking their lives this time around!

It can be very dangerous to tread these lands on foot. One way to get the upper hand on the battlefield is to get your hands on a tank. Here are some tanks that will be available for each nation:

You won’t be able to survive by only dominating the battlefields with your tanks and soldiers. They will be easy pickings unless you have some competent airplanes to achieve air supremacy
as well!

Even when there is a fierce battle happening it can be hard to not stop and appreciate the rich history and architecture that can be seen around the globe. In addition to previously added landmarks, you will now be able to see the Hagia Sophia, Sa'dabad Complex and Taj Mahal as well!

Before we finish off with a look at the achievements, I would like to address the elephant in the room by addressing.. Well.. the elephant in the room! Horses and camels are great, but there is no greater ally than this gentle giant:

And to round everything up, we have the achievements. Enjoy!

Graveyard of Empires
As Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq or the Raj, control all of the other three nations' starting provinces.

This achievement is dedicated to the brave soldiers of...
As Afghanistan, capitulate the Soviet Union

I have the high ground
As Afghanistan, control all Himalayan states

Pesky Greeks
As Iran, become the owner of all Greek core states

The Sands of Time
As Iran, own the entire Middle East

The Legacy of Cyrus the Great
As Iran, become the owner of former Achaemenid Empire's states

From Tehran with Love
As Iran, guarantee Poland's independence and ensure it does not capitulate by 1945

Cradle of Civilization
As Iraq, build the maximum infrastructure level in all core states and achieve 100% stability

It's Just Good Business
As the East India Company, own Suez and Panama

Media Mughal
As the Mughal Empire, complete Agency Upgrade Psychological Warfare, become Spy Master and have at least 8 operatives

Oh, how the turntables
As India puppet the UK with Churchill as it's leader

I'm just passing by
Own a state on each continent while being at peace

That's SIkh!
As Khalistan, control all of the starting Raj states

Oil Sheiks
As Iraq, have 500 oil production

Revenge for 1925
As Iraq, form the Hashemite Arab Federation and defeat Saudi Arabia

Avenging the Sack of Baghdad
As Iraq, control the capital of Mongolia

I shall either find a way or make one
Control Rome and have an elephant unit in the state.

Savior of the holy lands
As Afghanistan, become the owner of Palestine and Mecca
And this brings us to the end of the art Dev Diary! We really hope you’ve liked the content that has been presented so far and wish you the best of luck leading the new countries to a prosperous future!