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RPG Maker MV News

Registration Has Begun! RPG Maker Festival Returns in 2025!

The RPG Maker Festival has returned for 2025!

▼What is RPG Maker Festival?
February 25th is “Maker Day”, the day we celebrated all things RPG Maker.
And we celebrate by holding the RPG Maker Festival!

RPG Maker Festival celebrates all games made with all versions of RPG Maker and Pixel Game Maker! We want to showcase and introduce more people to the wonderful games that have been made with RPG Maker, and connect as many creators and players together as possible. The more connected we are, the more fun there is to be had!

There’s many anniversaries this year, so the theme for RPG Maker Festival 2025 is “A Tapestry of Old and New Titles”!

▼RPG Maker Festival 2025: Participants Wanted!
We’re currently looking for developers and publishers who’d like to participant in RPG Maker Festival 2025!

If you have a game made with RPG Maker or Pixel Game Maker, we hope you’ll decide to submit your game! If it’s on Steam, this is a chance to spread awareness of your game to a whole new group of players. So please do consider participating!

【Submission Method】
To submit a game for participation in RPG Maker Festival 2025, just fill out the form linked here:

・Pacific Time: 2024-12-22 (Sunday) 06:59
※Those wishing to use the Steam Broadcast function are very welcome, but slots are limited and not submissions will be selected.

Official DLC: plug-ins and expansion packs for card battles are available!

This week, a plug-in that makes battles look like a card game and an expansion pack were released!

"Card Game Combat Deckbuilder Engine" is a plug-in that can change the battle scene to look like a card game. Card effects and other details can be set up just like in a real card game.


"Card Audio Starter Pack" is a sound collection containing various sound effects such as card shuffling and play sounds. It is available as a set with the plug-in itself.


"Card Frame Starter Pack" is a collection of graphic materials for designing the frame and base of cards. Please use it in combination with the plug-in itself.


There is also a special bundle version that includes three DLCs, so be sure to check it out.

In addition, the Steam Autumn Sale is going on right now! Many DLCs are available at a discount, so be sure to check out the other DLCs as well!

Official DLC: Tile sets and numerous bgm collections were released!

This week, a new “NEONPIXEL” series, a tile set useful for decorating stores, and a collection of background music with rich variations are released!

"NEONPIXEL - MEGA ADVENTURE SET" is a tile set that can recreate mountainous areas and ruins. Together with the moon background image, it is recommended for building an atmospheric fantasy world.


"Fantasy store items tile set" is a set of tiles to decorate a fantasy-style store. It contains items such as meat, fish, plants, and lamps.


"MUSIC Jazzy Style Battle” is a collection of songs that incorporate jazz and hip-hop sounds, with a focus on trumpet and saxophone. A “Street” version focusing on the map theme was released at the same time.


"MUSIC Jazzy Style Street" is a collection of songs that incorporate jazz and hip-hop sounds with a focus on trumpet and saxophone. A “Battle” version featuring battle songs was also released at the same time.


"BATTLE MUSIC PACK -CYBER WORLD- 2000's" is a collection of battle BGM materials inspired by games of the 2000s. It contains a total of seven tracks: five battle tracks, one opening track, and one ending track.


"SAMURAI WORLD MUSIC PACK" is a collection of high-quality Japanese-style sounds. This work is unified by a world view that evokes the atmosphere of samurai, warriors, the Warring States period in Japan and China, etc.


Submission for Official DLC!

Gotcha Gotcha Games(GGG) is looking for creators who can create official DLC for the Maker series.
Have you ever felt any of the following? If yes, come and join us!

〇 I’d like to see the graphic/music that I’ve created to be used all over the world!
〇 I find it difficult to create a full game, but I can create graphics and music!
〇 I want to make income from selling assets

You can focus on creating your materials, and GGG will provide…

● Advice on how to turn them into products
● A platform to sell the product
● After-sales service

Please check the eligibility requirements and other information below. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

For more information, please visit the following URL
*Please give us several business days~week to respond.

●RPG Maker MZ Material Standards

●RPG Maker MV Material Standards

●RPG MAKER UNITE Material Standards

Official DLC: interior tile sets including tables and furniture are available!

This week sees the release of the long-awaited new installment in the popular “Useful” DLC series!

"Useful Interior Tiles Modern and Fantasy" is a versatile tile set that allows you to create interiors for both modern and fantasy worlds. In addition to easy-to-use tables and chairs, a wide range of furniture designs are included.


As the title suggests, it can be used with your various tile sets, whether contemporary or fantasy.

〇“Useful” DLC series

