1. Combat Air Patrol 2
  2. News
  3. 2 recent updates - v813.4 & 5

2 recent updates - v813.4 & 5

v813.4 & 5 were uploaded to the BETA and VR BETA channels recently. Work was focused on A/G weaponry. Updates included:

AGM65 IR Maverick
Target Lock
Flight routine
Launch FX

STRS MFD Display

HUD Displays
Cage/Uncage display
A/G Guns & Rockets
CCIP display
CCIP offscreen indication, reflected cue

Graphical 'tweaks'
Cockpit mirror improvements

Bug fixes included:
VR Pilot view black screen when using OpenVR/SteamVR
Glitching cockpit shadows
Flicker when using MFD containing a 3D Display

The next couple couple of minor updates (v813.6/7) will continue with A/G work. These will include:

Heat based rendering rather than the current gray scale (which gets dark at night :) )

HUD FLIR display
with the 24hr rendering FLIR display becomes much more useful

HARM display of detected emitters/threats
updated HARM flight code

TDC (Target Designator Control)
finalising TDC use and assignment between Radar MFD/ HUD/ IRMAV/ TPOD
removal of target pod slew controls
uses TDC when it is assigned to TPOD

Weapon release tone
enabled via TONE option in STRS
volume set via rotary control on ACNIP panel

Improved cockpit illumination

AV8B cockpit updates

After the final A/G weapons/Avionics updates are released we'll move on to the v814 series updates which will add the in-mission tactical display. After that we're on to single missions.

Here are some screenshots of v813.4/5

Updated STRS (Stores) MFD display:


IRMAV locked:

Cockpit mirror reflection:

Cockpit glass reflection:

Miscellaneous shots from v813.5 build:

Gratuitous Shot of cockpit glass and helmet visor reflection:

Stay tuned for loads more updates over the next few weeks! Happy flying ːsteamhappyː