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Catacomb Kids News

0.2.2c Patch Notes

More bugfixes! On all platforms this time.

  • BUG: Game becomes unresponsive when playing a single player mode after playing a two-player mode
  • BUG: Backing out of pause menus (pause, level-up, spellbook, etc.) in 2p reverts the players' stats, equipment, spells, etc. to what they were before pausing, making it impossible to equip spells or properly level up.

0.2.2b Patch Notes

Just a couple quick fixes! Windows only for now but should be on Mac and Linux by tomorrow at the latest.

  • CRASH: Crash when spawning encyclopedia pages in Seeded Runs
  • CRASH: When casting the teleport spell
  • BUG: Rerolling floors in non-Daily Run-runs does not actually change the floor's seed
  • BUG: Framerate option can still load as 50 from the previous version
  • BUG: Forgot to disable some debug keys
  • BUG: Shopkeeper's specialties display the wrong price

New Lighting, New Menu, Seeded Runs


Long time no update! I've been mostly plugging away on UFO 50 in these intervening months (Go wishlist it!!), but I've still been making progress on CK when time permits - in between moving to a new apartment and doing contract work.

[h2]Light and Shadow[/h2]
Here we have at last; one feature in particular that I have dreamt of for years: shadow-casting lights and line-of-sight based fog-of-war!

At long-last, things can truly lurk unseen around corners and behind closed doors! This is a pretty significant change to a long-standing gameplay mechanic, but hopefully it will be a welcome one. In all other regards lighting still works the same way; lightsources, once encountered, remain visible thereafter. It's still useful to toss torches ahead of yourself to get the ley of the land, but this change also has the effect of making the Wanderer's class ability, lanterns, and equipment that grants telepathy suddenly much more valuable.

Title Overhaul

The other main thing you'll notice is that the title menu looks...completely different!

I called myself clever with the previous version, trying to do something unique with a menu based on quadrants but it turns out there's a reason most games have a menu in a nested list format and that's because it's intuitive and easy to navigate. Lesson learned: don't reinvent a wheel unless it's really central to your whole deal. As it turns out, title menus are in fact: not central to CK's whole deal. So something more typical is warranted (and welcome).

Along with the new menu however, come some other new features:

Seeded Runs, etc.

Seeded Runs are a new kind of game mode where you can enter the seed yourself and play it as many times as you like. Unlike most of the other game modes, however, Seeded Runs never save (not even a little bit).

Daily runs have also been updated to allow you to try them as many times as you want, though only the first run counts for earning coins. Currently the Daily Run and Seeded Runs are pretty similar in that they allow you to play the same seed as many times as you want, but I plan to eventually add twists to Daily Runs like "all corpses explode", "you hate all weapons", or "all damage is 2" etc.

There have also been a smattering of other tweaks, bugfixes, and general housekeeping too so check out the changelog for a full list.

0.2.2 Patch Notes

  • New title menu.
  • New single player run type: Seeded Runs. Seeded runs earn no coins or encyclopedia entries and - like daily runs - never save at any point!
  • New lighting system that utilizes the Bulb lighting library by Juju Adams. Lights now cast shadows and rely on line-of-sight to illuminate the darkness.
  • Now using the Input library by Juju Adams to handle player input, (which should hopefully resolve a lot of the issues with using various controllers, and not showing the proper style of button prompt)
  • Added language option menu. Only Chinese and English are currently available, and Chinese is incomplete. If you want to help localize the game (or harangue others into doing so) hop onto the discord! It's an ongoing effort!
  • Added in-game credits (finally!).

  • Daily runs can now be attempted as many times as you want per day. Separate records are kept of your first attempt, last attempt, and best (aka furthest) attempt.
  • Changed the format of save game files; each save is now its own directory (your old saves will not survive the change, sorry!)
  • Multiplayer modes now prompt players to join before play begins
  • Added unstable effect to Temporal Step
  • Green slimes will now prefer to fall off of a ledge than twitch back and forth on a single tile
  • "Grapple" now treats non-humanoid enemies the same as humanoids: If the strike would kill them they die only upon release. Additionally, corpses released this way now strike enemies as though thrown.
  • Weapons with the quality "hard" now take less damage from hitting boulders, and deal more damage to them.
  • Tweaked the descriptions and effect text of Vampirism and Plague to be more lore- and mechanics-accurate.
  • Changed the appearance of co-op player selection to better match the other character selection menus.
  • Spruced up shopkeeper menus a little.
  • Tutorial now uses new button prompts.

  • CRASH - Upon Grumbul Tank taking acid damage to death
  • CRASH - When adding second ingredient to soup
  • CRASH - Relating to obj_break_Alarm_0
  • CRASH - Killing non-humanoid enemies with Raise Dead + Magic Blast multi-cast combo
  • CRASH - When losing the interest of the grumbul in the tutorial
  • BUG - Tinkerbot dialog does not close when the owner player dies or leaves the floor
  • BUG - Tinkerbot can bust open locked doors simply by bumping into them
  • BUG - Paused grumbul tank legs behave oddly
  • BUG - Can clone Orbs of Leveling by abusing item drop pipes
  • BUG - Oogs spawned from an oog hit with a potion of regeneration become linked; setting one on fire with a warhammer of heat set the other on fire as well
  • BUG - Can overlevel stats in VS mode as player 2
  • BUG - Re-rolling floors in Daily Mode generates the same floor again
  • BUG - If grumbul tank is destroyed mid-cannon-fire, it continues to spawn flames to the point of impacting performance
  • BUG - Several bugs relating to buying and selling to shopkeepers
  • VISUAL - "fontLarge" Numbers in Player Stats on VS Mode Menu
  • VISUAL - Classes cycle through character select header instead of displaying the currently selected class
  • VISUAL - Some shopkeeper description text doesn't fit into the dialog box; the box now resizes dynamically to fit any necessary text


Just a horde of bugfixes.

  • Minor visual change to class abilities in the character select ui

  • Crash: Crash upon spawning grumbul soldiers
  • Crash: Crash upon descending to the anticropolis via the unlocked shortcut
  • Crash: "equip_weapon .isBasic" crash
  • Crash: Several crashes related to audio emitters
  • Crash: When a humanoid corpse has a helmet but no armor
  • Crash: "obj_corpse_dog" crash
  • Crash: Casting "Break" on an enemy after hitting them
  • Crash: Pressing confirm on the tinkerbot repair menu while having no valid metal objects to use
  • Crash: When equipping tomes sometimes
  • Crash: checking for "has_leg"
  • Crash: When making soup
  • Bug: Tinkerbot repair item qualities are not shown
  • Bug: Rats are broken
  • Bug: Balls of mucus blow up when you try to roll them gently
  • Bug: Throwing boulders and creatures with trajectory does not show their predicted path