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Dustland Delivery News

Dustland Delivery Update v1.20.849

Hello, Dustlanders! Please see below for notes on update v1.20.849:

1. Added a "custom hotkeys" feature.
2. Fixed an issue where trailers could not be removed properly in certain circumstances.
3. Fixed an issue where changes to Horsepower would not be displayed properly in certain circumstances.
4. Fixed job compatibility issues in player-owned cities.
5. Fixed an issue where required conditions for choices would not be displayed properly in certain events.
6. Improved display of recipes in the Cooking tab.
7. Adjusted Quick Battle Stress reduction for certain character attributes.

Thank you for your support, and we wish all Dustlanders a very happy new year!

Dustland Delivery Soundtrack Now Available

Radio Dustland is coming at you with 20 songs, including all in-game music and a few tracks that haven't been added to the game yet.
The soundtrack is composed by Roast Chicken Records, a fan of the game and a long-time supporter.
All proceeds from the soundtrack go to the composer!

Dustland Delivery Free DLC Launch

Hello, Dustlanders!
Free DLC for Dustland Delivery is now available! After installing the DLC, you'll be able to build roads to ease your journey through the Dustlands.

[h2]How to Install[/h2]
1. Open your Steam library.
2. Select Dustland Delivery and click the Store Page.
3. Select the Road Builder DLC from the Store or search Dustland Delivery: Road Builder on Steam.
4. Click the Install button on the receipt page.

[h2]How to Build Roads[/h2]
After installing the DLC, you'll be able to build roads on the Haggard Plains and Twilight Valley maps.
Read on for details on how to build roads.
Road Builder buildings will appear on the map.

At these pre-Fall structures, staffed by robots, you can spend Clout to unlock the ability to build roads.
(Tip: Completing bounty missions issued at the Bar is the fastest way to gain Clout.)

Once the ability has been unlocked, you can spend Clout to plot out the route of your road.
Select any two cities to plot a road between them. The default name of the road is taken from the first letter of each city's name; click the road name to rename it.
Roads are mainly built using three materials: Building Materials, Wood, and Ore. Building roads over rivers or swamps will also require Rubber; in return, you will be able to set up camp in swamp or river areas when the road is complete. Passing over more complex terrain will cost more Clout and resources.

Once you confirm your road plan, construction sites will appear along the road.

Nodes will also appear at various points along your road plan. These can be used to connect your road to other roads.

Transport supplies to construction sites to deliver them. Once a construction site has all the supplies it needs, it will begin construction.
You can deliver supplies in multiple batches. Construction will progress depending on the item with the largest shortfall.
Once all supplies have been delivered, construction on that segment of road will begin.
(Note: If a segment of road has been built, you can drive on it even if the rest of the road isn't complete. This will allow you to access construction sites located within mountains.)

Road segments under construction will be displayed in a translucent red color. Each construction site shows the construction progress of that road segment.

Construction time may differ depending on a road segment's circumstances and costs. Some may take hours, while others can take days.
Finishing construction of a road will grant you Clout and improve your relations with city faction leaders.

The appearance of roads will differ when passing over different terrain types.

Your truck will travel more quickly over roads. They make passing over swamps and rivers more convenient, and also allow you to travel across impassible areas such as mountains.

[h2]Other Questions[/h2]
Q: Will the DLC work with my old save?
A: Yes, Road Builder DLC works with existing saves. Enter any Road Builder building to begin road construction.

We hope you enjoy this new feature! Please feel free to share any feedback or suggestions on our Steam forum, or join our official Discord.

[h2]v1.20.823 Update[/h2]
We've made a number of additions to version 1.20.823:
1. New "Negotiator" Mechanic
When trading goods in a city, you can choose a member of your crew to act as negotiator and try to upsell or haggle. The negotiator's success depends on the character's Speech, the crew's attributes, and your relations with the faction you are trading with. Even if the negotiation fails, the character's Speech will be increased.
2. New Hotkeys: You can now quickly close certain windows by pressing Escape.
3. New Recipes: You can now create 200+ more recipes by combining different ingredients.

As always, thank you for supporting Dustland Delivery!

Dustland Delivery Update v1.20.791

Hello, Dustlanders! Please see below for notes on the latest update:

◈ Update Version

◈ Update Details
1. Added a text input function to the map search feature. You can now input text to search for goods on the map.
2. Added a "Show Weekly Production" option for city production.
3. Changed the way that characters gain EXP while working in cities.
4. Added clearer notifications for certain driving conditions.

Thanks once again for your feedback!

Dustland Delivery Update v1.20.773

Hello, Dustlanders! See below for details on the latest update:

  • 1. New Content

1. Added a "Save Custom Character" feature.
2. When creating a character, you can now choose to save them, allowing you to store them and use them any time you begin a new game.

  • 2. Improvements, Changes, and Bug Fixes

1. Improved the truck cooling interface. The interface now clearly states how much Water or Wastewater you will use.
2. Improved truck speed display. A notification will appear when your truck's speed is significantly lower.
3. Changed the display on the character interface to more clearly show buffs granted by character statuses and equipment.
4. Fixed an issue where certain equipment values would be calculated incorrectly. Equipment that grants buffs determined by the Husbandry stat now takes into account buffs from Rancher Hat and Rancher Gear.
5. Fixed an issue where using hotkeys to close the task location interface would lead to UI display issues on the map.
6. Fixed known text display issues.
7. Fixed display issues with the combat interface in certain events.
8. Fixed known issues with image layering.
9. Fixed known event logic issues.

  • 3. Workshop Update - Localization Mods Now Supported

Thank you for supporting Dustland Delivery! We've seen lots of players express interest in localization. In response, the game now supports multilingual mods, allowing you to add languages according to your needs.

How do I create a localization mod?
See the guide for details https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ns_in5EhXo1-SaGt5IRRN-WpJgYzCa3W/view?usp=sharing

Template needed https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K_LHSWGJqqj8j_kfGmPsi2cbH0rKXLfu/view?usp=sharing

What should I do if I have issues uploading a mod?
If you encounter issues while creating or uploading a localization mod, we welcome you to visit our Discord and submit your feedback in the #localization channel or send a message to EVENT_CM. We will try to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support and your patience. We can't wait to see the mods you create. We're committed to continuously improving the game, and your feedback has been and continues to be important to us. Please keep an eye out for future announcements, and we hope you enjoy Dustland Delivery!