Patch Notes #2
Hello again everyone!
Another day, another patch.
The main addition we have today is a proper Free Mode. Basically it makes you start with all blueprints and improvements unlocked without having to deal with the quests. So if you want to be completely free to play in any way you want, this is the mode for you.
Currently we are working on addressing some of the main concerns that have been raised, finishing the remaining art, and focusing on fixing as many bugs as we can.
The next improvement is going to be a balance pass to hunger/satiation.
Thank you all for reporting bugs and issues and for giving us your trust and support!
[h2][b]Patch notes version EA_0.06[/b]:[/h2]
- New Free mode is now available.
- The All Knowing Perk now also unlocks improvements.
- Nesting Box is now buildable in the Enclosure again.
- Fixed a bug that was causing some construction quests not to complete (Enclosure, Cellar).
- Added some cellar art as well as art for the snow pile.
- Meats can now be boiled.
- Fixed a problem that was causing Foxes to have negative quality.
- Mittens now also protect you from rashes when harvesting Nettles.
- Animal Rituals no longer hide a button when a carcass doesn't have a spirit.
That's all for now.
See you tomorrow!