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  3. Playtest SWAPMEAT from March 6 to March 12

Playtest SWAPMEAT from March 6 to March 12

Good news, intrepid and aspiring Meat Scientists: SWAPMEAT's next playtest draws near! We're just tightening a few nuts and bolts, but we'll fling the Meat Lab doors open on... [h2]March 6th at 10am Pacific![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45058792/9b108da50e2e5d2168030be27ecd7303f6db5263.jpg[/img] [h1][/h1] Hop in and go hands-on with our newest updates and additions, including: [list] [*] Two new factions: Mutants and Aliens [*] An all-new biome to explore / ravage [*] Merit Badges: Track your progress through the game's story and net new inherent powers [*] Mutated Abilities: Modify your Meat to optimize your build [*] Controller support, for the WASD-averse [/list] But that's just a taste — stay tuned for the full patch notes right before the playtest goes live. We'll keep the doors open until March 12th, so don't dally! That meat ain't gonna harvest itself. And check out SWAPMEAT's new key art up there! You'll start to see this popping up across our various social channels soon. (Shoutout to OMG artist Doug -- he nailed it.) Ready to play? [url=https://playswapmeat.com]Sign up for access[/url], then recruit three of your pals and you'll all get in (while supplies last*). See you online! Still hungry? Come hang out and talk to the One More Game team in our [url=https://discord.gg/swapmeat]Discord server[/url], then follow us on all the things: [url=https://www.youtube.com/@PlayOneMoreGame]YouTube[/url] | [url=https://bsky.app/profile/onemoregame.com]Bluesky[/url] | [url=https://www.instagram.com/playonemoregame/]Instagram[/url] | [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@swapmeat]TikTok[/url] And if you haven't already clicked that juicy Wishlist button... you know what to do. Love ya! [i]*If we exceed our expectations of players invited, we may close this deal down. Round up yer pals ASAP![/i]