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  3. Patch Notes v1.3.0 - Nemesis Update & 10 New Heroes

Patch Notes v1.3.0 - Nemesis Update & 10 New Heroes

[i]#3 Promised Free Content Update for Dice & Fold - Estimated additional content: 6 Hours[/i] Hey Heroes! We are very happy to read your comments and reviews, while we try to better the game. Today I'm happy to share all the details for our 3rd free content update: [b]Nemesis update[/b] which adds 10 new heroes to the game and full patch notes. Let's get into it! [h1]10 New Heroes & Fallen King[/h1] The bosses you previously faced in the game became playable heroes! You can try to beat the Fallen King boss with 10 brand-new playable heroes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/a0fe415ecd9f15fa67e90e1543edb71a4a1a2e42.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/bc69b914d86b310b6b9eb0e0a2e911f267dca049.png[/img] The heroes beat the evil and now nemesis joined the side of good. This angered Fallen King, he will do everything in his power to stop you! When you enter the dungeon with a Nemesis hero, you will face Fallen King 100% of the time. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/271fefa5ab21c478d10fe18c30163f66b1f28c15.png[/img] Fallen King is hard to beat, which requires you to use colored dice on its slots. It doesn't stop there, he also unfolds random bosses that you need to beat. [h1]New Soul Items & Trinkets[/h1] With Nemesis update we added a bunch of new Items and trinkets, mostly focusing on the Soul mechanic of the game, which most nemesis heroes (and Warlock) use. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/b1b13a069e96c505fd9911405bc05f36cea7484b.png[/img] [b]Pro Tip:[/b] Pinwheel has some nice combo potential ;) [h1]Economy Balancing[/h1] A few scaling economy items, that related to Gold and Silver gain, that sometimes scaled too hard and created inflation in the game. To combat this and create a better experience, we nerfed the scaling economy items and made non-scaling ones more affordable. [h1]Extreme & Endless Mode Updates[/h1] Previously we changed the extreme mode to give at least 2 trinket slots to a hero. This made few heroes near impossible to beat on extreme difficulty. We decided to revert this change and give all heroes 3 trinket slots in Extreme difficulty. Elite heroes in Endless Mode was scaling too slowly, compared to scaling of the items offered in the shops, this was making things too easy. Now Endless mode enemies difficulty to fold and attack damage scales on a faster curve. This should result in a more challenging gameplay for the endless mode. [h1]New Click to Drop QoL Feature[/h1] Now, instead of dragging certain dice, you can click on the Exact slots or Total slots, to make the game automatically drag dice onto slots. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/d8d09c95e16c2d5d3842b0651198ce2353cac764.png[/img] This is a beta feature and only works on Exact, Total, Heal, Shield and Attack slots. [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] We had various bug reports that we fixed in this update, not all but here is a list of most important fixes; [list] [*] Fix Bard's skill being able to silence bosses [*] Update item effect for Orb of Overkill [*] Spawn all gold coins at once if the player has more than 20 coins [*] Fix item cards not being able to be purchased via click in the shop stage [*] Fix interaction between undo button & Butcher's custom mechanics [*] Fix dice being able to be placed on dice slots of folded cards [*] Do not offer Pact of Sacrifice in the shop if Love in a Bottle trinket is used [*] Fix Jack & Gambler's skills not getting unlocked on undo [*] Add scrollable unlocked trinkets list to victory screen [*] Fix the same item being granted too many times by companion & hero skills [*] Fix interaction between Weeping Stone & Jack [*] Revise "Stage End" & "Stage Start" items and their interactions with trinkets [*] Save & load lock states for hero & companion skill slots [*] Click to drop feature for dice [/list] If you face any bugs, feel free to drop it in Steam Community forums or [url=https://discord.gg/yE8hraPUt6]on our Discord[/url]. We will make sure to track this bug and let you know when we deploy a fix for it. --- [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/2b69628ae79603e8d2ae8a466966d195a243d921.png[/img] Thank you for your continued attention to Dice & Fold. Our publisher Rogue Duck Interactive is publishing another roguelike card battler game called Pairs & Perils, similar to Dice & Fold, [b]which has a free demo [/b]to play. Check it out! https://store.steampowered.com/app/3179860/Pairs__Perils/