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Planet Coaster 2 News

Planet Coaster 2: Thrill-Seekers Ride Pack Out Now!

Hayo Park Managers!

Get ready to spin, whirl and wow your guests with the Thrill-Seekers Ride pack for Planet Coaster 2 - available now!



This pack includes FIVE new customisable high-adrenaline attractions to add to your parks - best make sure you have some Janitors on staff for those paths....

[h3]Big M's Rides - Ultra Spin[/h3]

This impressive coaster rotates its cars faster and faster, until the world becomes a thrilling, spinning blur.

[h3]Vector - LIM Launch Family Coaster[/h3]

This elegant yet powerful, streamlined coaster is sure to send guests of all ages on a whirlwind adventure!


Invite your guests to 'hang ten' on this dizzying flat ride as they ride a 540° wave!


How many spins is too many? Give your guests a real high-intensity experience with this flat ride where everything can rotate, from the core to the gondolas.


This customisable fresh rebuild of the original Planet Coaster's Psychola will sweep your guests into a wild vortex, spinning them round and round, upside down or backwards!

Alongside this pack we have released a free update on all platforms, which includes some highly requested changes, including enhanced guest movements on flumes, separate load and unload stations AND FIREWORKS! The full list of changes can be found here


Update 1 & Enhanced Flume Behaviour

Hayo Park Managers!

We’re delighted to be sharing a closer look at some of the changes coming to Planet Coaster 2 as part of Update 1, which arrives on December 12th!

Game Director, Rich Newbold and Senior Executive Producer, Adam Woods, are here to act as your guides, taking a closer look at the flume enhancements brought by Update 1 and giving a sneak peek at the progress of further enhancements coming in the future.

Let’s slide in!


[h2]Enhanced Flume Movement [/h2]
Update 1 brings changes and improvements to the appearance and movement of guests as they enjoy your flumes, introducing more natural and varied movement for guests.

In this update you’ll notice that guests will now have a more natural oscillation as they make their way down flumes or slides, while inflatables will also have a more dynamic sense of motion.

We’ve also added more movement, including increasing the amount of spin that rafts can have, as well as boosting the swing of guests, rafts, and mats, i.e. more movement up the sides of flumes.


A ‘bounce’ movement has also been added, meaning that guests, and their rafts and mats, can now hit and bounce off the sides of the flumes and slides, which in turn can add further spin to their animations.

Update 1 also introduces the ability to allow multiple guests onto a flume at the same time, which can be easily controlled by configuring the Minimum Interval between guests in the flume settings.

[h2]What Else is Update 1 Bringing? [/h2]
Flumes aren’t the only area that we’ve enhanced. In fact, Update 1 is bringing so many changes that it’s difficult for us to cover everything here!

Some highlights of Update 1 include:

  • Added new scenery pieces, including transparent glass, coaster supports and fireworks!
  • Removed the Workshop download limit on PC
  • Improved the User Interface and menus, including adding new Contextual Help buttons
  • Added an option for edge scrolling the camera with the mouse
  • Added separate loading and unloading stations for coasters and tracked rides
  • Updated harnesses/restraints on some coasters
  • Improved staff and guest behaviour, including fixes for Janitors not emptying bins and better navigation for guests
  • Increased the maximum length of the Draw Tool
  • Various bug fixes

You can find the full list of everything that will be changed or added with Update 1, HERE.

We’re continuing to review your feedback and comments and hope to address these in future updates, so please continue to share your thoughts.

[h2]What’s Coming Down the Pipe (or Flume)? [/h2]
While we’re still working on further flume changes for future updates based on your feedback, we wanted to share a snapshot of our progress so far, including some changes to how guests behave on flumes in, let’s say, unconventional circumstances.

For example, we’ve been working on additional movements including guest jettison, in which guests would be thrown from a flume or slide if they experience a high amount of vertical g-force, such as going over humps, or around sharp corners.


We've also been working on adding more varied movement as guests travel through special pieces. The guest, raft or mat would travel down the special pieces based on the entry speed and angle, including being jettisoned from the piece if they were to enter too fast.

We’re continuing to work on these changes and hope to share more details in the future.

It has been a joy to see all your wonderful parks and creations come to life following the release of Planet Coaster 2 and we can’t wait to see what you’ll do with the changes brought by Update 1!

Update 1 will be available for all players on December 12th.

Hotfix 2 - Available Now

Hayo Park Managers!

Hotfix 2 is now available for Planet Coaster 2!

Here are the changes:

Guest Flume Use
  • Guests will be less likely to change their mind on their way to use a flume
  • The chance that guests will use flumes to enter a pool has been increased
  • The weighting of flume prestige within Guest decision-making has been increased
  • The chance of guests riding the same flume multiple times has been increased
  • Guests will now find full pools less desirable
Guest Queuing Behaviour
  • Guests will now tolerate longer queues (within reason) and will use more of the available queue path
  • Queue times being reported by platforms with multiple slides attached will now display accurately

These changes will only affect new guests as they arrive in your parks, and will not affect existing guests.

Thank you so much for continuing to share your feedback, as well as your incredible creations!

If you encounter any issues with your game, please continue to report via our Issue Tracker

Want to know what's coming up for Planet Coaster 2? check out our previous news post which covers what the team are working on for the next free update in December!

Hotfix 2 - Coming November 21st!

Hayo Park Managers!

Last week we were blown away with some of your wonderful creations and you continue to amaze us – see the video below! We also announced that we were working on an update for December. We want to give you an update on its progress and announce Hotfix 2 coming this week on Thursday Nov 21!


[h2]HOTFIX 2:[/h2]

Guest Flume Use
  • Guests will be less likely to change their mind on their way to use a flume
  • The chance that guests will use flumes to enter a pool has been increased
  • The weighting of flume prestige within guest decision-making has been increased
  • The chance of guests riding the same flume multiple times has been increased
  • Guests will now find full pools less desirable

Guest Queuing Behaviour
  • Guests will now tolerate longer queues (within reason) and will use more of the available queue path
  • Queue times being reported by platforms with multiple slides attached will now display accurately

Note: These changes will only affect new guests as they arrive in your parks and will not affect existing guests.


Here’s an update on what the team are working on for the December update, items in bold are new additions or now confirmed from the working on list:

[h3]Additions and Enhancements:[/h3]


UI Enhancements
  • Edge scrolling for PC.
  • Browser tabs will remain on-screen whilst in tools menus
  • Colour picker adjustments:
  • Exiting the colour picker will apply the setting as well as clicking ‘Confirm’
  • The input field will no longer require the # when adding manual colours
  • Correct the mouse failing to move the cursor whilst outside the gradient square
  • Improve areas where scenery should remember the last custom colour picked
  • The browser no longer closing when placing Blueprints
  • Browser tooltips will show when in placement mode
  • Improved UI responsiveness
  • Adjusted Colourblind friendly heat maps to make them more user friendly

Control adjustments
  • The “Return to Browser” option will work when inside the Track Editor
  • For PC players, Angle Snap and other sliders that have an Off option will have functionality for easy toggling
  • Embedding the create custom ride/coaster UI into the object browser rather than having its own bespoke UI
  • Added custom rebindable controls for camera tilt and mouse controls

  • Adding the ability to have separate loading and unloading stations where applicable
  • Customisable tracked and transport rides

  • Removed Planet Coaster 2 logo from paths

  • Adding a new heatmap for Guest Tolerance which will show their tolerance for Fear, Nausea and Ride Height amongst other factors

  • Adding scenery pieces to create custom coaster supports
  • Add a selection of glass pieces for players to use in their parks

  • Adding the ability to change weather in Sandbox

Water Visuals
  • Water droplets will now be visible on the game camera when the camera goes into pools

Sandbox Mode
  • Increase the possible maximum guest cap whilst playing in solo play in Sandbox Mode on PC only

  • Increase number of items displayed in the browser per page

Guests, Staff & Maintenance
  • Janitors now empty bins in their staff zones
    Rebalanced ride condition decay for coasters and rides
    Rides will call for Servicing Jobs earlier to allow more time for Mechanics to attend

  • Coaster bug fixes
    • Correcting jittering special pieces
  • General stability and performance fixes


  • Improvements to flume physics behaviour
  • More realistic guests/dummy behaviours
  • Allowing multiple guests on flumes at the same time
  • 2 additional special piece variants for raft flumes

UI Enhancements
  • Additional UI enhancements
  • Ability to reset objects back to their default colour

  • Streamlined multi-select, Shift/Ctrl will now toggle between options rather than needing to hold the Shift key

Guests, Staff & Maintenance
  • Reduce the condition penalty for power generators to ensure more power is available

  • Remove the download limit on PC

Thank you so much for the feedback you have shared with us so far. We really appreciate hearing how you’re enjoying the game and the suggestions you have; they are incredibly valuable to helping shape the future of Planet Coaster 2.

For any issues you may encounter in the meantime, please report via our Issue Tracker here.

Planet Coaster 2 | Free Update 1 coming December

Hayo Park Managers!

We’ve been thrilled with some of the creations we’ve seen already – take a look at the video below – and much like you, we’re just getting started! Last week we mentioned future updates, and today we wanted to share some highlights of what's coming in our next free update, arriving in December.


Here’s what the team are working on for the next free update in December:

[h2]Additions and Enhancements: [/h2]