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  3. Planet Coaster 2 | Hotfix 5

Planet Coaster 2 | Hotfix 5

Hayo Park Managers! Hotfix 5 is now live, please ensure that you update your game as soon as possible. [h2]Hotfix Notes[/h2] [h3]Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Resolving instances where the multi-select tool could open when using the left and right mouse buttons to move the camera [*] Resolving a crash that could sometimes occur when using video billboards [*] Resolving a crash that could sometimes occur when guests choose a wander point [*] Resolving players being unable to open the browser menu when editing a building or [*] scenery group [*] Resolving looping audio stopping and playing from the beginning when moving the camera away from the speaker [*] Resolving cases where the scenery rating of tracked rides was unaffected by nearby scenery (remember, all rides need to complete a cycle for the scenery rating to adjust to recently placed scenery pieces). [/list]