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Ale & Tale Tavern News

Patch 1.3.12

Summer is back!

Patch 1.3.11

1. Fixed avatar visibility issue after death.
2. Frog will ask only for food based on available recipes. This does not impact an active quest.
3. Board quests listing expire time changed from 15 to 30 min.

Hotfix 1.3.10

1. Frog quest fix.
Those who have already received the frog quest, everything will remain as it was, all inaccessible dishes by level, or which are found in the world, will also remain in the tasks. But those who have not received the quest yet will not get items that are unattainable in terms of level as tasks.

Back to 1.3.8

Some users got problems with the patch 1.3.9, so we'll roll it back.
Do not forget that save files have backups.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Patch 1.3.9

1. Fixed frog requesting unavailable recipes.
2. Adjusted balance: Juices need 20 items; Fertilizer needs 10.