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Soulmask News

Soulmask Early Access Regular Update 39

Dear Chieftains,

Happy New Year! To provide a better gaming experience, the server will undergo maintenance. It will be temporarily unavailable starting from February 27, at 7:00 AM UTC, with an expected downtime 30 minutes. This update includes a client update, and chieftains will need to update their client to enjoy the game normally. We are very grateful for your understanding and support.

The update details are as follows:

[h3]【Adjustments and Bug Fixes】[/h3]

Fixed the incorrect description for the Western Rainforest Portal list.

Buildings cannot be placed outside the boundary line now.

Fishing Traps can now be crafted at the Building Workshop.

Fixed an issue where mounts could clip through walls.

Fixed an animation issue that occurred when the mount became comatose and the player didn't dismount promptly.

Crafting with bare hands now uses items from nearby storage boxes automatically.

The stock quantity maintenance queue now includes items in additional storage boxes.

Added "copy" and "paste" to storage categorization settings, allowing players to quickly apply category data to new boxes.

Added automatic naming function for storage boxes. Unless renamed, storage boxes will now be automatically named based on their category after changing category.

Fixed an issue where using Bow Mastery skill immediately after switching to a bow could fail but still trigger its cooldown.

Fixed an issue where tribesmen with entered info would still appear as normal on the Mysterious Stone Table after being sacrificed at the tribal altar.

Corrected the description of the Blackstone Fence blueprint.

Newly crafted giant elephant saddles or deck saddles now provide increased damage reduction stats.

Soulmask Server Merge FAQ

[h2]Hey Chieftains![/h2]

We’ve compiled every detail about the server merge here to ensure clarity. This guide includes:

  • Full server merge timelines (with precise UTC conversions)
    Answers to all anticipated questions
    Support channels

Let’s dive straight in!

[h3]Which servers will be merged?[/h3]

The PVE servers from the following regions:

[h3]Server Merge Timeline[/h3]

All times are listed in UTC

[h3]Australia (AU) Server[/h3]

Merge Start:
UTC 02/28 07:30 – Old servers reboot (~5 mins downtime).
UTC 02/28 08:00 – Merge servers open for transfers.

Merge End:
UTC 03/13 07:00 – Old & Merge servers close for automated transfers.
UTC 03/13 10:00 – Merge servers reopen; old servers close.

[h3]South America (SA) Server[/h3]

Merge Start:
UTC 02/28 22:30 – Old servers reboot (~5 mins downtime).
UTC 02/28 23:00 – Merge servers open.
Merge End:
UTC 03/13 07:00 – Old & Merge servers close for automated transfers.
UTC 03/13 10:00 – Merge servers reopen; old servers close.

[h3]Asia (AS) Server[/h3]

Merge Start:
UTC 03/07 11:30 – Old servers reboot (~5 mins downtime).
UTC 03/07 12:00 – Merge servers open.
Merge End:
UTC 03/20 07:00 – Servers close for automated transfers.
UTC 03/20 10:00 – Merge servers reopen.

[h3]North America (NA) Servers[/h3]

Merge Start:
UTC 03/07 23:30 – Old servers reboot (~5 mins downtime).
UTC 03/08 00:00 – Merge servers open.
Merge End:
UTC 03/20 07:00 – Servers close for automated transfers.
UTC 03/20 10:00 – Merge servers reopen.

[h3]Europe (EU) Servers[/h3]

Merge Start:
UTC 03/07 18:30 – Old servers reboot (~5 mins downtime).
UTC 03/07 19:00 – Merge servers open.
Merge End:
UTC 03/20 07:00 – Servers close for automated transfers.
UTC 03/20 10 – Merge servers reopen.

[h3]Recommended Transfer Process[/h3]

In short: Gather your tribesmen and resources, then journey through the Mysterious Portal to rebuild!
While optional, this sequence ensures smooth migration:

  1. Prepare a small "starter kit" (foundation materials, storage, campfire).
  2. Dismantle your main base (yes, including elephant platforms!), consolidating all resources into storage. Keep a campfire and Mysterious Portal active.
  3. Send one controlled tribesman + one companion with fully loaded mounts to the nearest Mysterious Portal. Interact (long-press) → Select Cross-server List → Choose Merge server.

  4. Settle in the new world, then return for remaining tribesmen/resources.
  5. Initial character transfer: Due to technical limits, your main character must resurrect in the new server. Use a captured NPC or Info Entry tribesman for this.


1.Can I create new characters in Merge servers during the merge?

No. New characters are disabled until the merge completes. Existing characters transfer normally.

2.Why can’t I transfer my main character via the Mysterious Portal?

Technical limitations require a one-time resurrection in the new server.

3.Will my spawn location stay the same post-merge?

Yes! Coordinates remain identical across Mysterious Portals.

4.What if I lose data?

Report immediately in our support Discord channel.

5.Are mounts restricted during transfer?

All mounts transferable except:
  • Platform saddle-equipped elephants
  • Mounts carrying tribesman
  • Remove attached structures/passengers before transfer.
6. Inactive player data handling?

We'll automatically transfer:
  • Character name & Consciousness Level
  • Tech Points & Mask Collection
  • Map Progress & Info Entry
Note: Tribesmen unsaved/structures will be permanently lost.

7. main character is stranded after transferring others—help!

It's basically the same as above - your physical body disappears with the old world at the same time as the server shuts down. However, you can still get your initial character back to the new world by dying once - resurrecting.

8.Any bonuses during the merge?

During the Merge time, the servers offer 3x XP, loot drops, and round-the-clock world events during transfers!

9.How are tribes affected?

Affiliated tribes auto-form during transfers. Post-merge, they become main tribes seamlessly.

10.Can I recruit new members mid-merge?

Not until the merge completes. Alternatively, disband your tribe in old server and recreate a new one in merge server.

Still stuck? Join our dedicated Discord Channel. Admins are on STANDBY!

See you in the new world, Chieftains!

Soulmask Official Server Merge Announcement

[h2]Hey Chieftains![/h2]

We hope you're continuing to enjoy your adventures in Soulmask! Currently, our team is fully focused on finalizing the upcoming 1.0 release - you can expect exciting new content very soon!

However, we recognize the importance of addressing current priorities first.

Hence, the announcement:

[h3] A new batch of PVE servers will be released and some of the oldest PVE servers will be merged.[/h3]

We deeply regret having to deliver this news — we know this announcement brings countless questions and frustrations. Please allow Community Manager Maggie just a few moments to walk you through the details:

[h3]Why is this necessary?[/h3]

Why are we making these changes? Let's journey back to those first exhilarating 30 days post-launch last year. Your overwhelming passion transformed every official server into what felt like an overstuffed capybara enclosure - our veteran chieftains will remember the chaos of five players wrestling over a single scout spawn!

Now that a few months have passed, perhaps our private servers have seen significant improvements, or perhaps Soulmask’s mods offer a different kind of appeal. According to our data, a considerable number of players from older main servers have migrated to the private servers. As for those who remain... Maggie is very impressed with the incredible wonders you’ve built on the main servers - like this one:

Trust me, apart from your tribe members and moose NPCs passing by in the wilderness, there are almost no living players left in these servers to appreciate your masterpieces. In fact, this is just one aspect of the current state of PVE servers. This doesn't match the atmosphere developers envisioned for Soulmask's official PVE servers: a bustling world where chieftains explore and reshape things together.

*Epic build, but looks like I'm the only one around to appreciate them lol

Therefore, through this server consolidation, we sincerely aim to help every player who still cherishes the official servers recapture that golden era we shared. Of course, Maggie can already anticipate your concerns:

"What does this mean? Am I forced to start fresh in a new environment?"

But we assure you: When migrating your tribespeople and possessions to this renewed world, you might discover completely new allies - this social alchemy is precisely what makes Soulmask's official servers uniquely compelling.

Also, we don’t intend for everyone to start completely over.

Before the official server merger, there will be a 2-week transfer period where you can move everything—from your constructions and resources to your tribesmen—through the mysterious portal to the new server.

And this isn't a one-time thing! You can transfer multiple times until all your assets are moved to the new world. So yes, you won’t need to collect a ton of wood and copper ores all over again.

Also, during these 2 weeks, we will maintain a higher collection multiplier on the new servers. There's no better time than now to expand your base!

Of course, for chieftains who might have missed this announcement, we will transfer all progress from your last logged-in characters to the new servers.

[h3]Which servers will be merged?[/h3]

We expect to close a portion of the old servers in each region, and at the same time, we'll be opening up a bunch of new merge servers to give you all access to a whole new world:
  • Asia: AS[1001] to AS[1080] will be closed and merged into the new PvE_20 Person Tribe server AS[01] to [08].
  • North America: NA[2001] to NA[2048] will be closed and merged into a new PvE_20 Person Tribe server NA[01] to [03].
  • Europe: EU[3001] to EU[3063] will be closed and merged into a new PvE_20 Person Tribe server EU[01] to [09].
  • Oceania: OA[4001] to OA[4006] will be closed and merged into a new PvE_20 Person Tribe server OA[01].
  • South America: SA[5001] to SA[5008] will be closed and merged into the new PvE_20 Person Tribe server SA[01].

You can see more specific server correspondences in the table below:

[h3]Is there a specific timeline?[/h3]

The following is our estimated server merge schedule. we will provide further details in FAQ:


February 28 (Friday): New servers in the Australia/South America regions will open and the 2-week transfer period will begin.
March 7 (Friday): New servers in the Asia/Europe/North America regions will open and the 2-week transfer period will begin.
March 13 (Thursday): End of the transfer period for Australia/South America's old servers; all data on the old servers will be wiped.
March 20 (Thursday): End of the transfer period for Asia/Europe/North America old servers; all data on the old servers will be wiped.

[h3]How will this work exactly?[/h3]

We are currently making the final adjustments for this major change. Please trust that once it's completed, we'll share all the details with you. But for now, Maggie will give you a general overview of the process: We will be launching a new batch of servers, which will only allow players from the merging old servers to enter via themysterious portal (at that time, the mysterious portal will offer a new interaction option). Typically, several old servers will be merged to a single new server.

This will last for two weeks. During this period, you can transfer resources, mounts, and tribesmen (only one tribesman per transfer) to the new server through the mysterious portal, but the elephants equipped with a deck saddle will not be able to pass through the mysterious portal.

During the two-week server transfer period, there will be a new cross-server option in the mysterious portal of all the merging servers. Once you transfer through it, you will appear at the corresponding location on the new server.
If you don’t log into your Soulmask character on the main server within these two weeks, don’t worry! We’ll transfer the progress of the last character you logged out from directly to the new world. Your character name, awareness strength, technology points, collected masks and mask levels, map progress, and the tribesmen information registered in the mask altar will all be preserved.

[h3]I have more questions![/h3]

Yes, we hear you! We already released a more detailed FAQ that covers all the details, rules, and everything you need to know.


[h3]I can’t wait until next week, I need to know the answers NOW.[/h3]

We’ve set up a dedicated server merge Discord channel where you can ask any questions (or just vent and rant at Maggie). Click here to join.

[h3]What’s next?[/h3]

We fully acknowledge the irreversible impact this server reduction will have on our Soulmask community. Let this be our solemn assurance: This marks the sole instance of server reduction during Early Access.As for how things will change after the official release, it's hard to predict now but rest assured, your gaming experience will always be our top priority.

Community Manager

Soulmask Early Access Regular Update 37

Dear Chieftains,

Happy New Year! To provide a better gaming experience, the server will undergo maintenance. It will be temporarily unavailable starting from February 20, at 7:00 AM UTC, with an expected downtime 30 minutes. This update includes a client update, and chieftains will need to update their client to enjoy the game normally. We are very grateful for your understanding and support.

The update details are as follows:

[h3]【Adjustments and Bug Fixes】[/h3]

Players can check the game log to see who is online during a barbarian invasion.

Optimized Blood Absorption talent.

Deployed companions now have a 30-meter combat range, up from 20 meters.

Players can no longer interact with barbarians during Quality Assessment.

The bandage use mechanism for the skill [Heal the Wounded] has been optimized:

a. Bandage types: Now includes Simple, Premium, and Refined Bandages (previously only Simple).

b. Use order:
i. Prioritize bandages in the Item Shortcut.
ii. If unavailable in the Shortcut, use bandages from the inventory.
iii. Within the same storage slot, bandages are consumed from left to right, top to bottom.

Construction Hammer now supports durability modifications with weapon tools.

Optimized placement requirements for the pipe gatherer.

Optimized placement requirements for decorative buildings.

Added a new feed to the turkey coop: Bee Larva.

A new option, "Enable Screen Shake" has been added in "Game Settings" under "Language&Others."
This feature is enabled by default but can be customized.

Fixed an issue where materials could be lost at the Uncrafting Table or Mysterious Stone Table due to insufficient inventory space.

Fixed an issue where Perception did not increase Coma resistance.

Fixed an issue where Agility did not increase melee Weapon Attack Speed or Paralyze resistance.

Fixed an issue where Bow Mastery - Divine Power Possession did not immediately generate three arrows after activation.

Fixed an issue where Spear Mastery - Ultimate Throw could penetrate walls and deal damage, or cause excessive bouncing when thrown near a wall.

Adjusted tribesman behavior to ensure they only store items in container-type storage instead of any crafting tables.

"Soulmask × Green Hell Bundle Available Now!

Greetings Chieftains!

Soulmask × Green Hell Bundle Event goes live now! While fighting tropical diseases and apex predators in the rainforest, our mystic-mask-wearing tribal leaders and walkie-talkie survivors are both struggling for survival in their unique ways.


This crossover brings you two approaches to conquer jungles: Will you survive through pure wilderness skills like in Green Hell, or lead an entire tribe to carve out victory in Soulmask?

Enjoy 10% OFF - our deepest bundle discount ever. Claim your dual-access pass to both primitive realms! Already own either title? Our dynamic discount system automatically gives the same 90% price for the missing masterpiece!