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Monster Mop Up News

Demo 2.0 available now! (Tips & Tricks)

We are excited to announce the release of Monster Mop Up’s Demo 2.0! You can get it right now on our steam page!


Also here's our brand new trailer showing off some more levels and mechanics we are so excited for you to play in the future!

[h3]What to expect - New Features[/h3]
1. More Ragamuffins: Make more friends!
2. More Missions: Besides the “Lack of Teeth” there are two extra levels to Clean and Explore!
3. Unlocks added: Upgrades for your gadgets and a new room in your home are waiting for you!
4. Home: Purchase and decorate your home to make your fluffballs as comfortable as they can be!
5. Tutorial Mission: A place to learn the ropes, if this is your first time playing!

[h3]Tips & Tricks[/h3]

As you already know, our mission here in the Ministry of Monster Concealment is to make sure that:
a. All Ragamuffins are safe in a cozy environment surrounded by love.
b. Humans never learn about the existence of Ragamuffins, by cleaning all evidence.

You, as a Custodian working for the Ministry, will be rewarded based on your performance on each mission so you can unlock more gadgets, upgrades and home expansions.

Here are some helpful tips so you can make the most out of the new Missions:
The Mop is your best friend! Keep it clean by using a bucket, and don’t forget to get fresh water from the closet!
Poops can be burned and we’ve already brought boxes so you can transport massive loads with just one trip!

Not all poops are created equal, some do have other attributes. Read here for the full roster.
[h3]Rescuing Ragamuffins[/h3]
Ideally you want to catch Ragamuffins with a trap. This will pacify them (by being comfortable) so you can transport them whenever you want to the closet. Use the Right Mouse button to throw the trap instead of dropping it using the Left Mouse Button.

You can catch Ragamuffin with your gloves, but they don’t like that (they just met you, they haven’t figured out yet that you’re the rescue party), and will continually make a mess until released.

Check out the Monster Encyclopedia on your home to learn more about them!

[h3]Unlocking [/h3]
You can spend the coins you gained on missions on your home, by purchasing extra rooms for you and your fluffy new roommates.
Permanent upgrades for your gadgets can both be purchased in the Ministry’s Monster Workshop (suspiciously looking like a cleaning cabinet) in your home while others can be found in missions for free.

Make your house a proper home by purchasing any of the 150+ decorations, furniture and fun items from the Bazaar of Human Stuff conveniently bolted on the wall of your house!

You can buy the same decoration multiple times if you wish!

The only limit is your imagination, and coins earned from each mission. In case you need more coins you can always replay a mission.

Now you are equipped to tackle all the missions in the demo! You can use the closet to pick your next mission, and AFTER finishing the Custodian Exam (you got this, I believe in you), you will unlock the Lack of Teeth and Around the World!

We hope you enjoy the Monster Mop Up demo 2.0! Share your thoughts with us, and feel free to share the news with anyone that would enjoy the game!

The accidental invention of the POOP LAUNCHER

Hello Custodian!

Did you check out the Monster Mop Up Steam Page redesign? New Key art, gifs and an improved rundown of the main gameplay pillars! Awesome stuff really!

Besides the excitement for the renovation, let me share the story of how my personal favorite tool of the game was created!

[h3]The Gatherer syndrome [/h3]
So there is a multitude of ways to gather, transport and dispose of poop, with the gloves and box being the most useful.

With the growing roster of poops [which you can find in this Blog post] we wanted the definitive answer to any brownish obstacle, as Monster Mop Up is designed to be a cozy and satisfying experience.

And so, for its first public debut. Please give a warm welcome to…

[h2]The Hoover[/h2]

The hoover sucks all poops in range (left mouse click) storing them in the sack, and unless you are careful, it barfs all the contents to whatever unlucky furniture or Ragamuffin you 're aiming its nozzle at.

Basically a cake walk, if you keep an eye on the visual indicator or an ear out for the warning sound announcing the upcoming mayhem.

Items are sucked into the hoover as well, so smaller items fill your hoover’s sack too!

After an unfortunate value change, the hoover started throwing items and poop around at the speed of sound! The result was so rewarding, we HAD to change everything! We added the right mouse button as a launch button!

In the coming 2 days we spent a fair amount of time throwing poop around with some very impressive trick shots that no one had the foresight of recording for us to share.

But we couldn’t stop there, the right mouse button can push anything in front of the hoover, even when empty, so you can do some interesting stuff with it (Albeit a small distance, because someone hurdled a Ragamuffin to the moon, which while impressive, felt kind of bad for our furry friend).

First time you see a hoover is near the closet, on top of the table when you start a new game. It's a broken one, pierced through the sack by a screwdriver- RIP.

You will find the *actually* usable hoover in the *mumbles under his breath*, after which you can use it freely and upgrade it as well!

We can’t wait for you to try it out! Lets us know down in the comments what are your thoughts on the hoover, the new key art, or both!

Until next time!

The infinite poop hack that almost destroyed my PC

Hello Custodian!

So since last we spoke, there has been an incident in production. Let me give you some context before telling you how my monster of a PC was humbled by a simple poop.

[h2]Dynamic mayhem[/h2]

When we started making Monster Mop Up, we couldn’t help but find a fully dirty level cheap and blunt. We knew we could do better!

So we created a dynamic dirt/poop system that could be both an obstacle and a means of expression for creative players. One that would also spice things up on every play-through.

One very important aspect of the system is the smelly gifts, lovingly excreted by the cute Ragamuffins.

[h2]Same Day, Different poop[/h2]

You already know that Ragamuffins poop everywhere when they are scared, and that we are tasked to (besides saving them) clean everything in sight.

When we were personalizing them (a tale for another blog post), we ended up in five distinct excrement categories and expanded on that- each type of Ragamuffin should have distinct poop! Here's the list:

This is the first kind you will encounter during game-play, the stealthiest and most flexible of poop generally leaves an impression of how wiggly and gracefully it moves in your (thankfully) gloved hands.

These orange balls don’t want to stay in place. Jumping around, (could they be exercising?) looking very lively, have forsaken stealth for a happy happy dance!

Wouldn't you like to fly? These poop found a way! Whenever you encounter them soaring in the ceiling or levitating directly into your eyesight you bet it's a green one. You thought you had some floaters? Well this is some next level skills!

A support class poop! Whichever type touches it gets a bump in size! Now we’ve already limited the size to just three tiers as if this was left rampant the whole level might be engulfed in Blue Brownness (or is it brown blueness?). Let's be honest, big ones are cool, GIGANTO poops aren’t.

[h3]Boomy [/h3]
You might be thinking that this has escalated quickly, but the purple poop is a cluster grenade at heart. After touching it, and after a small period, it explodes leaving numerous small ones that fly to every direction. Thankfully it has a short range, and you don’t get any damage from the explosion besides the… you know, being touched by them. Yuk!

You can dispose of them in a fire or chug them down a toilet and also there are a couple of ways to counter each specific type and some tools to help as well, but there is more!

[h2]Poop Synergies [/h2]
Some poop play nice with one another. Maybe too nice.

So there was this level (that will remain anonymous so we don’t hurt its feelings) that had Bloaties and Boomies one near the other.

When the Boomies burst into smaller chunks their blue friends made those chunks into level 3 big boys which in turn exploded. An infinite circle!

I think I saw a Jumpy near there who was effectively shoveling chunks onto the Bloaties during its workout and my PC slowed down to a crawl and then froze.

Now there are a lot of backups, but for a minute there, I had flashbacks of all the burned drives that have happened to me in the past.

Luckily I was the first one to play the build so after keeping everyone in the team safe, we worked together to fix the issue (in a cunning and nefarious manner), so everyone can now enjoy a carefree and satisfying fireworks poop show!

Playing the game daily helps to find those bugs early, but mostly I like the way that everyday has something new popping up that we didn’t know could happen, which is really rewarding!

Plus I can get some satisfying and OCD cleansing time during the day, which is soothing to my soul.
If you haven’t played the Free Demo yet, why don’t you head over to the Monster Mop Up Steam page to give it a go as well!

Until next time!

Monster Mop Up Dev Recap 2023!

[h3]Hello Custodians! [/h3]
2023, what a year! Can you believe it's already over? Wanted to let you know of everything happening behind the scenes of Monster Mop Up, but I'll stick to the highlights!

[h2]Down and Dirty Clean[/h2]
We had big plans and even bigger dreams when starting Monster Mop Up, and it feels warm and fuzzy inside seeing them come to life! Some of the following will be revealed in the coming weeks/months in better detail but I really can’t wait!

Those adorable fluffy rascals got even adorabler (totally a word), with unique looks, poops and abilities (poopabilities?), so each time you try to save them you’ll get a pleasant (evil grin) surprise!

They also increased in number from what we originally planned!

We still haven't revealed an important tool that will help you immensely in keeping the Ragamuffins' presence hidden from humans. (Hint: it's a multitool with 3 different functions that will BLOW you away).

Also we finished our upgrade system. Oh I never told you about that? We got UPGRADES for days!

Some of them can be bought with the coins you get from finishing levels but some can be found only by the most observant custodians for free!

So our level designer might have had too many good ideas that we couldn’t pass up on, and ended up with a couple more levels done than we originally planned!

Expect diverse level layouts with little details and references from movies or other games we love, as easter eggs!

Also if you missed it, this is how a level is created in the game!
We even added a new tutorial level as we wanted you to give you an easier intro and at the same time a viewpoint of the human world through the cute eyes of the monsters.

This is where most of the time is spent on Monster Mop Up!

We wanted to give you a satisfying experience where you can express yourself. This requires a fine balancing to avoid tediousness but at the same time be rewarding enough down to each stroke of the mop!

With the full campaign in mind, overall pacing became very important! Upgrades, decorations and house expansions offer different options on how to tackle obstacles.

There is a lot of playtesting going on, but we got the best feedback from the community when the demo came out, so thank you for making the game better!

Some mighty talented people in our team helped bring everything to life!
The custodian's home - the place where your Ragamuffins will be safe, can be adorned with (currently) 169 unique furniture, toys, paintings, and numerous other objects so you can make it your own!

You can purchase these from the shop using the coins you are rewarded when finishing missions.
We did a total redesign on the Custodian’s home from our demo days with different rooms so you can build themed spaces too!

[h3]Secrets and Achievements[/h3]
Of course there are achievements! You should be rewarded and bragging rights for your continued efforts! Proudly show off your prowess!

Secrets? Hmmm… well if I were to verify the existence of any secrets then they wouldn’t be secret anymore. So no. No secrets. Totally nothing to look for.

[h2]Big Hugs and High-Fives![/h2]
All the hard work going into Monster Mop Up hasn’t gone unnoticed!

Without your love we would never have made the Dreamhack Beyond Game Awards 2023 (Most Anticipated Game) or be among the Finalists at the TIGA Game Awards (Best Casual Game 2023). Everyone in the team is honored and humbled by the recognition of our efforts!

[h3]Youtubers/ Streamers[/h3]
The gaming community around the globe took notice of our First Demo!
You know them, you love them, here are the most viewed videos for 2023 on our Demo:

Fynnpire (Australia) 105K views Drae (Canada) 98K views LegitGamingGr (Greece) 49K views Oyuncu Aile (Turkey) 36K views Hugo Délire (France) 19K views

Thank you!

[h2]The Biggest MVP![/h2]
Yeah, I'm talking about you!

From the support and love you gave us to the awesome feedback, which some ended up in the game, we couldn’t have done it without you!

My favorite suggestion was flushing the poop down the toilet, where we looked at each other in the office and went “huh, why didn’t we think of that”.

[h3]So here’s to you and a brand new year! [/h3]
Feel free to keep in touch on X (Twitter) for weekly updates, or if you want to get updated on the game’s development (once per month) how about joining our newsletter!

Also also if you haven’t already wishlisted or followed Monster Mop Up, you can do it right now!

From everyone here at Terahard studios, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

We wish you a cozy and wholesome 2024!

New Monster Mop Up level revealed live!

We will be livestreaming a brand new level that is currently under construction!

This is the first time we're doing a live reveal, and for this one not even the streamer (Terahard's Zok) has seen it before!

Our level designers we're secretly working on this one for quite some time, and we wanted your live reactions and feedback for this one!

The Livestream will take place in Monster Mop Up's Steam Page, and will start on September 26th 9am EDT (3pm CEST), and should take about an hour or more!


More sneak peaks are coming your way, as we are entering a stage in production we can share them!