1. You are the Judge!
  2. News

You are the Judge! News

1.01 Patch Notes

Hello Your Honor,

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your interest in You are the Judge! despite it being not too long since its release. Along with the fantastic feedback we've received from you, we've added some new content and made various bug fixes. First and foremost, we would like to discuss a few important corrections with you.

  • Now, when you make a wrong decision, you will be able to easily understand the reason for it!

    When you make a wrong decision, all you need to do is open the folder in your office. The Supreme Court Board will have sent you a notification regarding your incorrect decision.

  • Does the attitude of the people in the courtroom matter to you?

    Our ultimate goal is to leave the freedom of what kind of judge you will be entirely up to you. That's why we want to enhance your control over individuals. In your future cases, you may want to take a look at the small notepad on your desk.

  • Is your phone ringing??

    Kobardde has a somewhat murky past. There may be those who occasionally want to disturb you. Perhaps they will want you to change your decision in a case. Frankly, we can't listen to your phone conversations, but we are very curious. :)

  • Determining the amount of the penalty on the decision-making screen is no longer a problem!

    Yes, while there wasn't an issue when imposing a prison sentence, entering the amount for a fine could sometimes result in very large figures with a small increment. We now have a solution for this. You will be able to enter the value you want yourself.

  • We are putting an end to the debates about the card selection screen!

    Some of our players really love this feature, while others don't like it at all. To please both sides, we have added a new setting. With this new option, players who wish can disable this feature and get rid of the card selection screen. (I quite liked it.) :)

  • It seems that press freedom is improving in Kobardde!

    Two new newspapers, Kobardde Journal and Kobardde Post, have recently started publication. I guess they will inform readers through their op-ed columns. I'm curious about the attitudes of these columnists, to be honest.

  • We made adjustments textually in Season 1 cases!

    We are aware that some witnesses in the courtrooms were constructing rather artificial sentences, and we know that this was negatively affecting the gameplay experience for our valued players. Firstly, we apologize for this situation. We have reviewed all the cases in the first season and eliminated such occurrences!

  • Your new assistant seems to have grasped the job a bit now!

    We all go through an adjustment period when starting a new job. Your assistant, Robin, has gone through this process as well. Now, to prove that they have overcome this phase, she will discuss the impact of your previous case's decision on the press, public, and institutions every day. We believe she is conducting valuable research, and we recommend you take it into consideration.

  • Is that all?

    We have also made numerous bug fixes and balance adjustments in relationships. You can view other fixes and new content additions in the list below.

- Language issues on loading screens have been fixed
- Text corruption issues in dialogues with the police in crime scenes have been resolved.
- Rain sound in the office scene has been reduced.
- Character controls have been adjusted.
- Adjustments have been made to newspapers, the constitution book, and panels containing information about the country.
- Translation errors on the meeting page have been corrected.
- Tutorial translation errors have been fixed.
- The home scene has been removed. (It will return in the future with new content.)
- Penalty durations have been added to the constitution texts.
- Season 2 update date has been changed. (We are continuing to improve the game based on the feedback we receive from you. Therefore, we had to postpone the Season 2 date for a while. Stay tuned for a much more comprehensive and content-rich Season 2.)

Note: This update may work with your old save file. However, starting a new game is still recommended for a better experience.

In addition to all of these, we have made a few more minor bug fixes. If the issue you're experiencing persists or if you encounter a new error, please don't hesitate to report it to us.

Your feedback is very important to us. It allows us to take the game to an even higher level.

You can join our official Discord server for announcements, updates, and special events.

For now, that's all from us, but we will definitely be in touch again soon!

Steel Games

You are the Judge! is Now Available with a 15% Launch Discount!

Hello Your Honor,

You are the Judge! has been released!

Our game, which we have been developing with a team of three for a long time, is now meeting with our valued players like you. During this process, we aimed to provide you with a smooth, enjoyable, and promising game by doing our best.

We would like to express our infinite thanks to all the followers who reached out to us from various platforms with suggestions, critiques, and opinions during the game development.

So what's next? First of all, we want to mention that we have exciting plans for You are the Judge! These plans include content and gameplay improvements. The "Season 2" update will be added to the game shortly, granting access to many new cases. Additionally, we will regularly share update content for planned developments and innovations!

We wish you success in the decisions you make for your country and career!

As the development team, we will always have our place among the spectators in the courtroom.

Infinite thanks for thousands of wishlists, feedback, suggestions, and critiques!

You can join our official Discord server for announcements, developments, and special events.

For now, this is all from us, but we will definitely be in touch soon!

Steel Games

You are the Judge! is releasing on October 2, 2023!

Hello Your Honor,

It’s official! You are the Judge! will be available to players on October 2, 2023. We are very excited about this release announcement and hope you are too. You are the Judge is releasing with a 15% launch discount.

First and foremost, we would like to thank all the players who have shared their thoughts and feedback with us. Since releasing our demo version, we have made numerous improvements based on the input we've received from you. And now, we are in the final countdown towards the release of the full version.

As a team with limited resources, we have strived to do our best. Now, we would like to share with you a few of the many different features that will be present in the full version.


    It appears that the Kobardde Ministry of Justice has invested in technology to make court proceedings more effective. As a result, as a judge, you will now have access to much more realistic types of evidence!


    The communication issues with the police department in the past have been resolved. Now, you will be able to access detailed criminal record data of a defendant present in the court. We will all see together whether these data will have an impact on the decisions you make. As the development team, we always take our place among the audience!😊


    This computer's sole function isn't just social media! With the computer present in your office and home (Home, is it? 😊), you'll now have access to various mechanics. Additionally, we recommend being cautious about the posts you share on social media. As it could strain your relations with different groups. Just a friendly heads-up from us.


    We acknowledge that Kobardde is an unconventional country. Being a judge in this country might require different tasks from time to time. You might be asked to take a look at the crime scene for a case you'll be presiding over soon. Below, we're sharing one of the scenes that we've carefully prepared for you. We hope these scenes assist you in your cases. (Note: Unfortunately, we can't show the inside of the container in the GIF below; otherwise, the surprise might be spoiled. 😊)


    Absolutely not! However, sharing everything here could spoil the surprises you'll encounter in the full version. We've already given a few spoiler hints about several different features within the announcement. We'd love for you to join us on October 2, 2023, to experience all the other features.

We sincerely thank all the players who have been with us throughout the development process!

And, let's not forget to add, if you haven't yet added our game to your wishlist, it's never too late to do so.


You can join our official Discord server for announcements, updates, and special events.
Steel Games Discord Link

For now, that's all from us, but we will definitely be in touch again soon!

Steel Games

Demo Update Notes 0.1.3

Dear Judge,

Thank you very much for your interest in the You are the Judge! demo version. We are thrilled by this interest. Our players are sharing their feedback with us through the Community Hub and Discord, and we are making improvements accordingly.

Some of our players have complained about the slow speed of the in-game texts. As a solution to this issue, we have added an option to adjust the speed of the dialogue texts according to your preference. You can access this option through the settings panel in the main menu or the menu button on the office and courtroom screens.

Below, we are sharing with you all the fixes included in this update.

  • Added an option for players to adjust the speed of in-game texts according to their preference.
  • Fixed a crash issue on the card screen.
  • Fixed a language issue on the end-of-day screen.
  • Renamed the "Friends" menu to avoid confusion.
  • Fixed audio issues in story scenes.
  • Fixed language issues in cases.
  • Fixed percentage issues in the "Relations" screen.
  • Corrected narrative inconsistencies in the introductory story.
  • Fixed the issue of background files remaining on the screen when the verdict form appeared in the courtroom scene.
  • Fixed double-clicking issues on certain buttons.
  • Balanced some relationship and interaction levels.
  • Fixed a language issue in the main menu.

We have also fixed minor errors not listed here. We apologize to the players who encountered issues in their previous playthroughs before this update. We will continue to make updates based on the feedback we receive from you.

We didn't want to end without a small reminder, adding our game to your wishlist greatly benefits us. You can also join our Discord server to communicate with us directly.

For now, that's all from us, but we will definitely be in touch soon!

Steel Games

You are the Judge! Demo Gameplay Live Stream

Dear Judge,

We are extremely grateful for the interest shown in the demo version of our game. Additionally, we thought that visitors of Next Fest might want to see a gameplay video before experiencing the game themselves. Therefore, we have initiated a live stream where we showcase a gameplay video.

Furthermore, we would like to mention that we will soon release a new update for the demo version. This update will include various bug fixes and a few new additions.

If you enjoyed our game, please don't forget to add it to your wishlist!

Steel Games