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Lindwyrm News

Early Access Hotfix Version 0.4.13

Dear Lindwyrm Adventurers,

We just released update EA 0.4.13 Hotfix #2 addressing several fixes and improvements (see details below).

Please let us know if you run into any issues with the update or the game, we are constantly working to fix and improve Lindwyrm as fast as we can.

Your Team Ghostwhale Games.

Patch Notes:

[h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2]
  • Player lost their quest progress when player had no weapon equipped and saved the game. Unfortunately, it does not fix affected save games
  • Player Statistics entry “flawless floors” now counting floors as finished without receiving any damage when the player using the exit portal at the end
  • Player statistics no longer counting damage monsters have received from traps as player dealt damage
  • Long weapon models (hammer, spears) undergone a rework and now fitting the hands of Player character when equipped.

[h3]Monster & Combat:[/h3]
  • Boss Lamorak did not spawn adds and the fly phase never ended
  • Ground circles to mark the impact zone of Lamorak's meteor rain skill disappeared too early
  • Monster rarely did not attack the player
  • Rarely, destroyable objects would not be destroyed when player attacked them weapon less.
  • Jump and dash attacks when fighting weapon less would let the player keep moving during the skill animation.
  • Player status effects, such as extra healing from belts, or walk speed bonus from rune desk, will now reset their duration when player receives the effect within the active duration again.
  • The status effect bar no longer has gaps when 1 or more effects run out.

[h3]Rune Desk:[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug where gold and rune costs for bonus nodes were not deducted

  • Reached save points in boss Feirefiz' dungeon now working correctly and player can resume from previously reached check points in next run.
  • For boss Parzival’s dungeon, we`ve fixed the speed of raising Lava and reduced the damage from burn effects
  • Several Puzzles fixed and improved in dungeons
  • The mine has no longer monster spawning, when quest “Mine Work” is solved.

  • We improved the game invitation via Steam. The connection to hosts game is now more stable
  • Marked “friends only” games of your steam friends can now be seen in game lobby screen
  • NPCs had no walking animation for player who joined a coop game

[h3]Texts and Localization:[/h3]
  • Rarely seen Text color code is now fixed

  • Fixed the reward chest in town when quest “Mine Work” is resolved. The chest provides the player with rewards and refills over time. Reproduction times are between 15 to 70 minutes
  • Quest for boss Feirefiz could not be finished. This is fixed.

  • Several interactable objects now playing a sound (e.g. ground plates, doors & gates)

[h3]Improvements and Player Feedback: [/h3]
  • We heard the Players feedback to improve readability in Traveller's log. done.
  • The time to hold the button to skip the intro video has been reduced.
  • Dialogue with NPC could drop game performance. This has been improved.
  • The kill and destroy Streaks now showing the effective bonuses they give.
  • Several maps were fixed, and improvement based on feedback from our discord community.

More feedback-based improvements and changes are planned and coming with later updates. We love reading all of your valuable feedback. Thank you so far for all your help and support.

[h2]Known Issues: [/h2]
  • Moving platforms have a “shaky” movement
  • Party widget keeps marking group member as death (skull icon) after they were revived
  • Sound-FX may appear off in volume or positioning or is rarely missing
  • Full support for ultra-wide screens is in progress, some UI might appear broken
  • German localization still has some typos
  • There is currently the chance that quests for bosses cannot be resolved, if player leaving the map after the boss was killed but did not finish the talk tasks.
  • Workaround: Make sure to talk to NPCs after you defeated a boss.

Lindwyrm - 1.0 Roadmap Reveal

Dear Lindwyrm Heroes!

With the Early Access release live for about a week, our team has worked tirelessly to improve on all fronts, thanks to your feedback, ideas, and suggestions!

So first of all: Thank you for being with us! Your support fuels our mission!

Today, we want to share with you a first glimpse of our 1.0 Roadmap. It provides a brief overview of what to expect in the months to come before we can call it a 1.0 release!

Expect new biomes and dungeons, monsters, bosses, quests, special abilities, new features, and much, much more!

Join our Discord today to help us with your feedback and make sure your wishes are heard!

Again, this can become reality only because of your support!

The Ghostwhale Games Team

Early Access Hotfix Version 0.4.5

Dear Lindwyrm Adventurers,

We just deployed an update for the Early Access Version containing several fixes and improvements (see details below).
Thanks to your feedback and bug reports we were able to quickly identify and solve the issues. With your ongoing great support, we are constantly improving the overall gaming experience of Lindwyrm.
Thank you!

Your Ghostwhale Games Team

Patch Notes:
  • Rat King Boss Fight has been improved
  • Fixed an issue that the town upgrade dungeon floor shortcut could not be upgraded
  • Fixed an issue where characters have been set back to the tutorial after coop play
  • Fixed an issue where skills were blocked in the Boss Chamber
  • Fixed an issue where selling or disassembling belts leads to Gold being reduced
  • Fixed an issue where dying in the tutorial blocked the path
  • Fixed an issue where old demo characters were stuck in the tutorial
  • We also deleted outdated items from old demo characters to avoid more issues
  • Fixed an issue where ads from bosses dropped no healing potions
  • Fixed several Rune Desk issues
  • Fixed several UI and Text issues
  • Performance improvements for the Steam Deck
  • Several Dungeon issues have been fixed and improved

Known issues:
  • Moving Platforms have a “shaky” movement
  • Party Widget keeps marking group member as death (Skull Icon) after they were revived
  • Sound-FX may appear off in volume or positioning or is rarely missing
  • The Spear and Hammer 3D model does not match the current character animations
  • Full support for ultra-wide screens is in progress, some UI might appear broken
  • German Localization still has some typos
  • The performance on Steam Deck may still drop during NPC dialogues
  • NPC walking animation not visible for co-op clients

Lindwyrm - Early Access out now!

Early Access is live! A huge milestone for Lindwyrm!

It’s been an incredible journey to get here, and we couldn’t have done it without you. After months of hard work, dedication, and support from our loyal community, we’re proud to announce the Early Access release of Lindwyrm! This is a big milestone for us, but it’s only the beginning.

Your feedback has been invaluable throughout development, and we’ll continue to rely on it as we move toward the full release. The journey ahead is long, but we’re excited for what’s to come: more updates, content, and improvements are on the horizon.

Expect a detailed roadmap in the coming days, outlining what’s next for Lindwyrm. We’re also aware of some known issues (more details below) with this early release, and we’re working hard to address them in future patches.

Thank you for being part of this adventure. Together, we’re shaping Lindwyrm’s future!

Known issues:
- Player set back to Tutorial once left a coop which was joined via Steam Invite / Workaround: Join coop play via lobby system in game
- Moving Platforms have a “shaky” movement
- Party Widget keeps marking group member as death (Skull Icon) after they were revived
- Sound-FX may appear off in volume or positioning or is rarely missing
- The Spear and Hammer 3D model does not match the current character animations
- Full support for ultra wide screens is in progress, some UI might appear broken
- German Localization still has some typos
- There is a chance that trading items with percentage bonus leads to the bonus being decreased

Please report bugs on our Discord or on our Steam Community Thread!

Lindwyrm - Pit Challenge Contest

Attention Lindwyrm Heroes!
The countdown to Gamescom and the Early Access launch of Lindwyrm in September has officially begun! To kick things off with a bang, we're hosting an epic contest. Enter the Pit Challenge and survive five minutes against relentless monster waves. Each defeated monster earns you points, and the top scorer will win a €100 Steam Voucher!

Are you ready to prove your might and claim victory? Join the challenge now!

How to participate:

- Download and play the Lindwyrm - PIt Challenge Demo
- Share your highscore on our Discord Server (upload your screenshot to the #pit-challenge-contest channel)
- You can try as many times until the end of the contest (30.08.2024 23:59 PM CEST)

Link to our Discord!

The Top Scorer will be contacted via Discord!
If there's a draw, exact same time & points, we will raffle the winner with a bot!

Please note, in case of suspicious entries, we reserve the right to ask/check for proof. ;)

Good fight heroes!