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King Arthur: Legends Rise News

3 New Equipment Set (Prevention, Safeguard, Ascension) Release

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

Along with the new Equipment Dungeon ‘Podarge's Sanctuary’ update, 3 new equipment sets will be released! ✨

Check below for more details.

👑 3 New Equipment Set (Prevention, Safeguard, Ascension) Release

■ New Equipment Set (Prevention, Safeguard, Ascension) Details

3 brand-new equipment sets have arrived!

If you are curious about what each new set has to offer and to which heroes you should equip them to, check below!

Obtain new equipment and unleash even more power!
We hope the information above will help you in your journey.

Thank you.

[Hero Introduction] Charlotte

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

👑 Empress of Rome, Charlotte🌟

The Empress of Rome, Charlotte.
She was born into slavery in Britain but rose to her station using the knowledge of the ancients.

Many high-ranking officers in the Solar Legion are wary of her powers of unknown origin,
but they are unable to voice their concerns as Charlotte is beloved by her husband, the Emperor.

Visit the Official Forum and find out more about ‘Charlotte’!

🔗 [Hero Introduction: Charlotte]

Charlotte Event Dungeon

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

Along with the new legendary hero, Charlotte, an event dungeon will open in the Restricted Area.

Challenge the dungeon, collect Celebration Token, and exchange them for various items in the Celebration Shop.
Deploying bonus heroes to this dungeon will earn you even more Celebration Tokens!

Check below for more details!

👑 Charlotte Event Dungeon

■ Period (UTC)
- 02/19 (Wed) After Maintenance - 03/04 (Tue) 23:59

■ Details
* The dungeon is unlocked after clearing the Main Story Ch. 5-7, ‘The God and the God-Slayer’, in Normal Difficulty.
- Clearing the dungeon will earn you Celebration Token(s).
- Collect Celebration Tokens and exchange them for special items in the Celebration Shop.
- Challenging the dungeon consumes Stamina x15.
* Challenging the Event Dungeon will not earn you any Account EXP.

■ Celebration Shop Items
* Celebration Tokens can only be used until 03/11 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC).

■ Bonus Heroes
- Deploying heroes from the list to challenge the dungeon will increase the amount of Celebration Tokens you receive after clearing it!
- The increased rates will be added up based on the heroes you deploy. (Max. +200%)

■ Notes
* Any unused Celebration Token will be automatically exchanged for Gold in the proportion of 1:100 after the end of the event.
* Event schedule and rewards are subject to change.

Thank you.

New Legendary Hero ‘Charlotte’ Rate Up Summon

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

To help you power up your build, a new Rate Up Summon will take place!

Don’t miss this chance to obtain the Empress of Rome, ‘Charlotte’.

Check below for more details.

👑 New Legendary Charlotte Rate Up Summon

■ Period (UTC)
- 02/19 (Wed) After Maintenance - 03/04 (Tue) 23:59

🔗 Check out the [Hero Introduction: Charlotte]

■ Rate Up Summon

■ Notes
* Each Summon Ticket’s rates will take into consideration the rates at the moment you use the ticket.
* Hero list and rate information are available in the game.[Check the Rate Info Guide]
* Heroes included in the Summon are subject to change.
* New heroes will only be available through the Rate Up Summon. It will not be possible to obtain Charlotte through other Summon Tickets (Legendary Hero Summon Selection Ticket, Legendary Hero Summon Ticket, Rare - Legendary Summon Ticket, etc).
We will announce when they are added to other summons through either a notice or the description of the in-game items.
* New Relics will only be available through the Rate Up Summon. It will not be possible to obtain the newly released Relics through other Summons (Relic Summons, Relic Summon Tickets, etc.) We will announce when they are added to other summons through either a notice or the description of the in-game items.

Power up your build by adding the legendary hero ‘Charlotte’ to your team!
We hope you enjoy King Arthur: Legends Rise! ✨

Thank you.

02/18 (Tue) Update Details [Updated on 04:00 (UTC)]

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’ update is here! 🔥
Everything you need to know about the new content and events will be available below.

Check below for more details!

👑 02/18 (Tue) Update Details

■ ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’ Web Shop Opening
The official Web Shop for ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’ is about to open!

For more details, make sure to check out the notice below.
We hope you enjoy the new shopping experience!

🔗 [‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’ Web Shop Opening Notice] 🔗 [‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’ Web Shop Link]

■ New Content

(1) Equipment Dungeon: Podarge's Sanctuary
A new Equipment Dungeon, ‘Podarge's Sanctuary’, has been released!

You can obtain Equipment with Prevention, Safeguard, or Ascension Set Effects in this dungeon.
Include heroes with [AoE] attacks and [Inflict DOT] in your team and take on this new challenge!

🔗 [3 New Equipment Set Notice]

(2) Profile Portrait System
The Portrait System is a new feature that will be added to make the journey in the game even more special for everyone.

You can select and set up ‘Frames’ by going to [My Account] > [Profile] screen.
Frames can be earned by clearing the respective and meeting the requirement(s).

Those who achieve Ranks 1 to 10 in Clan War, Arena, and Forbidden Dungeon will receive frames. After this first release, new ones will be released regularly in the future!

When you select a Frame, it will be applied to your Hero’s icon and visible to other players.

(3) Higher Arena Grades
New grades will be added to the Arena for our players who have been enjoying the Colosseum battles. Above the current Master I grade, Challenger and Champion grades will be available!

Challenger/Champion grades will select the top 100 players (in order of high score) who reach 7,500 points or more in Master I.
If a player is not included in the top 100, they will stay in Master I, and players who have reached 7,500 or more will be demoted to Master 1’s starting score when the season resets.

Grade Achievement Rewards and Season Rewards will be distributed upon reaching Challenger and Champion grades, and more details on the rewards are available in the game.

In the event more than one player achieves the same amount of points, the player who reached that rank faster will be ranked higher.

However, in the event that a player’s current score drops to match another player's score, the player whose score dropped will be ranked higher.

[Challenger/Champion Grades Organization]
· 1st: Champion Gold
· 2nd - 3rd: Champion Silver
· 4th -10th: Champion Bronze
· 11th -100th: Challenger

■ New Events
ⓛ New Legendary Hero ‘Charlotte’ Rate Up Summon
* New heroes will only be available through the Rate Up Summon. It will not be possible to obtain Charlotte through other Summon Tickets (Legendary Hero Summon Selection Ticket, Legendary Hero Summon Ticket, Rare - Legendary Summon Ticket, etc.) We will announce when they are added to other summons through either a notice or the description of the in-game items.
* New Relics will only be available through the Rate Up Summon. It will not be possible to obtain the newly released Relics through other Summons (Relic Summons, Relic Summon Tickets, etc.) We will announce when they are added to other summons through either a notice or the description of the in-game items.
② Charlotte Event Dungeon
④ Stamina Consumption Event
⑤ Clan Activities Event
⑥ Podarge's Sanctuary Clear Event
⑦ Raid Bounty: Gorgos Event

🔗 Check out the [Event Notice]

■ Improvements

- Notification System Improvements
Currently, notifications on Heroes and Relics other players have summoned or enhanced are displayed in the global chat, causing inconvenience to many of our players.
To reduce this inconvenience, a new feature will be added, allowing you to turn notifications ON/OFF.

You can turn notifications ON/OFF for Hero and Relic Acquisition, as well as Clan-related notifications through the [Game Settings] → [Notifications] menu.

- New Lucky Chest Exchange System
As a player’s Combat Power increases, a lot of power up resources obtained while playing end up unused. Taking that into consideration, a system for exchanging unused resources into [Lucky Chests] will be added to alleviate the inconvenience some of our players experienced trying to dispose of any excess items.

Use your excess resources to craft the chests in the [Mages' Tower] → [Alchemy] → [Daily Perks] tab.
In order to use this feature, you must reach ‘Mages' Tower’ Lv.3.

- Special Shop Integration
Improvements will be made to integrate the various shops that have been operating separately under the ‘Shop’ since the launch of ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’
into one [Content Shop], providing one central access point for all content-related shops.

[Content Shop Organization]
· Arena Shop
· Forbidden Dungeon Shop
· Market , Forge
· Clan Shop

To prevent any misunderstandings, the existing [Shop] will be renamed to [Package Shop]

- Special Summon’s Legendary Hero List Update
- Adds the Legendary Hero ‘Vivian’ to the list of heroes in the Special Summon banner.

* After the 02/18 (Tue) Update is complete, ‘Vivian’ and ‘Vivian Relics’ can be obtained through Special Summon, Relic Summons (Flame, Frost, Storm), Legendary Hero Summon Tickets (Summon Selection Ticket), Mysterious Hero Summon Ticket, Legendary Relic Shard Summon Ticket (Summon Selection Ticket), Precious Relic Shard Summon Ticket, and Mysterious Relic Shard Summon Ticket. The summon rates applied will vary based on the rates at the time you use the item.

- Adds Steam Game Recording Timeline Function
The function will be added in order to allow timeline events while in a Steam Game Recording.

- Skill Order Settings Improvements
Following our player’s suggestions, improvements will be made to the Skill Order Settings.

A button to set up the skill order will be added to the right side of the battle preparation screen when all heroes are selected.
Long-pressing the skill icon in the Skill Order Settings pop-up will display the skill information.

The [Skill Order Settings] button will also be added to the Arena battle preparation screen and Clan War Defense/Attack Team formation screens.

A new feature has been added to the Defense/Attack Team unit assignment screen
to allow setting up the skill order, and improvements were made to allow setting up the skill order separately to Defense and Attack Teams in Clan War and Arena.

- [Hero Management] Menu Improvements
① Improves the display and positioning of the Memory Stone count on the left side of the Hero Management screen.
② Improves the text color of the [Detailed Stat Info].
③ Displays an effect when the criteria to pledge [Chivalry] is met.

- Other Improvements
① Improves the display of resources, allowing 5 types to be displayed at the top of the main game screen.
② When making a Prioritize Defense (Defense Ping) request in [Clan War], a confirmation pop-up has been added to cases where you cancel the request through the [Cancel Request] button.
③ Improves the [Achievements], allowing navigation to other achievement categories directly from the reward claiming screen.
④ Improves the reward visualization after using the Repeat Battle feature, allowing you to check the items you receive from it.
⑤ Adds tags to Clementine, Ralph, Ardoin, Leppaludy, and Turin.
⑥ Improves the Vigor gauge reduction in Arena battles (Before: 10 seconds → After: 30 seconds).
⑦ Adds a ‘Claim All’ function to Estate building rewards.
* The 'Claim All' button (icon) will be displayed once there are resources to claim at the bottom-center of the Castle screen.
⑧ Improves the readability of effects applied due to Chivalry.

■ Bug Fixes

- Fixes the issue where the hero appears to be shadowed when selecting a Relic through the Hero Management screen.
- Fixes the issue where neither the Hero nor the Relic is displayed in the Codex after selecting a Relic with an unselected Element.
- Fixes the issue where the Chivalry information text is repeated.
- Fixes the issue where one of ‘Ceres’ Passive Skill 3 effects, [Pain Connection (Debuff)], is not applied correctly.
- Fixes the issue when triggering ‘Gilroy’ Active Skill 2, Vigor is recharged normally, but the animation is not displayed.
- Fixes the issue when powering up Relics, while the real result and applied level are applied normally, the numbers displayed for remaining XP value and actual level up are displayed differently.
- Fixes the issue when ‘Nika’ is revived or returns to battle due to her Passive Skill 2, while the HP of other heroes is restored, the HP bar does not change.
- Fixes the issue where the corresponding attack’s Skill Level is not applied when using Counterattack.

[Clan War]
- Fixes the issue where the enemies are displayed as Lv.1.
- Fixes the issue where a system message is displayed when clicking on ‘Prioritize Defense’ or ‘Attack Focus’ in [Clan Chat] after the war is over.
- Fixes the issue where defeating 1 hero of the opposing Clan and then attempting to defeat their team multiple times and failing, displays as earning 20 WP, while in reality, no points are earned.

[Forbidden Dungeon]
- Fixes the issue where the information for Normal and Hard Seasons does not match.
- Fixes the issue where the % mark was not displayed in the difficulty selection screen’s ranking.

[Other Bug Fixes]
- Fixes the issue where the game would freeze and disconnect in the [Mages' Tower] tutorial on Galaxy Z Flip 6.
- Fixes the issue where the red dot notification would not disappear after claiming the Rank Rewards.
- Fixes the issue where the Set icon on the left side of the Equipment Dungeon would move.
- Fixes the issue where after defeating ‘Morgan’ from Hard Chapter 10-1, even though she resurrects, her death animation is displayed.
- Fixes the issue where the Attendance Reward is not displayed in the Clan Benefits pop-up.
- Fixes the issue where Statue items were displayed as ‘Awaken Relic Material’.

■ Item & Rates Changes

The appearance list (hero, relic and/or item list) and rates of the certain items have been updated due to the inclusion of ‘Vivian’, ‘Vivian Relics’, and 3 new equipment sets (Prevention, Safeguard, and Ascension)

* The published rates are rounded up according to the Enforcement Decree of the Game Industry Promotion Act and may not add up to 100%.

Check out the following for more details!
🔗 [Update Details Notice] 🔗 [Rate Info Guide]

Thank you.