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King Arthur: Legends Rise News

King Arthur 100-Day Celebration Preparations

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

King Arthur: Legends Rise will soon hit the 100-day milestone since launch! 🎉
We prepared very special events to celebrate our upcoming 100th day anniversary!

Participate in all events for a chance to earn up to 100 Special Summon Tickets!

Check below for more details.

👑 King Arthur 100-Day Celebration Preparations Event

■ Period (UTC)
- 03/05 (Wed) After Maintenance - 03/18 (Tue) 23:59

■ Details
- Sets of daily missions will be released over a period of 7 days. Complete them within 2 weeks to earn various rewards!
- [Special Summon Ticket x25] will be distributed as an additional reward if you clear all Missions.
* A new set of daily missions is unlocked each day until Day 7.

■ Event Missions
- More details on the missions will be available the game through the event page in the [Menu≡)] → [Events] tab.

■ Notes
* All summons, with the exception of the Rise Summon (New Player Summon), will count towards the [Summon at Lake Avalon xN] missions.
* Keepsake equipment (Belt, Orb, Banner) will not count towards the [Craft Equipment or Enhance Equipment xN], [Obtain Equipment xN], [Change Equipment Stats x1] missions.
* Event reward(s) can only be received once (1 time) per account, and will not be available after the event period is over.
* Event details and schedule are subject to change or early termination without any prior warning.

Thank you.

Raid Bounty: Aldri Event

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

A new Raid Bounty Event has arrived in ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’! 📜

Challenge Aldri to obtain Relics and get even stronger!

Check below for more details.

👑 Raid Bounty: Aldri

■ Period (UTC)
- 03/05 (Wed) After Maintenance - 03/11 (Tue) 23:59

■ Details
- Complete the event missions and earn various rewards based on the amount of Proof of Glory points you’ve collected.
- A final ranking will be decided at the end of the event, and additional rewards will be distributed to the top ranked players.
- In the ‘Armament Shop’, you can exchange ‘Pristine Token’ for various items.
* Points will not be earned if you forfeit or lose the battle.

■ Event Missions
* ‘Proof of Glory’ is distributed as points, and you can check your score (total points earned) in the top-right corner of the Event page in the game.

■ Proof of Glory Score Rewards

■ Rank Rewards * Ranking Rewards must be claimed until 03/12 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC).

■ Armament Shop Items

■ Notes
* Pristine Token will remain available for use in future events.
* Event details and schedule are subject to change or early termination without any prior warning.

Thank you.

Arena Challenge Event

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

An event where you can earn rewards by participating in the Arena!
The Arena Challenge Event is coming!

Check below for more details.

👑 Arena Challenge Event

■ Period (UTC)
- 03/05 (Wed) After Maintenance - 03/11 (Tue) 23:59

■ Details
- Earn rewards for reaching certain Arena milestones.

■ Notes
* Event reward(s) can only be received once (1 time) per account, and will not be available after the event period is over.
* Event details and schedule are subject to change or early termination without any prior warning.

Thank you.

Gold Collecting Event

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

Join the event where you can receive Crystals for the amount of Gold collected during the event period!

Check below for more details.

👑 Gold Collecting Event

■ Period (UTC)
- 03/05 (Wed) After Maintenance - 03/11 (Tue) 23:59

■ Details
- Earn rewards for reaching certain Gold acquisition milestones.


■ Notes
* Event reward(s) can only be received once (1 time) per account, and will not be available after the event period is over.
* Event details and schedule are subject to change or early termination without any prior warning.

Thank you.

03/05 (Wed) Maintenance and Patch Details [Updated on 03/07 06:30 (UTC)]

Answer the call of legend and pierce through the darkness in Britain!
Welcome to ‘King Arthur: Legends Rise’.

A patch and maintenance have been scheduled for 03/05 (Wed).

Check below for more details!

👑 03/05 (Wed) Maintenance and Patch Details

■ Details (1) New Events
- ‘Iweret’ & ‘Clarisin’ Rate Up Summon
- Iweret Mission Event
- Clarisin Mission Event
- King Arthur 100-Day Celebration Preparations Event
- Raid Bounty: Aldri
- Arena Challenge Event
- Gold Collecting Event

🔗Check out the [Event Notice]

(2) Improvements & Changes
- Adds the Legendary Hero ‘Gilroy’ to the list of heroes in the Special Summon Banner.
* After the 03/05 (Wed) Maintenance is complete, ‘Gilroy’ and ‘Gilroy Relics’ can be obtained through Special Summon, Relic Summons (Flame, Frost, Storm), Legendary Hero Summon Tickets (Summon Selection Ticket), Mysterious Hero Summon Ticket, Legendary Relic Shard Summon Ticket (Summon Selection Ticket), Precious Relic Shard Summon Ticket, and Mysterious Relic Shard Summon Ticket. The summon rates applied will vary based on the rates at the time you use the item.
- It is now guaranteed to obtain the rate up hero from the Rate Up Summon when the Guaranteed Summon countdown reaches 0.
* In the event the rate up hero is obtained before the countdown reaches 0, the summon countdown will reset. In the event a different legendary hero is obtained, the countdown will not reset.

(3) Bug Fixes
- Fixes the issue where the time limit was set to 3 minutes when playing Clan Raid.
- Fixes the issue where Podarge's [Attack Gauge Disruption] effect was not applied correctly in ‘Podarge's Sanctuary’ Equipment Dungeon.
- Fixes the issue where Guinevere’s Chivalry Tier 8 [Damage Dealt Decrease] debuff was applying Positive Effects to the opponent.
- Fixes the issue where after Nika is revived and returns to battle, the HP bar would not change after recovering heroes due to her Passive Skill 2.
- Fixes the issue when playing Forbidden Dungeon in Hard Mode, the turns of the opponent’s [Romantic Reversal] were not decreased when Guinevere was hit.

(4) Known Issues
- Issue where Isolde’s Passive Skill 1 is not applied to allies, and is only applied to herself.
- Issue where the remaining time to purchase the 100 Day Celebration Relay Package displayed in the banner is different from the one in the package’s image.
* The ‘7d’ displayed in the package’s image is incorrect, and the time displayed on the left side banner (package list) menu of the shop is the correct one.