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Kill The Climbers News

Kill The Climbers Demo Patch 1.7

Kill The Climbers Demo Patch 1.7 Changelog:

Hi all, this latest patch aims to further add onto, polish, and improve the overall state of KTC's demo! Download the demo, Wishlist our game, and look forward to Kill The Climber's Early Access release on Steam coming very soon!

Our game was finally approved by Steam's lengthy build review process, so after a final round of polishing it should be good to go!


- Various fixes relating to climber enemies, animal defenders, UI/GUI elements, etc.


- Major and minor stat rebalances of climbers and animals to improve viability of different playstyles and increase overall challenge.


- Some of the animal defenders may move or attack strangely and in an unintended fashion.
- Some animal dens still aren't placed accurately in the Prep Phase boxes and maybe be visually overlapping with others.
- Custom mouse cursor bugs out and gets reset back to the system cursor sometimes when going back to the main menu from the game.
- Bug where the boss sometimes isn't properly stopped for 5 seconds by the upgraded avalanche.
- Potential bug where the defender quantity meta upgrades can cause issues with animal defender behaviors and spawning.
- Blue EXP bar may not always be fully turning black upon level up, and may look partially filled
- A bug where clicking at or around the boss's HP bar doesn't let you fire abilities off properly.
- Sometimes the level up bar doesn't fill up blue at all, noticeably on the very first level from Level 1 to Level 2.

Thanks for reading, now go kill those climbers!

Kill The Climbers Demo Patch 1.6

Kill The Climbers Demo Patch 1.6 Changelog:

Hi all, this latest patch aims to further add onto, polish, and improve the overall state of KTC's demo! Download the demo, Wishlist our game, and look forward to Kill The Climber's Early Access release on Steam coming very soon!

We're only waiting on Steam's lengthy build review process, which should hopefully be done over the next month!


- Added meta progression upgrades called 'Power Ups', purchasable with coins. More will be available in the full version!
- Added cooldown numbers above the Dens for all Animal Defenders and the Yeti to indicate when they'll respawn after taking too much damage.
- Reduced frequency of the Boss groaning SFX when damaged, making things easier on the player's ears.
- Replaced old system tray icon with higher resolution version.
- Improved visibility of skill point prompt.
- Changed custom cursor color from white to orange for better visibility on the snowy mountain
- Replaced some old art assets and icons with new ones.
- Added new GUI boxes on some screens.
- Skills/Upgrades now show you what the next upgrade is right after upgrading.
- Made some tooltip UI disappear after 15 seconds of play to reduce visual clutter


- Fixed Chunky climber growing enormous when reaching the mountain peak.
- Fixed bug where if either you spawn yeti and die or kill yeti and die, climbers would be slowed constantly until a yeti roars when a new level starts.
- Other minor bug fixes


- Rebalanced Rockslide and Wind Gust skills to both have 0.75 seconds shorter cooldown at Skill Level One than currently, but made their respective Level 3/6/8 Upgrades only decrease their Cooldowns by -0.25s instead of -0.5s.
- Made all 'level up' score requirements to get a skill point take 100 more score than the previous, as in 100 needed, 200, 300, etc.
- Increased all Animal Defenders LVL 2 upgrades to +10 HP, Yeti LVL 2 to +15 HP
- Gave all Animal Defenders +1 base HP regen a second.
- Increased all Animal Defenders Base DMG by +1
- Increased all Animal Defenders Base HP by +5
- Reduced all Animal Defenders Base Respawn Cooldown by -5 seconds.
- Reduced Mountain HP from 25 to 10
- Increased Climbers Max HP across the board, and reduced many of their Spawning Quantities.
- Reduced speed of Level 1 Boss from 0.5 to 0.25
- The Level 1 Boss no longer damages animal defenders or the Yeti when touching them.
- Yeti respawn cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
- Yeti max health reduced from 75 to 65.
- Yeti run/dash cooldown increased from 1.25 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
- Yeti now roars on death the same as when he spawns, which slows enemies for a time
- Yeti now regens 1 HP per 5 seconds instead of 1 second.
- Added ability for guardian number to go up to 10.
- Guardians now get an extra guardian at level 2
- Reduced base Skill Cooldowns of Rockslide and Wind Gust each by 0.50 seconds.
- Increased base Skill Damage of Rockslide and Wind Gust each by +1.
- Made the Max HP boosts at Level 1 upgrades for each animal like this: +10 for Raven, +15 for Wolf, +20 for Bear
- Made it so that each Level 1 upgrade for each Animal Defender also increases their quantity by +1, in addition to the Max HP boost.
- Increased the base Damage of the Raven, Wolf, and Bear animal defenders by +1.
- Reduced Yeti's base Max HP by -25.
- Increased the Yeti's Level 1 upgrade bonus from +10 Max HP to +15 Max HP.
- Reduced the Yeti's base Movement Speed by 0.25.
- Increased the Yeti's base Dash Cooldown by 0.25 seconds, making him have to wait a bit longer to use it.
- Reduced spawn count of Expert Climbers by 1
- Other minor stat rebalances


- Found potential bug where putting animal dens low on the mountain will cause them to attack near the bottom and potentially disappear, or be off screen.
- Some sound effects may sometimes become distorted during play.
- Falling/dying climbers may sometimes become stuck perpetually falling until they despawn.
- The Yeti’s movement may cause him to move faster diagonally than he normally should, compared to other directional movement
- The Yeti’s roar upon death may not properly slow the movement speed of climbers as intended
- The Yeti Level 7 skill upgrade regenerates Mountain HP over the Max HP limit
- Some of the skill upgrades and power ups descriptions still need updating due to recent balance changes.

Thanks for reading, now go kill those climbers!

Kill The Climbers Demo Livestream #2

Come watch the developer play the Kill The Climbers demo and chat with us!

Today is our second special Next Fest livestream, so check it out this Sunday, October 15th at 6:00 PM - 8:00 EST!

Kill The Climbers Demo Patch 1.5

Hi all, this latest patch aims to further add onto, polish, and improve the overall state of KTC's demo! Download the demo, Wishlist our game, and chat with us during Steam Next Fest!

Kill The Climbers Demo Patch 1.5 Changelog:

- Fixed skill point/upgrades bug that caused them to improperly save between runs.
- Improved skill point popup, now tracks how many skill points are available to spend, disappears when you have no points, and moved the popup for better visibility.
- Improved and more accurate placing of mountain defenses/defenders/dens, they should now be placed more in the center of the boxes.
- Added demo version number text in upper right corner of level screen for clarity.

Kill The Climbers Demo Broadcast

Come watch the developer play the Kill The Climbers demo and chat with us!

Today is one our special Next Fest streams, so check it out this Saturday, October 14th at 6:00 PM EST!