Hello there, chilled survivors!
The world of Permafrost is frigid, in some places even downright extreme. We're not going to talk about thermodynamics and entropy now, that would be too much of a stretch. Just know that you could freeze to death very quickly if you don't protect yourself properly.
That's why we're introducing you to a few things from Permafrost that can improve your survival!
BrazierA small structure from scrap where you can throw all kinds of things to act as fuel. Warm up here before venturing into cold zones.
Military BackpackA large-sized backpack belonged to the military forces before they went south. In dangerous times, the more you can carry, the longer you can survive.
Bolt-action RifleWarmth requires energy. Food provides this energy. Hunting is vital in an extreme environment, so you need a tool for hunting. It also protects you from things out there in the cold. The largest bullet calibre means the greatest firepower. However, it has one drawback: it only allows a single shot, requiring you to reload the chamber to shoot again. Make sure you aim well.
Improvised TentCrafted from gifts of nature and remains left by people, you can create a small but sufficient resting place to regenerate and wait out the snowfall.
Scrap AxeYou can make all kinds of tools from scraps of crumbled civilization. These tools are useful for chopping trees and destroying furniture for resources.
What would you take with you if you were travelling to an extremely cold place? Write to us here, on Discord or on our social media channels!
Greetings from the chill outside
SpaceRocket Games and Toplitz Productions
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