2. News
  3. PAYDAY 2: Update 240.4 Changelog

PAYDAY 2: Update 240.4 Changelog

[h1]PAYDAY 2: Update 240.4 Changelog[/h1] [h2]Update Size: 10.2MB[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a possible crash on Xmas themed heists during the holiday season [*] Fixed a possible crash when dozer visors are destroyed [*] Fixed a crash for smoke grenades synchronization [/list] [h3]Note[/h3] We're also aware of the issue causing some older CPUs to crash since update 240.3, we are looking into this. [i]Updates may be incompatible with the mods you may have installed. Even seemingly unrelated mods may cause unexpected issues. If you are experiencing any problems with the game; try removing any mods you may have installed and try again. If you are having issues with an unmodded game you can try to verify the integrity of the game files. In the Steam library; right-click on PAYDAY 2. Select "Properties" from the menu. Under the tab "LOCAL FILES" select "VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES...". The process may take some time to finish.[/i] Keep those helmets flying! SBZ_Sebastian