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  3. NIMRODS Update | Bugfixes and Improvements | 0.4.14

NIMRODS Update | Bugfixes and Improvements | 0.4.14

Greetings, NIMRODS! We're hard at work creating new content for you all to enjoy (aside from those of us working on R&D to improve performance, which is looking very promising - more word on that soon!) But while you all are waiting on the new content, we thought we'd address a few bugs and quality of life requests you've brought to our attention: [h1][b]Changelog[/b][/h1] [h3][b]Added[/b][/h3] [list] [*] The augment slot type is now indicated in the gun upgrade, gun inspect, and the arms dealer screens [*] Inspecting locked augments in the gun upgrade screen will now tell you how to unlock them [*] You can now unequip all assigned airdrops at once in the airdrop scheduler by pressing X [*] A small toast will now appear when a drone levels up displaying what upgrade it has applied to the gun [/list] [h3][b]Change To Drone's Special Power[/b][/h3] When a player levels up their Special Power increases immediately and not when they collect the airdrop. Previously, the drone would level up at the same time it took an augment or tuning, only gaining Special Power when it did so. This was fine for most cases, but some players have started doing challenge runs where they never take tunings or never take augments. Even if a player doesn't collect their augment or tuning, they would still get Special Power from leveling up... but the drone made from that run wouldn't, because it previously only got Special Power when it added an augment or tuning. We've changed it so that instead of just keeping track of when the weapon gained an augment or tuning, we also keep track of when the player leveled up. That way, if a player levels up but doesn't collect their augments or tunings, the drone made from that run will still gain Special Power up to the same level the player did at the same time the player did in the run they crafted the gun. [h3][b]Other Changes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Effects that cause bullets to explode (Explosive Ammo, Eponymous Nimrod's Barrel, RPG, Hydra Minimissle Swarmer) now stack their areas (not radius) instead of replacing each other [*] English localization improvements [*] French localization has drastically been improved [/list] [h3][b]Fixed[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Special Power was not being calculated correctly while using a gun in the Home Ship [*] Fixed an issue where the hitsplats spawned by the target dummies in the home ship were displaying incorrect damage numbers [*] Fixed an issue where Splitter Magazine and Splitter's Eggsac would overwrite each other. They now stack as intended [*] Fixed an issue where Projectile Damage could scale out of control if two specific augments were taken together [*] Fixed an issue that caused the Drone Scout ability to give 2.5x more Vision Range than intended [*] Fixed an issue that prevented the Scavenger and Vandalism missions from correctly detecting completion [*] Fixed several crashes that could occur [/list] Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support. We won’t rest until NIMRODS is a game you can play forever—because every run should be another masterpiece of absurdity. If you haven't already, come join our official Discord server: [url=https://discord.com/invite/mdbCsgnsS7][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44064500/c25487fa7b450c3eaf4a721d58a2d506703ac346.png[/img][/url]