First stretch goal reached in no time!
You keep surprising us, you know? Again, you showed so much support and interest in our game and campaign that we reached our first stretch goal after just a few hours, which was added to the funding targets.

Thanks to this, Chernobylite 2 at the start will include all weapons you know from the original Chernobylite, including extra pieces that were added in post-release DLCs, like crossbow or Makarov.

Speaking shortly, you'll use well-known toys in totally new encounters, allowing you to check how they perform compared to fresh new guns designed and implemented for the new game specifically. At the top of it, because this is what our campaign was mainly about, you'll be able to use them from first- and third-person perspectives.

[h2]And what next?[/h2]
If we step to another stretch goal, we'll expand all these weapons with customization and crafting options from both the original Chernobylite and many more dedicated to the new game combat strategies. I.e. the same Makarov will get plenty of sexy attachments and will play as a modern gun against the well-armed enemy forces.

[hr][/hr][h2]We're working on our new game! Add it to your wishlist![/h2]

Thanks to this, Chernobylite 2 at the start will include all weapons you know from the original Chernobylite, including extra pieces that were added in post-release DLCs, like crossbow or Makarov.

Speaking shortly, you'll use well-known toys in totally new encounters, allowing you to check how they perform compared to fresh new guns designed and implemented for the new game specifically. At the top of it, because this is what our campaign was mainly about, you'll be able to use them from first- and third-person perspectives.

[h2]And what next?[/h2]
If we step to another stretch goal, we'll expand all these weapons with customization and crafting options from both the original Chernobylite and many more dedicated to the new game combat strategies. I.e. the same Makarov will get plenty of sexy attachments and will play as a modern gun against the well-armed enemy forces.

[hr][/hr][h2]We're working on our new game! Add it to your wishlist![/h2]