1. Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation
  2. News

Captain Firehawk and the Laser Love Situation News

Next update!

Hello! We are close to releasing our next update, which will include several new animations and an update to the weapons system! ːsteamthisː
We are going through turbulent times, but thank you so much for sticking with us!

Studio news

Portland Caviar (x.com/PortlandCaviar) and TinyHat (x.com/TinyHat_Studios) are in the process of parting ways and will no longer be working together. We continue to maintain a good relationship and wish our fellow devs and publishers the very best in their future endeavors. Success for all of us!


We've got some major bug fixes in, alongside some new language options and an optional bonus goodie!

We made a full 68 page artbook filled with completed assets, behind the scenes sketches, and developer commentary if you wanted to dive further into the world of Firehawk, or just wanted to help show your support! We put quite a bit of work into it and we're sure you won't be disappointed if you do end up picking it up!

  • Artbook DLC
  • Language bug fix
  • Data system bug fix
  • Spanish (Latam) language added
  • French (France) language added


This is a smaller update in terms of sheer patch note line items- but a pretty substantial one in terms of actual changes to how the game plays and feels. We've been working hard on this one in order to take the feedback we got from the initial launch of the game and fix some of the most commonly recurring complaints we've been hearing in regards to gameplay.

[h2]Improved path system:[/h2]
A smarter path system will make the boss battles more dynamic. No more waiting around for the camera to cycle to parts of clothing you haven't stripped off- the camera will automatically move and focus on the parts of the giantess that are the most relevant.

[h2]Blinks and color corrections:[/h2]
The blink system has been adjusted for greater comfort.

[h2]Additional bug fixes:[/h2]
Cleaned up additional smaller things that have been reported or that we've run into.

Update notes - February/26

  • Several bug fixes
  • Bug prevention patches
  • Controller compatibility improvements