Lost Paws v0.8.7 Patch Notes
Here are some of the fixes and changes made for v0.8.7:
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the update!
- Localization fix for Get Skill UI. MP needed overlapped with prompt text. Moved and boxed.
- Localization updates for multiple languages for font sizes to fit e.g. Universal Menu button text, Help page text
- Fixed Groger having HP values gains not applying correctly due to armor value bug
- Made Cat Trader Prices Timer reset to full with no negative consequences when activating a shipment panel
- Implemented additional security code for save load on Wearables inventory slot positions
- Fixed a bug involving cases where the UFO would not correctly spawn in drop loot items on specifically second attempt
- Fixed getting sent back to Dog Thieves Van on down under some conditions by Shadow Cabal
- Fixed bullet counter from BD-Gun Wearable being stretched incorrectly on widescreen monitors in game
- Added 3 more location-based Points of Interest in Gov District
- Added 1 item-based Point of Interest at the Green Baggy Quest [Construction Worker] to emphasize location
- Lowered the cost of Tier 2 Wearables by 500 Kibble
- Replaced empty soda cans in trailer park on top of benches
- Fixed a flickering wall crack in North Alley Gov District
- Added a new visual plated box for Milestone Buy Panel
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the update!