2. News



  • Fixed a problem in which the initial setup screen was repeatedly displayed during the progress of the tutorial after starting a new game.
  • Fixed a problem with character images not displaying in the arena and tutorial.
  • Fixed a problem in which awards were given even after a loss in the final round of a promotion match.

[h3]Additional Features[/h3]
  • Text is now displayed in the upper right corner when saving data.

Thank you for your support.


Hello everyone.
There seems to be a problem with saved data and other issues with v5002, which was updated at noon today.
We recommend you to save your save data.
The save data is stored in \Documents\My Games\PUNIHILOADER2.

We are currently checking the situation.
If you have found the problem, it would be greatly appreciated if you could write to Bug Reports in the steam community.


  • Modifications have been made from loading models of all parts and accessories at game startup to loading data sequentially as the models appear. This reduces loading time at game startup.
  • Brightened up the mission at night.
  • Removed the lighting tower in the advanced tutorial because it was in the way.
  • Changed character dialogue in the advanced tutorial.

  • Fixed an issue where the player loader would not become the tutorial loader when selecting the tutorial from the garage.
  • Reduced the likelihood of a loader hitting at high speed into the high ground in the center of the Neo Asahikawa League arena, causing the loader to be dug into the interior.

[h3]Additional Features[/h3]

    It is now possible to specify the drawing quality by specifying the launch options from the game properties.
    Please use this function when you cannot reach the main menu due to insufficient video memory.

How to use
Start the game with one of the following arguments entered in the launch options field.
  • -screen-quality Ultra
  • -screen-quality High
  • -screen-quality Medium
  • -screen-quality Low

Applying "-screen-quality Low" to the rendering quality to "low" will increase the possibility of safe startup.

As long as an argument is entered in the launch options field, the drawing quality will be changed at game startup, ignoring saved data. It is recommended to remove the argument when you are done.

Thank you for your support.


  • The rendering quality level when the game is launched for the first time has been lowered to "High". This will greatly reduce the possibility of the game not starting due to insufficient VRAM at startup.
  • The Aim Assist intensity has been changed to 1.0 when the game is launched for the first time. This allows the same experience whether the "Aim Assist ON" button is pressed or not(If neither the "Aim Assist ON" button nor the "Aim Assist OFF" button was pressed, the Aim Assist intensity was set to 0.5.).
  • Changed the name of the exe file for the demo version.

  • Fixed a problem in which the magazine capacity of the Takao Type 8 machine gun was half of its original capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where the category field for arm parts in the store was not long enough.
  • Removed remnants of the demo version era from the top of the mission list.
  • Fixed an issue where the class of Takao Type 8 Repair Kit A & B were not set correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the class of Entry Boost A & B were not set correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where winning a promotion battle that has already been won would trigger a promotion event based on the current rank.
  • Wrote a dialog that appears when trying to load load loader data when no saved loader data exists.
  • In the arena, an issue has been addressed where the announcer's dialogue would not be displayed correctly if the aircraft that destroyed the enemy was destroyed before the announcer's dialogue was displayed.
  • Some parts description text has been corrected.

Thank you for your support.

PUNIHI LOADER 2 release‼‼‼‼



Thanks to everyone who played the demo version and supported the development.
Thank you very much.
We hope you enjoy the early access version too.