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Worldless News

Worldless Patch Notes - February 13th

Hi fellow gamers,

We're back with a new round of bug fixes! Please find the details below. If you encounter any other issues that haven't been addressed, please let us know, and we'll address them promptly.

For version 1.3.1 we have fixed:
  • Fixed endless offensive turn and hang when absorbing after breaking a block using Fatal Ordeal technique.
  • Fixed several spawn zones to avoid players appearing on wrong areas when loading the game and being soflocked.
  • Fixed Total game time being reset sometimes.
  • Fixed Ice magic skilltree tutorial not appearing sometimes.
  • Fixed Worldmap locators shown on wrong locations sometimes.
  • Fixed - Pressing move input right before some tutorials caused Edda to turn.
  • Fixed a few typos.
  • Fixed outro sfx was sometimes still playing if cinematic was skipped.

For version 1.3.2. we have also made the following changes:
  • Addressed combat hangs occurring when initiating an absorption immediately after an enemy's demise.
  • Rectified instances where blocks failed to reset properly when fighting enemies recurrently.
  • Implemented adjustments to enemy balancing.
  • Resolved the darkness glitch in the Grey area of the game.
  • Eliminated the possibility of instantly switching to an "Axe charged" action without any Technique or Guard Impact stacked.

We kindly ask you to continue reporting them to us on Steam & Discord. Thanks for playing Wordless!


Worldless Patch Notes - February 13th

Hi fellow gamers,

We're back with a new round of bug fixes! Please find the details below. If you encounter any other issues that haven't been addressed, please let us know, and we'll address them promptly.

For version 1.3.1 we have fixed:
  • Fixed endless offensive turn and hang when absorbing after breaking a block using Fatal Ordeal technique.
  • Fixed several spawn zones to avoid players appearing on wrong areas when loading the game and being soflocked.
  • Fixed Total game time being reset sometimes.
  • Fixed Ice magic skilltree tutorial not appearing sometimes.
  • Fixed Worldmap locators shown on wrong locations sometimes.
  • Fixed - Pressing move input right before some tutorials caused Edda to turn.
  • Fixed a few typos.
  • Fixed outro sfx was sometimes still playing if cinematic was skipped.

For version 1.3.2. we have also made the following changes:
  • Addressed combat hangs occurring when initiating an absorption immediately after an enemy's demise.
  • Rectified instances where blocks failed to reset properly when fighting enemies recurrently.
  • Implemented adjustments to enemy balancing.
  • Resolved the darkness glitch in the Grey area of the game.
  • Eliminated the possibility of instantly switching to an "Axe charged" action without any Technique or Guard Impact stacked.

We kindly ask you to continue reporting them to us on Steam & Discord. Thanks for playing Wordless!


Worldless Patch Notes - January 8th

Space explorers! We hope you've had a great start of the year and have been enjoying Worldless so far! We've been reading your feedback and been working our way through many bug reports. Today's patch includes additional tips and context for HP locations in-game and in-game abilities. Additionally we've also squashed lots of bugs, crashes and softlocks. You can read the full list below:

[h3]Game Improvements[/h3]
  • Guard Impact Skilltree video updated to make it easier to understand.
  • Several value tweaking on enemies to decrease a bit the difficulty
  • Some SkillTree texts updated to explain better some skills.
  • Adjusted some colliders on pink/purple area to improve movement.
  • Seal charged FX texture resolution increased.
  • Added a new HP hint on map to make it easier to find them all.
  • LUCA should not show HP bar now.

[h3]Bug & Crash Fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed error where Demon was crashing after losing against it and then reloading the game.
  • Fixed minor issue with enemy blocks patterns.
  • Fixed hang if you dash right after entering an air boost in green area.
  • Fixed hang after sonaring HP improvement items from bellow.
  • Fixed some vegetations wrong orientation.
  • Fixed thunders in grey area sometimes not working properly on PS4/Switch.
  • Fixed Guard Impact and Assimilation problem where it was possible to use it without unlocking/chargin it.
  • Fixed softlock when quitting the game after rain starts again but before gaining the second character control in pink/purple area.
  • Fixed Summum sonar not appearing sometimes.
  • Fixed Lightning Nightmare phase2 to phase3 not happening sometimes.
  • Fixed Lightning Nightamare using the wrong appear animation when fighting it for the first time.
  • Fixed Summum phase 02 laser launched from the eye, not the hand.
  • Fixed Ice not appearing on skilltree under certain conditions.
  • Fixed bug on yellow area timed door if you ran really far from the door.
  • Fixed collision problem next to 3 locked doors on yellow area which allowed players to go through a wall and get permanently stuck, forcing to restart the entire save.
  • Added a patch to add ice magic to skill tree if detected a player who had no ice magic (due to another but) and couldn't unlock it anymore.
  • Minor fix on DarkPaladin phase change.
  • Fixed crash when using Glance of Tomorrow on the Holy Bat for Xbox players.
  • Fixed a very unusual random hang when entering a combat for Switch players.

Thank you to everyone who has been sharing their feedback and bugs with us and we kindly ask you to continue reporting them to us on Steam & Discord.


Worldless - Press Accolades!

Our game Worldless has been available on Steam, PlayStation, Xbox & Nintendo Switch for over 10 days and we've seen a phenomenal amount of reviews and press articles covering the game. We're absolutely delighted with the reaction to Worldless and as of writing the game is sitting at 93% positive on Steam and 80+ on Metacritic on all platforms.

To celebrate this achievement we've made an accolades trailer featuring some of our favourite quotes:

We've had an incredible amount of feedback since the game's release - whether it's from all of you players out there, or from the press. We want to share our heartfelt thanks for this and we will continue fixing bugs and making more improvements to the game.

Thanks for playing and we'll see you in-game!

~ NoName Studios & Thunderful Games


Worldless, gorgeous Metroidvania with turn-based combat, is out now

I watched a few hours of Worldless being played last night and didn't really register that it was turn-based. That's because it's a Metroidvania platformer and, when it is time for back-and-forth combat, you're not choosing attacks from a menu. Instead you're stringing together combos in real-time, then when your alotted attack time is over, you're parrying enemy assaults with rhythmic flair.

So, turn-based, yes, but with a twist. It's also out today.

Read more