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  3. SOLO / CO-OP MODE IS AVAILABLE! DreadHaunt Update 2024/03/25

SOLO / CO-OP MODE IS AVAILABLE! DreadHaunt Update 2024/03/25

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42513571/35e732b3253e0f9989929fafe84c4eceeefbb3a4.png[/img] Hello agents, Today we are releasing an exciting new mode. the Solo / Co-op Mode!! Some time has passed since DreadHaunt’s last update. In this one, we would like to present you with a new experience in addition to the multiplayer modes. Where you can create and play a session [b]with or without[/b] teammates. [h1]NEW MODE, THE FIRST-PERSON SOLO / CO-OP MODE[/h1] - Embark with a fresh viewpoint. - Exploit a new sets of tools the agency provides. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42513571/6364f3598070c1a3ab52e2542463dbd5766fc662.png[/img] [h2]- A WHOLE NEW MAP, THE ABANDONED VILLAGE[/h2] - Explore the abandoned village, with its secrets, and supernatural risks. - Uncover the burrowed tragedy, untouched for years until the Agency decides to send you. [h2]- WIELD THE EQUIPMENTS, AND DIVE HEADSTRONG INTO YOUR MISSION[/h2] - there are three types of important equipment you can wield to help your mission. - Handheld UV blaster. - Normal Headlight, and the Spectral Headlight. - Detector, to indicate the whereabouts of unseen ghosts with audiovisual cue. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42513571/47e08837b0bec262b602215f78c92ee7589fb45d.gif[/img] [h2]- HEAD ON YOUR OWN, OR WITH OTHER AGENTS[/h2] - play alone, utilizing the core tools by yourself. - or with teammates, adding support roles to the journey. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42513571/68eb424c4e81673e9a80ff85c444a752ef568bdf.gif[/img] [h2]- FIND VARIOUS PARANORMAL EVIDENCE[/h2] - Find the paranormal evidence to advance the mission progress. - uncover enough, and maybe you will figure out what happened in this Haunting. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42513571/c4fb8a376fe1c790c47c6a4c927c1089842dc366.gif[/img] [h2]- SHOOT THE EVER-PRESENT APPARITIONS WITH YOUR UV BLASTER[/h2] - The apparitions are invisible to the naked eye. - Keep watch of your Detector’s audiovisual cue. - Utilize your Spectral Headlight to reveal them. - Banish them with the UV Blaster. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42513571/4b6308da1d194998ea8271167fb7ce82dc4603b3.gif[/img] [h2]- SURVIVE![/h2] Let us know what you think of this new first-person mode. feedbacks are very welcome! Join the [url=discord.gg/dreaduniverse]Official Dread Universe Discord[/url] to talk more in-depth and share your experiences. **You can also find other willing agents to play together in the #matchmaking channel.** [h1]ADDITIONAL INFORMATION[/h1] [h2]- Bug Fixes and Improvements[/h2] As usual, We squashed some bugs and fine-tuned several aspects to ensure smooth gameplay. However, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have feedback and suggestions! [h2]- Future Update Sneak Peek[/h2] Based on the timeline that we shared, the single-player mode is in the works. We’re also working on the game economy like XP accumulation and cosmetics rewards. [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1855580/extras/content_release_plan_fixed.jpg?t=1703069105[/img] That is all for now. Thank you for your continued support for DreadHaunt! Best regards :DH - Digital Happiness