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Sinners Landing News

Tendril Thing Update

The Apprentice

Izelle, the brilliant and talented alchemist from Sinners Landing, is finally introduced in this update! Explore her story as she assists Tristan in his quest to learn more about this strange fungus that somehow makes people hot and extremely... horny.

Potion Pursuits

We added a cool new dungeon, and new enemies. Get ready to meet new creatures, and dissect them for parts.

Science is fun

If only Izelle was your science professor.

Sticky Sweet

Tristan finds himself in a sticky situation while fixing the rooms in the inn.

Amidst the chaos, a sweet moment blossoms between Tristan and Roselynn, bringing them closer than ever before.

Trials of Pog

[h3]Blacksmithing with Pog[/h3]

This update focuses on the Blacksmith of Sinners Landing, the laconic and beautiful half-orc Pog. Discover the Trials of Pog, and see how her experiences have shaped her.

[h3]Dungeon Driller[/h3]

This update also includes a new dungeon, and new enemy types to engage with. A mage made some magical intelligent self-reproducing mining robots; I don't see how that could go wrong.

[h3]Raft Romance[/h3]

It wouldn't be Sinners Landing without some steamy romance; join Pog for a bit of late night fishing fun.


We hope you've enjoyed the summer update, and a huge thanks for the support we've received throughout Early Access. Next update will introduce a new character, the alchemist Izelle. If you'd like to help beta test for it, come join our Discord and see what we're up to!

Did you enjoy the update? Which girls would you like to see more of? Let us know in the comments!

Backyard Romance Update!

Hey everyone! We have a new update for Sinners Landing. We're taking a break from balancing the combat minigame and fixing bugs to roll out a new content update, this time centered on Roselyn and the inn.

We even ask Pog for some of her assistance, because who else should we ask for crafting weaponry in Sinners Landing?

As we help Roselynn around, we get a deeper look into who she is, and we come to figure out more of her backstory, character, and even her body. We also get to make her portrait now too!

A huge thanks to all the players who've sent us bug reports and helped us test.

For now, enjoy your date with Roselynn!

Hotfix 0.2.3f

This is hopefully the last of the hotfixes we're pushing to default branch, and we can return to making actual new content instead of fixing issues.

For those of you curious on what happened; the relaxation activities (Gardening with Dawn, Spanking Morwenna) unlocked a number of cards that weren't properly tested yet (and weren't planned for release yet). We've spent the last two weeks tidying up that snafu.

This bugfix fixes a large number of them, and also tidies up various smaller UI issues reported on ultra-wide monitors.

We're shooting for another content-heavy update towards the middle of May, focused on Roslynn and Pog. We'll start rolling it out on Beta branch in the next week or two, and then to the default branch once the content is complete.

Full changelog:
- Fixed gem rewards in the dungeon not being set in the inventory
- Fixed Morwenna's gem requirements not tallied properly
- Fixed Gouge card not applying damage, and not discarding hand
- Fixed Groin Smash card not shuffling Shame cards into Discard
- Fixed Hard Blow card not giving bonus damage to Blow cards
- Fixed Hunter's Mark card dealing wrong bonus damage
- Fixed Impale card not giving potency
- Fixed Inflame card wrong description
- Fixed Lusty Smash card giving potency to wrong target
- Fixed Pestilential Purge card not destroying cards on hand
- Fixed Rage Smash card not giving rage
- Fixed Set Weapon card not dealing double damage
- Fixed Remove cards logic not properly removing cards
- Fixed Savage Smash card not dealing bonus damage
- Fixed Shield Smash card not applying block
- Fixed So Much Spunk card not shuffling Spunk cards into Discard
- Fixed Strip card applying negative armor
- Fixed Wallop card giving block to target
- Fixed Whack card not shuffling Fatigue cards into Discard
- Fixed Wizard Blow card description
- Fixed Poison combat effect dealing negative damage
- Fixed Magic Attack Bonus combat effect not dealing bonus damage
- Fixed Target combat effect's tool tip wrong description
- Fixed Mojo text in Deck UI

- Fixed missing dungeon event reward
- Fixed the Sanctum showing when loading a dungeon save
- Fixed black background in Offering Of Fluid dungeon event
- Fixed some missing icons for cards received from random dungeon events
- Fixed Beatdown card not shuffling Blow cards into Discard
- Fixed Begin the Hunt card not shuffling Hunt, and Slay cards into Discard
- Fixed Blast of Funk card not shuffling Funk cards into Discard
- Fixed Boom card not shuffling Stun cards into Discard
- Fixed Brutality card not dealing damage from amount of attack cards in hand
- Fixed Brutalize card not shuffling Brutality cards into Discard
- Fixed Bunch of Pricks card not shuffling Prick cards into Discard
- Fixed Buttstroke card not applying damage correctly
- Fixed Crippling Blow card not applying weakness debuff
- Fixed Deflect card inflicting negative potency on self
- Fixed Disappear card's wrong description
- Fixed Double Throw card not shuffling Throw cards into Discard
- Fixed Drunk card leaking text description
- Fixed Drunk card not shuffling Nausea cards into Discard
- Fixed Drunk card not giving potency when held
- Fixed Edge Blow card not getting additional damage from Shield type cards
- Fixed Elemental Blast card not dealing damage when neglected
- Fixed Engorge card having a mojo cost
- Fixed Flametongue card not inflicting Burns
- Fixed Future Mojo card not shuffling Quick Mojo cards into Discard
- Fixed Unblockable Damage logic
- Fixed Draw Attack cards logic
- Fixed Draw Actions cards logic
- Fixed draw queue not clearing
- Fixed acid card's neglect logic
- Fixed acid card's neglect damage displaying incorrect value
- Fixed "If Fatal, draw X cards" not drawing
- Fixed "If Fatal, gain X mojo" not gaining mojo
- Fixed First type cards not being drawn first
- Fixed aura rewards causing other cards to not function
- Fixed aura rewards not displaying in combat
- Fixed random dungeon events duplicate addressable keys
- Fixed combat effects not being cleared properly
- Fixed missing character name in Linda's intro conversation
- Fixed Dawn's get flower failsafe conversation still being played after finishing the quest

Community Items update

Community items have been approved by Steam. Some trading cards, emoticons, and profile backgrounds should be available by now, while the rest will come out in the next update.