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Lucky Tower Ultimate News

Update 2: Content - Coming Feb 19

Adventurers, we’re excited to bring you more Lucky Tower - our next milestone update launches on February 19 2025, at 6pm CET / 12pm ET!

But before the update arrives, be sure to tell your friends: Lucky Tower Ultimate will be featured in a Steam Daily Deal on Sunday Feb 16! A great discount just in time for the new content!

In this update, you can look forward to seeing all the winners of our community votes coming to the game. These include new characters, traps, and more:

[h3]The Pipefitter[/h3]
A team of industrious sisters in the village that let you carry more tower items outside. Once you help build an elaborate chute system, you will have a slot in each segment of the tower that you can use for one item. That item will be transported to the next segment in the current run. Once the item is outside, it can be bought in the village at the pipefitter.

[h3]The Bard[/h3]
You’ll meet a Bard in the village who needs new instruments to impress the townsfolk… who currently hate their music. Fascinated with the musical wonders that you carried outside, the Bard will enter the tower once you’ve fulfilled their quest (to disastrous results). You will then be able to loot their corpse in the tower, which will be located in a random place every run. The corpse contains a new instrument and other useful items.

[h3]Snowy & Puffles[/h3]
This trap is inspired by one from the original Lucky Tower web game. At the end of a room, you’ll discover three doors with names above them. When you choose one of them and enter a small chamber, the door closes behind you and you’ll face whatever is in it. It might be a harmless snail, a peasant companion, or a tough enemy. You can deduce the room’s contents by the name above the door, which will be combined from a pool of possibilities.

[h3]The Pipes[/h3]
The tower's sewer system becomes all the more visible with this trap. Unfortunately, the tower has such horrible plumbing that, from time to time, these pipes shake and…
1. Unleash a poisonous cloud into the air
2. There's also a chance they are clogged by slime, which will drop from the pipes instead
3. Or they do nothing (lucky you)

[h3]Bear Trap + Rake[/h3]
What's more slapstick than a rake handle to the face or a bear trap? These will be placed randomly in rooms just like mouse traps, but both have their own little twist.

Additionally, this update will also include:
  • More than 270 new voice lines
  • New unique rooms: Machine Room & Spike Room
  • New items: Roman Shield, Gem Shield, Wooden Hammer, Fencing Sword, Violin, Trumpet, Lute, Secret Instrument, Gasket
  • The Barber now sells beards! Try to collect them all!
  • New, weird architecture all over the tower (ledges, crooked platforms and more)
  • New achievements
Quality of life improvements:
  • Visual indicator for active powder kegs
  • An option to auto-equip coins if you walk over them
  • An option to deactivate picking up items with the USE button
  • If you have a bunch of items on the floor, picking them up loops through each one
  • Companions drop their weapons if you grab them

During our last update, we asked for your feedback on Lucky Tower, and specifically around adding an option to turn off the automatic hand switching feature. Overall, you were eager to have this option, so we’ve begun working on this task. This is an unexpectedly complicated coding task, so we ask for your patience while we continue working on the ability to turn off automatic hand switching, and hope to have it ready in time for the next update.

In the mean time, here are some screenshots from Update 2 to get you excited:

Thank you for playing Lucky Tower Ultimate, we hope you enjoy the new update!

Join the Lucky Tower community:

Lucky Tower Ultimate is hilarious and now Steam Deck Verified with a big update

Probably one of the funniest games I've had the pleasure of playing over the last year, Lucky Tower Ultimate is a gem and worth a go. Now even more so.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/01/lucky-tower-ultimate-is-hilarious-and-now-steam-deck-verified-with-a-big-update/

Steam Deck Verified & V.0.2.12. Update

Grab your Steam Deck and dive in for the next escape, because Lucky Tower Ultimate is Steam Deck verified!

We’re super excited to reach this milestone, so thanks to everyone for reporting bugs to help us create a better handheld experience.

[h2]V.0.2.12. Update:[/h2]

[h3]New Backup System[/h3]

For this update, we added a lot of safety fallbacks and a whole new backup system to keep your files even safer! For most of you, nothing will actually change, but we did implement a few things to ensure the safety of your progress, so here's a short overview:

[h3]Auto Save[/h3]
Since some people reported crashes or weird behavior when using Alt + F4, we implemented a brand new autosave feature. While you're in the village, the game will create a backup every two minutes. This way, even if your computer crashes, your progress should still be saved.

[h3]Daily Backups[/h3]
Your data will now also be saved into a separate daily backup folder. Your most recent save files will be copied into this folder, saving the newest data for the last five consecutive days you've played the game. This is just an additional backup, as long as nothing breaks, you don't need to worry about this folder, but you can use the files to restore your progress if needed!

[h3]Local Backups[/h3]
Before this update, every file was saved in the Steam Cloud, now we're also creating local backups. You don't need to worry about these, it's just an additional safety net. If somehow Steam Cloud messes with your files, you can copy your local files into the proper folder manually and restore what Steam destroyed!

All of these features should help prevent broken or corrupted save files, create regular safety backups, and allow you to manually restore your files in case your computer crashes or Steam Cloud is messing with your files.

Please note, that many people (players and developers alike) have problems with the Steam Cloud sometimes not properly syncing files between different computers. We tried our best to create the best possible backup system for you guys!

If you’ve been enjoying Lucky Tower Ultimate (and haven’t already), please consider reviewing the game on Steam.

Item ideas

...and the winner of community vote No. 5 is... the bear traps and rakes!

It was the tightest race so far among all polls, with 999 votes total.

This concludes the voting for the upcoming milestone. Thanks to all people who participated! The next vote will be for new companions, since the milestone after that will be the companion milestone.

As a bonus, here's a picture of the item ideas we are working on and want to implement at some point. Some of them are recurring designs from Lucky Tower 1 & 2 that will hopefully find their way into Ultimate.

Feel free to share your own item ideas. Cheers!

Version 0.2.11 patch - bug fixes, other

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed an issue that caused companions to follow the player into the village
  • Fixed a black screen when entering the monster cave in the village
  • Fixed camera position when starting as a monster in the village
  • Fixed companions dying on the balcony when using the magic lamp
  • Fixed broken monkey throw animation
  • Fixed village music starting twice
  • Fixed resolution confirm button not displaying text and/or countdown
  • Fixed brightness settings only working in the first segment
  • Fixed troll pants ragdoll
  • Fixed several small anvil bugs
  • Bat ragdoll improvements
  • More fallbacks for companions falling through the ground
  • Improved positioning of clues in hub rooms

  • The monsters in the dark now move back further when getting scared via honk horns
  • Sobu now also drops a goldsack when dying
  • [Steamdeck only] Removed Feedback/Bug button on game over menu