2. News


Patch v1.2

Hello Data Conversion Operators. Another new patch is available.

[h3]Patch 1.2[/h3]
  • Identified some edgecase situations that could make typing sessions eternal
  • Completely patched THE leak in reality that could drop you into a void
  • Fixing Mouse Smoothing options and expanding them a bit to 3 settings: YAxis Only, X & Y Axis, and OFF
  • Added even lower Mouse Sensitivity floor to hopefully help Data Conversion Operators with high DPI mice

Every day is a new battle.

Patch v1.1

Hello Data Conversion Operators. A new patch is available.

[h3]Patch 1.1[/h3]
  • Fixing issues with save data leaking out in unintentional ways if you started a new game.
  • Fixing issue with the End Game playtime total calculation.
  • Fixing issue with the interactive items in your home not displaying the totally correct dialogue after loading a game

Other improvements in the works, but these were some important ones to get pinned out. Thank you for your help & support.

Minor Patch v1.0.3

[h3]In 1.0.3[/h3]
  • Fixed a problem that would cause you to suddenly leave your computer and noclip out of reality

[h3]In 1.0.2[/h3]
  • Fixing an issue where the filesystem could use invalid characters and possibly break the game
  • Fixing issue where some of the description text for items in your home don't properly reset when starting a new game

  • Fixing a video codec issue that would cause some letters to not appear correctly, usually as a complete solid black or solid white object, and basically be unsolvable for users on certain Windows machines. (Please reach out to me ASAP if you find yourself encountering this in version 1.0.1 or higher.)

Minor Patch v1.0.2

Thank you Data Conversion Operators for an intense 1st day. I'm working around the clock to patch up any game-breaking issues.

[h3]In 1.0.2[/h3]
  • Fixing an issue where the filesystem could use invalid characters and possibly break the game
  • Fixing issue where some of the description text for items in your home don't properly reset when starting a new game
  • Adding some support to try and debug an elusive issue where you can suddenly be sent into a 'void' (see this thread for more info), and maybe a band-aid to try and correct for it until it's completely pinned down. This bug haunts me and I will spend the entire day hunting it.

[h3]Previously in 1.0.1[/h3]
  • Fixing a video codec issue that would cause some letters to not appear correctly, usually as a complete solid black or solid white object, and basically be unsolvable for users on certain Windows machines. (Please reach out to me ASAP if you find yourself encountering this in version 1.0.1 or higher.)

Minor Patch v1.0.1

Fixing a video codec issue that would cause some letters to not appear correctly, usually as a complete solid black or solid white object, and basically be unsolvable for users on certain Windows machines.

Please reach out to me ASAP if you find yourself encountering this in version 1.0.1 or higher.