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  3. v1.00.0 hotfix 2 patch notes
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v1.00.0 hotfix 2 patch notes

Reality Break v1.00.0 hotfix 2 has gone live.

Courtney's note: Thank you everyone for your copious and detailed feedback! I'm working through all it as fast as I can while, balancing that against time spent working on the game itself. I appreciate your continued patience, and please continue to bear with me - I was not expecting this kind of launch, and it's just me working on this game, so it will take a little bit of time for me to get through everything. I'm prioritizing stability issues and progression blockers for these initial hotfixes, though some regular changes will make their way in if they're very fast, targeted, and low risk. Eventually, these hotfixes will make way for regular updates with exciting upgrades to the game. Thank you very much for playing Reality Break!

  • fixed instability arising from applying the Timespace Cache talent bonus on the Fate Core item, or on any Mission item

  • fixed a story campaign progression soft lock with a certain story mission encounter in the Chaos Vortex not keeping the player's ship immortal for long enough, causing it to blow up before continuing to the endless spawning portion
  • added on-load fixup for profile saves that have gotten into a bad state with the story campaign on mission objectives waiting for the Fate Core to be analyzed, and the Analyze button not being interactable. This fixes the Fate Core not being analyzable during the "Wait for analysis to complete" objective of the "Resonance of Fate" mission, as well as bulletproofs against a similar possibility during the "Analyze the Fate Core again" objective of the "Dormant Colossus" mission
  • fixed a few ways the game's story campaign could get into a bad state if a mission objective was waiting for the player to dock with a certain station, but the player warped to another station and docked there instead
  • made the rescue target in Rewrite The Scientific Method invulnerable while stationary so that it doesn't cause mission failures out of players' control
  • fixed being unable to progress to the final fight except during the first cycle encountering it

  • increased the average number of Resource drops you'll see from Common asteroids throughout the game by 100%
  • reduced the Resource costs of Tech Specialist ship upgrades by 30%-40%
  • increased Credits gained when selling items to traders by 900%

[h2]Bug fixes[/h2]
  • fixed photonic storms in luzul cluster damaging your ship after it had initiated slipdrive
  • fixed the recurring antagonist's ship not processing movement or abilities while too far off-screen
  • fixed Extraction duplication exploit triggered by picking up the item in the extraction slot before clicking on the Extract button, then putting the item back into the Extraction slot for further extractions
  • fixed Instigator skill activation
  • fixed Slipstream Balancers unique bonus functionality