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Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition News

Age of Empires 4 is now receiving a double dose of DLC in 2025

Despite initially revealing that just one DLC expansion would hit Age of Empires 4 in 2025, World's Edge has pulled a surprise from its sleeve. In a new blog post celebrating a huge new player milestone for the Age of Empires franchise and teeing up the year ahead, it's now been confirmed that two Age of Empires 4 DLCs are in the works, with the first arriving in the spring.

Read the rest of the story...


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What’s Coming in 2025 for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology

2024 was a year for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology players and —a year shaped by your passion, creativity, and epic moments. Thanks to your dedication, it’s been an incredible year not just for the community, but for the franchise as a whole. Together, we’ve had an incredible year. We kicked things off with the New Year, New Age showcase, crowned champions at Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado, connected with many of you at Gamescom, and celebrated the launches of Age of Mythology: Retold and Age of Empires Mobile. Along the way, we expanded the franchise in new ways and welcomed over 10 million new players—reaching an incredible milestone of 60 million Age of Empires players worldwide.

Our players continue to influence the many ways in which the franchise moves forward. Today we’re thrilled to start 2025 by unveiling what’s ahead. Settle in, because we’ve got a lot to share!

Season's Feast Event Extended

The current Season's Feast Event is now ending on February 12th at 10:00 am PT! But don't worry - we are hard at work for the next update! Here's a sneak peek of what's coming soon!
  • Refreshing adjustments for Malians and Japanese in the Feudal Age.
  • Increased counterplay to Elephants.
  • Elite Army Tactics grants health instead of armor again.

Get Your Favorite Age Game During the RTS Fest!

The Steam Real-Time Strategy Fest is here and so are the discounts! Pick up that one Age game you've been meaning to play and join in all the fun!

Don't wait - discounts end January 27th at 10:00 AM PT (1:00 PM ET / 18:00 UTC)