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  3. Nominate IFZ as Most Innovative game in Steam Awards

Nominate IFZ as Most Innovative game in Steam Awards

[h1]TO ALL SURVIVORS! [/h1] [h2]We need your help! [/h2] Our dev team took extra care to give you a unique opportunity - to rebuild your own neighborhood after the apocalypse, using real geographical data. Surely this is one of the [b]Most Innovative[/b] gameplay ideas, and we count on your vote in Steam Awards! Over [b]915 000[/b] different locations from all over the world have been played so far! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40888271/250cf7b94ba2fb38eb2eee6c7b0c6a4a5e67e550.png[/img] (this map represents 6000 of the most popular cities that the players played) [h2]Updates Summary[/h2] By the way, now is the best time to [b]review[/b] the game, after all the updates we have delivered since its Early Access release! Within those last 6 months, we delivered 3 Major updates: [list] [*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1465460/view/4543661555979386969]Major Update #3 - Area Scavenge, Custom Buildings, Repairmen and New Storyline![/url] [*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1465460/view/4334235929146552370]Major Update #2 - Indoor Movement, Vehicle Scavenging Rework, New Skill System[/url] [*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1465460/view/4170975369385337200]Major Update #1 - Gear, Citizen Reproduction, Greenhouses, Tree Regrowth[/url] [/list] We also delivered 13 regular updates, rebalances, smaller features and fixes! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1465460]Check them all here[/url] Thank you for staying with us Thank you for all the positive feedback you provided Thank you for playing the game regularly :) Stay with us and stay tuned for future updates! We are cooking something special :) Cheers Jutsu Dev Team