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Viscerafest News

Summer Sale Is Here, The Prices Have Never Been Lower!

Hello everyone!

That time of the year is finally here, Summer Sale has arrived to Steam and with it come tons of discounts - so don't hesitate and get all the cool games to make the hot summer days more comfortable! Or the other way round, if you are in the southern hemisphere, of course.

Viscerafest, of course, is a part of the sale and you can now get it for a 20% lower price. Don't hesitate though, this price won't last forever - the sale ends on July 13!

To see the whole list of discounted games by Fulqrum Publishing, follow this link and head to "Discounts".

And don't forget that Viscerafest is included in this bundle and the Summer Sale discount gives you the perfect opportunity to complete your collection!


Viscerafest - Dev Update: Birthday Cruising

Howdy!!! It is that time for me to once again update you on...
Wait... it was Viscerafest's birthday May 20th... which was like...
20 days ago... Uh...
Idk here's a complimentary birthday mime... I guess...

Um... Regardless, it is once again time to update all you wonderful folks regarding the goings-on of Viscerafest's development! From tweaks, changes, and minor additions, to brand-new content,
Here is what we've been cooking up as of late!


One particularly obvious hurdle a lot of new players struggle to overcome is wrestling with the game's movement, or more specifically... bunnyhopping. Bunnyhopping is effectively mandatory if you want to have any hope of surviving on the game's harder difficulties, and I think that is in part why Viscerafest has such a fearsome reputation as a brutal game. The muscle memory required to build up and maintain the game's faster speeds just isn't something most average players have baked in.

To address this, holding the spacebar to bunnyhop, rather than tapping it, will become the new default.
There will still be an option to tap rather than hold in the options menu, and some tweaks will be made to holding in order to make sure the act of doing so isn't as touchy as it is now. But our hope is that this change will ease up the experience for new players, without actually compromising the game's difficulty.

Enemy Stuff

So this last month I've been going through and making a bunch of refinements to our enemy roster.
Aesthetically and mechanically sprucing up the gang in a variety of ways, so here we'll quickly go over
what's changed, what's been added, and all the goings on with everything that's trying to kill you.

[h2]Impact Effects[/h2]
As of the current public build of Viscerafest enemy projectiles tend to just vanish upon impact with the player or any given surface. BUT NO MORE!!! From sparks, to smoke, and explosive lil poofs, enemy projectiles now go out in a more stylish fashion. They also now feature audio for their impacts and even sounds as they travel through the air.

[h2]New and Tweaked Attacks[/h2]
The Enforcers and Blitzers of Viscerafest's first chapter have some new tricks up their sleeves!

Enforcers on top of their rapid-fire flurry now have a precise burst that they shoot with a slower firing rate. Unlike their standard projectile spraying which now lags behind the player, they lead their aim with this shorter burst.

Blitzers in addition to their projectile volley attack now have a very mancubus-style bullet-pair attack that shoots 2 projectiles, one to the left, and the other to the right of the player.

With that said the majority of the game's roster have had their attacks tweaked in a variety of subtle
and minor ways. For example, some enemies which prior would shoot fast-moving projectiles now fire
slower and easier-to-dodge-projectiles that they lead their aim with. There has also been a slew of more minor tweaks and balancing changes to things like enemy movement speeds, attack frequency, etc...

[h2]Chapter 3 Enemies[/h2]
The road to wrapping up the Chapter 3 enemy roster was a bumpy and experimental one, but the deed
is finally done. Whilst there is still work to be done on the enemies themselves, which foes you will be facing in Viscerafest's final chapter have been decided upon and are all indeed very much functional.

There are 11 new enemy types introduced in Viscerafest's final chapter, as (save for a handful of
cameo appearances) the friendly U.S.C. faces you've known and loved through chapters 1 and 2 will be getting replaced and upstaged by a group of more strange and deadly opponents.

Throughout the development of Chapter 3 I was routinely running into the feeling that our new roster was missing a few things, enemies that were originally planned got cut due to obsolescence or story changes, old foes were tweaked and refined, and new members were added to the fold to try to find the right balance of Fodder, Mid, and High-tier threats.

Whilst I don't want to show you guys too much yet,
I thought I might more properly reveal an enemy you've already seen plenty of.

[h2]Behold the Willow Bairn![/h2]
She's been featured in the game's main menu art for a long... long time now, and I thought it was time you finally get a taste of what she actually does.

The Willow Bairn is a close-ranged Mid-Tier monster that lets out an AOE concussive blast when in proximity to the player. She's a fast and moderately chunky opponent, being able to weather a good few shotgun blasts with a health pool of 800. She's also a thick-skinned girl, resistant to melee attacks.

In addition to her concussive blast attack she also regularly gives birth to children (The Saplings) in the midst of a brawl, and if gibbed she births Quintuplets, all of whom will bear down on you to avenge their mama!

Carcosa's Wrath

Viscerafest's final weapon has undergone a lot more in the way of iteration since we last showed it, both in terms of its visual, and mechanical design. Once again, we're not willing to show it off in action before release. But the gun is in pretty much its final form, and save for some cleanup work, it's ready to hit the runway.

The Opening Cinematic

Back when me and Sara started work on Viscerafest's opening we didn't have much in the way of reference material for Caroline or... much else in the game to be honest. It wasn't until later that we established a more consistent look for our protagonist. But as a consequence, Caroline's appearance in the opening cutscene is very different... not only that, but her appearance tended to change from shot to shot, and I wanted to address this.

Sara had just recently become available to do a little more work again, thus she and I went through the process of updating and re-animating the game's opening cinematic. Some changes are major, some more subtle, but overall I'm very happy with the end result.

Chapter 1 Rework

In case you missed it, I very recently posted a video comparing the old C1L1 to the new one we have in-house! You can check that out here.


But since our last update, the new prelude level has been pretty much finished. C1l1 and C1L2 have been getting some more polish and love, and C1L3 is just about ready to start being imported into the engine!

Chapter 3

Viscerafest Chapter 3's final level is almost done! Once it is we'll be moving on to the game's Finale, following which we'll be doing a comprehensive sweep of the game's final chapter, polishing it, cleaning it up, adding fun little details, putting all the story stuff in place, etc...

As for what's left after all that, I posted a slightly more comprehensive breakdown of the remaining work in the last update, so be sure to check there if you want more details.

We'll Meet Again...

Thanks for reading! Once again thanks to all the awesome folks in our community, wherever you mayest thou lurk! We hope you have an amazing... nay an awesome day! See you in a month!... or however long it is until our next update...


Viscerafest - Dev Update: Grinding along

Shalom one and all!

It's been over a month since we let you all have a peek at our shenanigans and I figured it was once again time to let you take a gander at the goings-on of Viscerafest's development!

[h2]Ludicrous Gibs[/h2]

So back in January, we released the "Booms, Bangs, and Blood" update. So-called because it saw a bevy of changes and updates to Viscerafest's blood, gore, and explosions. But since then, even more, work has gone into all the above.

Starting off, I was still finding the game's blood sprites have a tendency to look a little flat. They were lacking what I felt was a necessary amount of visual depth to help them pop out as I felt they should, so I went through and further tweaked both the materials and sprites until I got them to a place I was more satisfied with.

What's more so, Viscerafest's gibs have also been pretty heavily reworked, and though this comes with a trade-off, overall I think the outcome is pretty nice. For starters, Gibs should no longer present as much of a performance burden as they had in the past. Not that they were super taxing, but the new system allows us to have more Gibs at the cost of fewer frames. The gibs are also very bouncy now! Something that just wasn't tenable with the old system we had. Gibs also won't get stuck in midair because of things like elevators or moving platforms. The main trade-off for this being that they won't stick around quite as long as they did before. But honestly, with how much more fun they feel now bouncing all over the place, it doesn't feel like that much of a loss.


Viscerafest's explosion sprites are old... really old... I don't think I've updated them since like... 2020... and I felt it was time to rectify that! So we've got prettier bubblier explosions that much more nicely fit with the aesthetics of the game now.

[h2]The Deus Mortis[/h2]

If you've been following the dev posts up until this point you'll know we've talked about reworking the Deus Mortis. Well, the deed has finally been done! And whilst its balancing still needs to be sorted out, the handsome devil is more than ready for the runway!

So quick rundown on how it works one more time!
  • Tapping the Fire Button once will fire the gun.
  • Tapping the Fire Button a second time whilst the projectiles are still midair will call them back to you.
  • Holding the Fire Button until the firing animation finishes will automatically cancel the callback and reload the gun.


[h2]Hud and UI[/h2]

On a more minor note we've also been making tweaks to the heads-up display and UI, mostly aesthetically oriented stuff. In addition the games standard font... or I guess *fonts* have changed.
Originally we were using about 3 different ones, and this was to account for the fact that each font we were using was missing certain characters. Finding an all-inclusive font that gelled nicely with the game aesthetically and that also wasn't missing something as simple as lowercase letters or question marks was a nightmare. But finally, we managed to do it!

[h2]More Art Updates[/h2]

Should probably go without saying at this point, but yes indeed more and more of Viscerafest's art is getting that spit and polish it needs!


Now look we've been all cute and coy up to this point but we all know that the real reason you're here is to buy that handsome man of yours a wedding ring and you'll be happy to know he's finally gotten a voice!!! Athens is now being played by Ryan Hughes!

[h2]Chapter 1 Rework[/h2]

Work has somewhat slowed on the Chapter 1 rework stuff in light of some hiccups that have seen Chapter 3 stealing a bit more of our time than desired, this is not to say nothing has gotten done however! We've been putting in quite a few loving touches to the spiffed-up chapter 1 levels, a great example of this being characters you hear talking over the intercom will appear via holograms in some of the more socially oriented sections of the station.

Little story touches are being added to help make what happens in the transitions between levels a bit clearer. A great example of that being the opening of C1L2. Formerly the level just started with the elevator wall blown open and Caroline making a snarky remark, but now you not only get to see it happen live, but the victims of this detonation just so happen to be pushing around explosive barrels on a lil cart! Small touches like that are things we're effectively aiming to add throughout the full game, with the aim of adding a bit more life to the levels.
The rework for C1L3 is also coming along quite nicely. The basic framework of the redone layout is just about complete, (and whilst this is true of every map we've done so far) it's hard to express just how much the map as a whole is benefitting from the facelift.

[h2]Chapter 2 Updates[/h2]

Oh yeah! Don't think that just because not all of the Chapter 2 levels are being remade doesn't mean they aren't getting some much-needed love too! As I already stated we're working on adding little story touches throughout the whole game, but due to Chapter 2's nightmarish development it didn't get nearly the amount of love I feel it needed. Currently, there's a lot of stuff that's getting visually polished up, and whilst most of it's pretty minor, there are a few areas in Chapter 2 that will be getting pretty heavily updated.

[h2]Chapter 3 Updates[/h2]

But ok ok I hear you... "What's going on with chapter 3?"
Headaches to be honest... that's what. Currently, we're working on getting chapter 3's final level ready to import into the game's engine, and we've hit a minor bit of a snag. Without spoiling anything, there are some more elaborate elements present in this map (particularly on the animation front) that have been quite migraine-inducing. Work that I was hoping would only take a few days is now taking a few weeks, which is... less than ideal, and is part of why some of the work on the other stuff has slowed down a bit.

This isn't to say it's going bad though! More so that it's just going painfully slow... But the actual content of said level is something I think you're all really going to love, so it'll be worth the effort.

[h2]But what's left?[/h2]

Ok so updates on what we've been working on aside, I think it might be fair to ask what the remaining work that needs to be done before the game's full release can happen actually entails. A sort of... roadmap of what needs to be done if you will...

Well! Once chapter 3's levels are complete we'll be moving to work on the game's grand finale following which we'll be going through the whole game but especially chapter 3 and just polishing the ever-loving crap out of the levels themselves.
In the midst of this, we'll also be wrapping up on the story stuff, ironing out the cutscenes, and doing the last rounds of VA with our team.

Following this, the game's Hubs will be getting reworked, and the game's store/economy will actually start to get properly implemented. With the unlockable cheats and gameplay modifiers getting added, however, we'll also need to go through the whole game and make sure they don't cause the game to buckle under its own weight. This will likely mean we'll need to create a "Free Play Mode" Which will largely cut out all the story content and some of the scripted sequences to make the experience a bit smoother.
We'll also be adding the lorebrary and bestiary during this period.

Following that we'll be moving on to beta testing and likely addressing more minor additions like menu options and such. Along with this will come localization, refinements for gamepads, trying to make the game Steam deck compatible, etc...

And then after all that we'll be moving on to release. How long will this all take? Well, our schedule says 5 months... but if I may be brutally honest I just don't see that happening. Life has not been kind to our time as of late, and keeping on top of everything is becoming more of a pain. So with that said I'm hesitant to pin a date on it because no doubt if I do that a gas line underneath my house will explode, or my computer will erupt into flames, and then we'll get delayed another month.

In conclusion

Once again a special thanks to all the folks who've been supporting us throughout this time. Whether you're a long-standing member of the community, or just a lurker who peaks in every now and again.
And a special thank you to all the folks who actually care enough to read these, because I know you're likely in the minority, and I appreciate you.

We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Spring Sale Discounts Are Here!

Hello everyone!

As the winter is coming to an end and the season of growth and rebirth is upon us, for the first time ever, Steam is celebrating this time of year with a Spring Sale. That means only one thing - discounts, discounts everywhere!

From now on until March 23 you can get Viscerafest for 20% off. That itself is already a decent discount, don't you think? But if you want to save even more money, get yourself the whole bundle with Forgive Me Father and Dread Templar, the discount applies there as well!


Viscerafest - Dev Update: Up Your Arsenal

Ahoi folks!

It's been a bit since our last content update, and internally we're not
too sure if there will be another before launch but alot has already changed
and we wanted to give you good folks a peak at what we've been up to!

Balancing Changes

Oh boy where to start... pretty much every single enemies health pool and
weapons damage/projectile speed in Viscerafest has been completely rebalanced,
and a good few of these changes are far from what one might call "subtle tweaks".

[h2]Skullpiercer - Shredders[/h2]
The pistol and assault rifle duo have been butting heads throughout development alot
with the pistol usually pulling through as the victor, it being so ammo efficient and all.
Alot of players tend to neglect the Shredders and have pretty openly told me so,
thus I decided it was time to fix that.

The Shredders are now far more ammo efficient than the Skullpiercer, and can more
reliably stun lock some of the games chunkier foes, this coming with the caveat that
their projectile speed is pretty slow now, which makes them slightly harder to use.
But if you want the most bang for your bullet, the Shredders are now the way to go.

The Skull Piercer is now effectively a mini railgun. It is much more powerful
and is the closest thing the game has to a hitscan weapon. This was done to give
the weapon a more pronounced role in the combat space, so whether your in the
early, mid, or late game you'll always go back to it.
Its basically replacing the old role of the Pung Cannon (but I'll talk about the changes
coming to that girl in a bit). The Skull Piercer also uses 10 cells per shot now, and whilst
the ammo economy surrounding the Pistol and Shredders has been tweaked to accommodate
this you can very easily burn through your ammo very quickly with the lil guy.

In short, the pistol is now an easy to use long range power house that burns through ammo
whilst the assault rifles are great for stun locking and preserving resources, but are really
ineffective at range.

[h2]The Bunker Buster - Pung Cannon[/h2]
Similarly the games shotgun and rocket rifle have also been at each others throats.
The Bunker Buster has always been a lil bit lacking and hasn't had enough of a well defined
role within the combat space for awhile. The Pung Cannons just more powerful, easy to use,
and to make matters worse the games melee attack doesn't cost any ammo and has been
just about as powerful as the Bunker Buster for a long while.

This is one of the reasons why in the last patch we started implementing some changes
to the Bunker Buster, but it seems it wasn't quite enough... and we got some mixed feedback
on the changes made to that weapon. So...

First of all, the Bunker Buster has been buffed to make it more powerful, its spread tightened
to make it easier to reliably one shot lower tier targets, and its projectile speed reduced pushing it
toward more of a close-mid range oriented weapon.
Whilst we have not removed the weapons splash damage it has been reduced. To counteract
the presence of the splash damage however, point blanking an enemy with the Bunker Buster
will now deal just short of double the damage.

As for the Pung Cannon, priorly its primary usage was in scoring direct hits similar to
a railgun, with a fun lil side function where if it hit a surface rather than an enemy it would detonate
after a short delay. That secondary function has now become the weapons primary feature, doing
much more damage than direct hits. The size of the hitbox on the projectile itself has been reduced
to make it easier to more reliably miss enemies, and conversely the splash damage radius of the explosion has been increased to make it easier to hit your target.

Taken as a whole the Pung Cannons role is now more about hitting heavier targets and groups of fodder indirectly with splash damage, meaning it requires a bit more skill to use, and functionally no longer conflicts with the Bunker Buster despite being more powerful.

[h2]The Deus Mortis[/h2]
For those who missed it the Deus Mortis (Viscerafest's Quad Shotgun) is getting a massive rework.
Whereas prior it was just your standard super-shotgun now you will be able to call your bullets back
to you! And paired with the weapons piercing function you can effectively use this to hit enemies multiple times with a single blast! Or just do kewl trickshots... that to...

Effectively tapping LMB will fire the the weapon, and tapping LMB again will call the bullets back to you and reload the gun.
Holding LMB until the gun reloads will allow you to just fire the weapon normally, and similarly switching weapons will cut off your ability to call the bullets you just fired back.

Because of this the weapon is obviously a tad more complicated to use, and as such the game
will do more to teach you how to use it. The level it's introduced in (C1L5) will also be almost
solely focused on allowing you to get used to the weapon, that way we can ease players into its
quirks a bit more effectively.

[h2]Melee Resistant Enemies[/h2]
Awhile ago we added melee resistance to a few enemies as a way to try deincentivise the over
abusing of melee attacks some players were committed to. but ultimately the application of this melee
resistance was lacking, and in some cases had the opposite effect of what was intended.
Because of this melee resistant enemies have been heavily reworked to better achieve the
intended goal, and to make their melee resistance more immediately readable.

Melee resistant enemies now have purple armor and or skin, upon punching them, a more
noticeable *tink* sound plays, with sparks and poofs accompanying a fewer quantity of
blood effects. Melee resistant enemies are also no longer stunned by melee attacks meaning
you can no longer stun lock them by *slowly* pummeling them to death as they stand by
helplessly grunting at you.

Conversely there are a few enemies that are now particularly vulnerable to melee attacks.
The Drones for example (who were formerly melee resistant) now take extra damage from
melee attacks. They do still have their melee counterattack however, so punching them is
indeed still a risk.

Because of the changes made to the pistol mentioned above it can effectively
oneshot all of the games lower tier goons now. This means for the first 2 maps of
Viscerafest you'll be exclusively fighting enemies your starting weapon can steamroll,
and whilst that's not necessarily a bad thing it does lend to the opening sections of the
game to feeling like an utter pushover. So to counter this the Troopers have received
a major change.

When going to attack you Troopers will now whip out a lil shield to protect themselves with.
Unlike the other shielded enemies however they will still be vulnerable to melee attacks in
this state, and visually the shield is quite different from say the Drones or the Hellbirds to
make this more apparent. So in essence they're effectively functionally the opposite of the other
shielded girls and boys, only able to counter your projectiles when they themselves are shooting
at you. Other aspects of their behaviors have also been tweaked to compensate for this change,
they attack less frequently now, move slower, etc...

[h2]Upcoming Changes[/h2]
How Viscerafest's combat is balanced in general will be changing with the full game as well.
There are alot of very brief combat encounters in the current game that lead to an
"awe... that's it?" Kinda reaction that I've seen a few players have, and as a result we'll be beefing
things up a bit and also using that as an excuse to give the player more in the way of resources.
There'll be a few more encounters triggered by events, where say you'll pick up a key and a door
will open with enemies charging into the room with you.

Additionally there'll be more encounters tied to secrets, and because of this secrets in general
will have greater rewards. One example in particular is that in the new version of C1L1 there's a
secret at the start of the map that requires you to effectively explore the whole level before you can
access it. Finding the secret will repopulate the whole map with a new set of encounters,
introducing a new enemy early, and the secret itself will give you a decent amount of ammo
along with a powerup to deal with them.

Powerups in general will be more present throughout the whole game, both in secrets and out in the open, as opposed to their relatively scarce presence outside of secrets now.


Oh yeah... did I mention that for Viscerafest's full release both chapters 1 and 2 will be receiving some
new enemy types? I mean yeah if you're on our discord you know that but you're probably not
which you should be! But regardless yes, on top of the new enemies coming to chapter 3
the games first 2 chapters will be receiving 2 new enemies. One of which you can see above!
This lady in particular is called the assassin, a fast sneaky stinker who can go invisible and will toss disks that project holograms of herself to fake you out!


But wait! There's more!!! Awhile ago we talked about how we were planning to rework
Viscerafest's tutorialization, and we gave a list of the changes we were planning to make...

The tutorials will be pickups now...
In all seriousness the reason for this is quite simple, the way tutorials just abruptly pop up in your
face right now with no former warning is admittedly rather annoying. Having them be pickups
gives you some form of visual forewarning that "Hey! There's a tutorial coming up!" and the hope
is this will help to alleviate some of the frustration caused by them with their current implimentation.
As a way to reward players for engaging with tutorials the pickups will also give you
a bit of health. So... yeh!

Art Updates

You may have guessed this already based upon the enemies above but Viscerafest's in game art
is also getting some love. From HUD elements, to enemies, weapons, etc... The whole suite
is getting some artistic spit and polish.

Chapter 1 Rework:

Viscerafest's opening maps are seeing some love as you know, with the first 3 being almost complete. So I thought we might give you a peak at the games new opening map!

Chapter 3

Currently I'm just starting pre-production on the final map of chapter 3, with C3l1-C3l6 being
playable and finishable. Once chapter 3 is *content* complete, we'll be going back through and
polishing up the chapter as a whole. We've not really been showing off too much of it yet because to
be perfectly honest it's just not ready for public viewing. The levels themselves are there and they are
playable but they need alot of love and so we're hesitant to show too much just yet,
but here's a lil peak!

Once chapter 3 is complete we'll still have the games finale to do as well, and Chromonaut, the lead
dev on the game Bitter, is giving us a hand with the final boss. And honestly I can't tell you how hard it is to not spoil what we're working on, I'm immeasurably excited to see everyones reactions to alot of what the games final chapter and ending have in store!

In Closing

That is all for now! If you've read to the end then uh... congratulations?
Admittedly there's alot here and I'd understand if someone didn't feel obliged to soak it all in.
What's more so there are a few things I actually would've liked to say more about, give you a
better idea why some of the decisions we've come to have been made but for the sake
of your time and mine, I think I will spare you. Regardless, once again thank you so much
for your support! And have a wonderful day!