New Patch Available Ver #1.1.5
[h3]Greetings, Fallen Warriors...[/h3]
We just released the second patch for Deathbound. We focused on the following issues, bugs, and balancing the game:
Thank you for your continued support. If you encounter any bugs or issues during the game, please report them via THIS FORM, on the Steam Community Hub forums, or on our Discord server.

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[h3]Grab Deathbound now and dive into a brutal and divided future where Death and Life were never more conflicted...[/h3]
We just released the second patch for Deathbound. We focused on the following issues, bugs, and balancing the game:
- Normal Morph Strikes now have a generous invincibility window at the beginning, like Ultra Morph Strikes to make them more reliable
- Nerfed Mobs from Essence Labs, Akratya’s Depths, and Life's Cathedral
- Slightly increased XP drop in all areas starting from Zehrimbal, Except Life's Cathedral
- Fixed bug where the camera sometimes unlocks the target
- Fixed a bug where players could get stuck inside The Holder enemy.
- Fixed attack hitbox issues where the player attack would go through the enemy without hitting him.
- Further Balance in the EIthalos fight
- Further Reduced HP and Damage of some enemies in Eithalos Fight
- Reduced Eithalos Lightning Spell Attack Weight.
- Balanced The Holder Roll Attack Animations to increase the tell
- Overall balancing of some enemies
- Balanced Final Boss Stats
- Adjusted Dragon of the Deep animations so arms and tentacles Pustules stay in melee range longer.
- Dragon of the Deep Total HP Reduced.
- Dragon of the Deep Reduced poison cloud damage
- Dragon of the Deep now has Increased delay between attacks while kneeling
- Reduced Unbearable Beast HP
Thank you for your continued support. If you encounter any bugs or issues during the game, please report them via THIS FORM, on the Steam Community Hub forums, or on our Discord server.

Follow Deathbound on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram.
[h3]Grab Deathbound now and dive into a brutal and divided future where Death and Life were never more conflicted...[/h3]