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Gunfire Reborn-Season 4

Gunfire Reborn Season 4 live

Update Notes 1/17: Season 4 "Star Link" Released!

Hello everyone!
We will launch Season 4 "Star Link" in this update, while Season 3 "Demon Vanquishment" will end simultaneously. Additionally, this update introduces two new weapons: [Clawspray] and [Crane Chant], a batch of new Occult Scrolls, and adjustments to some heroes, weapons, and Occult Scrolls. Enjoy!

Moreover, the base game and all its DLCs will be on a limited-time discount from January 16th 18:00 to January 30th 18:00 (UTC-8). Thanks again for your attention and support!

--- Gunfire Reborn Studio



[h2]Season 4 Now Available[/h2]
[h3]Season Gameplay - Star Link[/h3]
Fortunes reverse under the starlight, and the Boss Trial begins! To counter the growing demonic aura, heroes harness the power of the astral realm, further activating the potential of Occult Scrolls, and elevating Spiritual Link to Star Link. Zi Xiao's fellow disciples also transform into Star Envoys, assisting players in their adventures.

As with previous seasons, "Star Link" is only available in Nightmare and Reincarnation Difficulty. Players need to select a set bundle before entering a run and assemble the corresponding Occult Scroll combination to activate the set. Unlike "Spiritual Link," these new starlight set effects are powerful and diverse, with some terrifyingly potent core sets. This season will also feature Star Envoys; find them in adventure to try out the Activation and Reception of Starlight!
Detailed gameplay rules can be previewed in the in-game Season interface.

[h3]Season Reward[/h3]
Complete the Season tasks, increase your season level, and unlock the avatar frame "Star Link," Lei Luo's Idle Animation "Thunder Activation," Woodpecker Weapon Skin "Crystal pecker", Poisonous Ghost Weapon Skin "Snowy Plum" as well as emoticons, avatars, and other season rewards.

[h3]Boss Trial [/h3]
The difficulty of boss challenges increase, with other bosses' battle skills appearing in the stages.

[h3]Interdependent Fortunes[/h3]
Affected by starlight, you need to defeat enemies carrying Monster Scrolls to have a chance to obtain the corresponding [Interdependent Fortunes] Occult Scroll.


[h2]New Weapon[/h2]
Weapon Type: Injector
Dual-Wield: Yes
Weapon Description: Shoot water jets. Hitting enemies will attach a bubble to them. Continuous hits will cause the bubble to expand until it explodes.
Exclusive Inscription:
1. +100% Bubble expansion speed and total explosion DMG
2. Shoot high-pressure water jets, +60% RoF

[h3][Crane Chant][/h3]
Weapon Type: Staff
Dual-Wield: No
Weapon Description: Fires plum blossoms that slightly track enemies. Gains weapon resources
Weapon Skill: Releases a shadow crane causing AoE damage
Exclusive Inscription:
1. +25% total DMG and +10% AoE for each hit by shadow crane, up to 4 times
2. +3 Weapon Resource recovery when firing. Additionally fires 3 blossoms

[h2]Weapon Adjustments[/h2]
[h3][Frenzied Shark] Adjustment[/h3]
Fires bouncing grenades. Causes a small-area explosion on hitting enemies/cover and continues to bounce. DMG of next bounce will be reduced after hitting enemies
DMG increased: 235→250
Ammo capacity reduced: 8→7
Optimized grenade bounce force for more controllable bounce trajectory. Optimized the visual effects of trajectory and explosion, reducing overall brightness.
New Exclusive Inscription:
The grenade will track enemies within a certain range after every bounce. Grenade DMG will not decrease after hitting enemies

[h3][Golden Bow] Adjustment[/h3]
Weapon DMG and CritX increase with charge level. Reveal enemies' weak points at certain charge
CritX: 2.5→3
Optimized shooting action performance.
RoF increased slightly.
New Exclusive Inscription:
After arrows hit enemy's weak point, generate extra arrows to attack weak points again
Exclusive Inscription Adjustment:
Original effect: +50% Lucky Shot Chance for each second
New effect: +75% Lucky Shot Chance for each 0.5s, up to 150%

[h2]Optimized hit feedback of crosshair[/h2]
New critical hit performance added.
Optimized non-critical hit performance.


[h2][Zi Xiao] Adjustments[/h2]
We have iterated on [Zi Xiao]'s gameplay, including talent, ascension, spiritual blessing, and other aspects.
  • [Stellar Recovery]
    New effect added: If it is [Impure Astrohouse], increase Astrohouse Level based on the [Astroaspects] in the slot before casting Falling Star. (Increase probability: Normal/Rare/Legendary/Wild provide 15/20/25/30%, each 100% chance increases 1 level, and the remaining chance below 100% provides an additional level)

[h3]Spiritual Blessing[/h3]
  • [Functional Deck] (Zi Xiao)
    Original effect: Obtain weapon bonuses for 5s when consuming [Astroaspects]. [Normal Astroaspects]: +5% RoF. [Rare Astroaspects]: +30% Weapon DMG. [Legendary Astroaspects]: +20% Lucky Shot Chance.[Wild Astroaspects]: +0.5x CritX.
    New effect: +50% Weapon DMG for 5s when consuming [Astroaspects], up to 300%. Every 6 [Astroaspects] consumed allows drawing a card with different effects for 10s. Each card effect stacks up to 3. Blue Card: +40% Lucky Shot Chance; Purple Card: +30% RoF; Orange Card: +40% Movement Speed, 40% chance for projectile +1 when shooting; Red Card: Obtain all card effects

  • [Mirror Hand]
    Original effect: There is a chance to obtain 2/3/maximum number of [Astroaspects] through [Astroforecast].
    New effect: There is a chance to obtain 2/3/maximum number of [Astroaspects] through [Astroforecast]. Every 10/9/8 cards summoned, +5/6/8backup card number. Second-level effect: Missed cards have a chance to be counted in backup cards. Third-level effect: Backup card number single increase limit raised to Cards Holding Capacity, missed cards have a chance to be counted in backup cards.
  • [Card Printer]
    Original effect: +4/8/12 [Astroforecast] capacity. +5/6/8 reserve cards after summoning 10/9/8 cards. Second-level effect: Missed cards have a chance to be included in the reserve cards.Third-level effect: Maximum reserve card amount given at once is equal to the card holding capacity. Missed cards have a chance to be included in the reserve cards.
    New effect:+4/8/12 [Astroforecast] capacity. There is a chance to obtain 1 Secondary Skill Use based on quality when obtaining [Astroaspects](15%/15%/35%/35%)/(20%/20%/45%/45%)/(25%/25%/55%/100%)
  • [Flashing Star]
    Original effect: +250%/400%/600% Base DMG of [Falling Star]; second-level effect:If there are empty slots, +30% total DMG of [Falling Star].Third-level effect:If there are empty slots, +60% total DMG of [Falling Star] with a chance of +100% total DMG.
    New effect: +250%/400%/600% Base DMG of [Falling Star]; second-level effect:If there are empty slots, +45% total DMG of [Falling Star].Third-level effect:If there are empty slots, +90% total DMG of [Falling Star] with a chance of +150% total DMG.
  • [Endless Stardome]
    Original effect: If the [Astrohouse] for [Falling Star] is the same as last time, +45%/60%/75% DMG for every slot. Third-level effect: If it is not [Impure Astrohouse] and has empty slots, the above effect doubles.
    New effect: If the quality of [Astrohouse] for [Falling Star] is not lower than last time, +20%/30%/40% DMG for every slot.If [Astrohouse] is the same as last time, +30%/60%/100% additional total DMG
  • [Last Star]
    Original effect: When consuming the last ammo in the magazine, clear 1 random [Astroaspect] and the shot causes enemies to take +20% DMG. Second and third-level effects: Clear 1 random [Astroaspect] and obtain a special effect on the shot.[Normal Astroaspect]: Enemies take +30%/30% DMG. [Rare Astroaspect] or [Legendary Astroaspect]: +25%/50% total DMG and trigger Elemental Effect. [Legendary Astroaspect]: +25% total DMG and trigger Elemental Effect./deal a Crit Hit. [Wild Astroaspect]: (None)/Obtain a random bonus.
    New effect: When consuming the last ammo in the magazine, clear 1/1/all [Astroaspect] and the shot causes enemies to take +20% DMG. When shooting the last bullet in the magazine, randomly clear 1/1/all [Astroaspects] and +15%/20%/cleared Astroaspects number
  • 25% Lucky Shot Chance, lasting 3/4/4 seconds. Third-level effect: If it's [Wild Astroaspects], bonus effect doubles.
  • [Bet It All]
    Original effect: +10% Base Weapon DMG for every [Astroaspect] for 5s when clearing [Astrohouse]. Second and third-level effects: Gain different weapon bonus effects based on each [Astroaspects] for 5 seconds. [Normal Astroaspects]: +15%/25% DMG. [Rare Astroaspects]: Lucky Shot Chance +15%/20%. [Legendary Astroaspects]: (Lucky Shot Chance +15%)/(+0.5x Weapon CritX ). [Wild Astroaspects]: Randomly gain 1 bonus, (None)/(Chance to gain all bonuses)
    New effect: When slots are cleared, +10%/10%/15% weapon DMG for each slot, up to 6/6/8 stacks, lasting 6/7/8 seconds. Second and third-level effects: Different [Astroaspects] provide different bonuses, up to 6/8 stacks for 7/8s. [Normal Astroaspect]: +10%/15% Base DMG. [Rare Astroaspect]: +10%/15% Lucky Shot Chance. [Legendary Astroaspect]: (+10% Lucky Shot Chance)/(+0.3x Weapon CritX). [Wild Astroaspect]: Obtain a random bonus, (none)/(Chance to gain all bonuses)
  • [Astrological Magazine]
    Original effect: Obtain 1 [Astroaspect] when refilling the magazine. (CD:1s)
    New effect: Gain 1 [Astroaspects] and have a chance to gain an extra one when have no [Astroaspects], (triggered at most once per second)
  • [Card Storm]
    Original third-level effect: There is a chance to use [Astroforecast] once after shooting (CD: 2s). When consuming 10% of the magazine capacity as an accumulated quantity, shoot 1 holding card and reset the accumulating process.
    New third-level effect: Chance to trigger [Astroforecast] once and obtain an extra [Astroaspect] upon hitting on an target (CD: 1.2s). When consuming 10% of the magazine capacity as an accumulated quantity, shoot 1 holding card and reset the accumulating process

  • Reduced the hold press time required to reset Occult Scroll
  • Added upgrade strategy "None" option, which does not level up Occult Scroll quality
  • Added a reset Occult Scroll filter button in the backpack, showing only resettable Occult Scrolls when checked

[h2][Momo] Adjustments[/h2]
[h3]Talent [/h3]
  • [Lingering Rhythm]
    Original effect: +4% Movement speed for every 5 "Ink Rhythm" changes, last for 12s and up to 15 stacks. Obtain a double movement speed bonus during Ink Spirit
    New effect: +20% Movement Speed, additionally +2% Movement Speed for 12 seconds each 5 "Ink Point" changes, up to 15 stacks. In Ink Spirit state, the movement speed bonus doubles.

[h3]Spiritual Blessing[/h3]
  • [Inkwash Fusion] (Momo Exclusive)
    Original effect: +30 "Ink Rhythm" cap. +5% Weapon DMG and 1% Lucky Shot for each "Ink Rhythm". When staying in [Blank Domain], gain 2 "Ink Rhythm" and 2 weapon skill resources per second. Dealing DMG to an enemy will immediately gain 20 "Ink Rhythm" (only trigger once in combat, reset after leaving combat)
    New effect: +30 "Ink Rhythm" cap. +1% Total Weapon DMG for each "Ink Rhythm"(Ink Spirit sortie period benefit reduced by 75%). When staying in [Blank Domain], gain 2 "Ink Rhythm" and 3 weapon skill resources per second. Gain 20 "Ink Rhythm" after dealing DMG to an enemy (only trigger once in combat, reset after leaving combat)

[h3]Spiritual Link[/h3]
  • [Master of Ink and Wash]
    Original effect: +5% weapon DMG for each "Ink Point"
    New effect: +1% Lucky Shot Chance for each "Ink Point" (Benefit reduced by 75% during Ink Spirit sortie period)

[h2][Qing Yan] Adjustment[/h2]
Qing Yan's [Leap] speed can benefit from self-movement speed bonus

Occult Scroll

This update introduces 12 new Occult Scrolls
  • [Efficient Firepower]
    Quality: Normal
    Normal: 50% chance to get 1 extra recovery time when the secondary skill use < 50%; +60% secondary skill DMG when secondary skill use ≥ 50%
    Enhance: 50% chance to get 1 extra recovery time when the secondary skill recovers its usage times. +100% secondary skill DMG when the secondary skill use ≥ 50%
  • [Stable Supply]
    Unlock: Initial Unlock
    Quality: Normal
    Normal: Peddler always has 2 Occult Scrolls
    Enhance: Peddler always has 2 Occult Scrolls. +10% DMG for each Occult Scroll obtained from Peddler
  • [Speedy Traveler]
    Unlock: Defeat [Desert Fly] 50 times
    Quality: Rare
    Normal: +0.5% movement speed for every 100m moved (up to 60 stacks). +10% movement speed when reaching 60 stacks
    Enhance: +0.5% movement speed for every 50m moved (up to 120 stacks). +20% movement speed when reaching 60 stacks
  • [Big Eater]
    Unlock: Defeat [Spider Hunter] 20 times on Elite difficulty or higher
    Quality: Rare
    Normal: Can pick up buns when HP is full. The overflowing recovery provided by buns will be converted into an equal amount of excess shield/armor (Max 30% of shield/armor per overflowing recovery)
    Enhance: Increases chance for monsters to drop buns. Can pick up buns when HP is full. The overflowing recovery provided by buns will be converted into 1.5 times the amount of excess shield/armor (Max 30% of shield/armor per overflowing recovery).
  • [Foundry Blessing]
    Unlock: Defeat [GOLEM] 1 time
    Quality: Normal
    Normal: Foundry hits can defeat normal enemies directly or deal 8%/4% max HP True DMG to Elites/Bosses (CD: 5s)
    Enhance: Foundry hits can defeat normal enemies directly or deal 8%/4% max HP True DMG to Elites/Bosses every 5s, , stores up to 3 times
  • [Rampage Time]
    Unlock: Defeat [Shieldant] 10 times
    Quality: Rare
    Normal: After entering the stages, -40% Primary Skill cooldown, +40% RoF, lasts 40s
    Enhance: After entering the stages, -40% Primary Skill cooldown, +40% RoF, +20% movement speed, lasts 40s. +5s duration for each completed scene
  • [It Takes Two]
    Unlock: Defeat [GOLEM] 3 times on Elite difficulty or higher
    Quality: Legendary
    Normal: With this Secret Scroll, the chance of [It Takes Two] reappearing increases. + 1 Level of the last chosen ascension when picking it again and destroys all [It Takes Two]
    Enhance: Obtain 1 Golden Goblet immediately, and ascension options prioritize the owned ascension
  • [Pain for Gain]
    Unlock: Defeat [Elite Spider Hunter] 5 times
    Quality: Legendary
    Normal: Obtain 3 Cursed Scrolls immediately. 50% chance to replace 1 Cursed Scroll with random scroll when completing the stages
    Enhance: Obtain 3 Cursed Scrolls immediately. Switch 1 Cursed Scroll with random scroll when completing the stages
  • [Curse Away]
    Unlock: Initial Unlock
    Quality: Rare
    Normal: Auto-destroys after being discarded. Can select 2 Cursed Scrolls to be ineffective
    Enhance: Auto-destroys after being discarded. Can select 3 Cursed Scrolls to be ineffective
  • [Mistaken Delivery]
    Unlock: Initial Unlock
    Quality: Cursed
    Normal: When obtaining the Occult Scroll, there's a chance to be replaced by an Occult Scroll of the same quality
  • [Leaky Pocket]
    Unlock: Initial Unlock
    Quality: Cursed
    Normal: -7% copper amount after switching stages
  • [Shackled Steps]
    Unlock: Initial Unlock
    Quality: Cursed
    Normal: -10% Movement Speed. The final bonus to Movement Speed won't exceed 80%

[h2]Occult Scroll Effect Adjustments[/h2]
  • [Take it all]
    Original Effect: You cannot discard all Occult Scrolls, but variable options in Mysterious Chest will be selectable
    New Effect: You cannot discard all Occult Scrolls, but variable options in Mysterious Chest will be selectable. Destroy after triggering 6 Mysterious Chest options
  • [Ninja's Discipline]
    Original Effect: +5% Lucky Shot Chance per second (up to 50%). Resets after triggering a Lucky Shot
    New Effect: +20 stacks every 3s. +0.5% Lucky Shot chance per stack (up to 90 stacks). -10 stacks after dealing Weapon DMG
  • [Enhance·Ninja's Discipline]
    Original Effect: +5% Lucky Shot Chance per second (up to 10 stacks). Upon reaching the max stack, resets after triggering a Lucky Shot
    New Effect: +30 stacks every 3s. +0.5% Lucky Shot chance per stack (up to 120 stacks). -8 stacks after dealing Weapon DMG
  • [Airbag]
    Adjusted to Rare quality
  • [Break the Ice]
    Original Effect: - Lv1 on a random Ascension, and gain 5 Occult Scrolls. (At least 1 Legend Scroll)
    New Effect: - Lv1 on a random Ascension, gain 5 Occult Scrolls and including 1 Legend Scroll at least (Ascensions with a level cap of 1 are not considered)
  • [Enhance·Break the Ice]
    Original Effect: - Lv1 on a random Ascension, and gain 5 Occult Scrolls. (At least 3 Legend Scroll)
    New Effect: - Lv1 on a random Ascension, gain 5 Occult Scrolls and including 3 Legend Scrolls at least (Ascensions with a level cap of 1 are not considered)
  • [Triple Comeback]
    Original Effect: -50% Max HP and Max Shield/Armor, but gain 2 extra revives. This Occult Scroll will be destroyed after the effect ends.
    New Effect: Shield recharge delay is tripled, -50% recovery speed, but gain 2 extra revives. This Occult Scroll will be destroyed after the effect ends
  • [Explosive Magazine]
    Adjusted to Rare quality
  • [Evil-Banishing Talisman]
    Adjusted to Legendary quality
  • [Enhance·Stone Skin]
    Original Effect: +30% DMG Resistance 3 times after taking DMG. (Unstackable)
    New Effect: +30% DMG Resistance

Additionally, we optimized the pickup method for [Upgrade a scroll to Enhanced Occult Scroll] in the Mysterious Chest, now Enhanced Occult Scrolls will enter the backpack directly


[h2]New Stage[/h2]
[Beiting Remnant] added some random level routes

[Bizarre Dream]

[h2]Monster Scrolls Effect Adjustments[/h2]
  • Evil-Banishing Talisman
    Original Effect: -80% chance to inflict Elemental Effect
    New Effect: After hitting player, player randomly obtains 1 Cursed Scroll effect for 5s
  • Spirit Bible
    Original Effect: -40% Skill DMG taken
    New Effect: Generates 1 special shield that blocks 10% of Total Max HP in Skill DMG. If no Skill DMG in 5s, re-obtain the special shield
  • Old Belt
    Original Effect: After being defeated by a player, recover 100% magazine for this player.
    New Effect: After being defeated, player recovers reserve ammo equal to magazine count

[h2]New Monster Scrolls[/h2]
  • Preemptive Strike
    +50% DMG for the first damage dealt to player before taking DMG. -10% Movement Speed for the corresponding player for 10s(up to 3 stacks)
  • Ammo Belt
    After being defeated, does not drop Ammo
  • Ammo Recoverer
    +30% Movement Speed, creates corrosive area along movement path
  • Surprise Bonus
    When dealing DMG to player, 15% chance to summon a lightning at player's location
  • Vindictive Nature
    When taking DMG, releases a blade wave at player (CD: 5s)
  • Intimidating Presence
    When breaking player's Shield/Armor, player's Movement Speed greatly reduced for 0.5s, cannot recover for 5s
  • Masterful Craftsmanship
    After dealing DMG to player, one of the player's main weapon's exclusive Inscription becomes ineffective for 5s.
  • Battle Nature
    When player is within 10m, releases a 10m range shockwave at own location (CD: 5s)
  • Greedy Choice
    When dealing DMG to player for the first time, steal an amount of health recovery equal to the percentage of this DMG relative to the player's Total Max HP, then this Occult Scroll destroyed
  • Priced HP
    When dealing DMG to player, adds DMG equal to 50% of player's lost HP
  • Elemental Curse
    When affected by Elemental Effect, Elemental Effect duration doubles
  • Burden of Solitude
    In the same room, as Monsters decrease, subsequent Monsters become weaker
  • Elemental Relic
    When affected by Elemental Effect, releases a random Elemental pulse with a 10m range at own location and causes Elemental Effect (CD: 6s)
  • Perfect Sixth
    After hitting player, -17% of player's Magazine Ammo (CD: 2s)
  • Arms Dealer
    After taking DMG, -25% player's Magazine Capacity, lasts until next reload (CD: 2s)
  • Elemental Convergence
    Releases a random Elemental attack, CD: 5s. -0.5s CD for each Elemental Effect taken
  • Rock-Hard Determination
    Cannot be knocked back
  • Quack Doctor
    When being defeated, remove 1 stack of [Down Penalty]
  • Sucker Punch
    When dealing DMG to player with full Shield/Armor or during Shield recovery phase, +50% DMG and -20% player's Movement Speed for 5s

[Mission from Above] added multiple Quests, and adjusted [Legendary] quality Quests

Interface & UI
  • Backpack-Occult Scroll added search bar
  • Added mark "secondary" Occult Scroll function, Marked Occult Scroll is prioritized among same quality Occult Scrolls
  • Added timeline for chat history

  • Added [Excess Shield/Armor] and [Excess HP]
    When possessed, increases corresponding defense type cap, only decreases when taking damage from enemies
  • Added customer service feedback entry on loading screen, can provide feedback through this entry before entering the lobby

  • Added Golden Goblet icon guide
  • Defeating Monsters in Endless Journey and Boundless Dream can accumulate Unlock Progression

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple issues in the game

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1/17 Update Preview: New Season, New Weapons, New Year Discount!

Hola folks!
We will update the game on Friday, January 17, 2025. This update includes the long-awaited Season 4 -Star Link, two new free weapons "Clawspray" and "Crane Chant", and some adjustments. Hope you like it!

As the Chinese New Year approaches, we plan to offer a two-week New Year discount to thank you
for your long-term support and love. The base game and all DLCs will receive discounts from January 16th 18:00 to January 30th 18:00 (UTC-8).

We have also prepared a trailer on the store page to help you better understand this update. Come
and take a look! 

That's all for this preview, see you on January 17!

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Tavern Chat #006: Season 4

On the very last day of 2024, we truly wanna thank y'all for accompanying Gunfire Reborn all year long. Here's wishing everyone a super Happy New Year!

As the new year arrives, we will usher in a brand new season. Let's take a peek at the upcoming updates for Season 4 together!

[h2]Season 4: Star Link[/h2]
Under the influence of starlight, new changes have emerged in the [Spiritual Link] and [Interdependent Fortunes] in the Bizzare Dream...

  • Star Link
[Spiritual Link] has been sublimated into [Star Link], and we have added a series of new link effects! You can choose the link combinations that best suit your build to engage in battles.

  • Star Envoy

The Star Envoy will appear randomly in the game. Like Zi Xiao, he masters the secrets of astroaspects and has gained the mysterious power to convert Occult Scrolls.

  • Interdependent Fortunes

Affected by starlight, you need to defeat enemies carrying Monster Scrolls to have a chance to obtain the corresponding [Interdependent Fortunes] Occult Scroll.

During the adventure, you will have the chance to obtain additional Mysterious Occult Scrolls. It is said that collecting three Mysterious Occult Scrolls can unlock the most precious reward!

What's more, [Interdependent Fortunes] will also introduce a batch of new Monster Scrolls, bringing new enhanced abilities to enemies. Gear up to face them!

  • Boss Trial

The difficulty of the BOSS stage will increase, and bosses will even obtain the combat skills of other bosses.

[h2]Other Important Updates[/h2]
  • Bizzare Dream Update

New missions will be added to [Mission from Above].

  • Adjustments to [Zi Xiao]

When it comes to Occult Scroll strategy, how can we leave out Zi Xiao, we've optimized the experience of Zi Xiao's Occult Scrolls resetting. Meanwhile, we also adjusted some of Zi Xiao's "Strategy Thought" and "Arcane Arts" ascensions as well as spiritual blessing [Functional Deck].

  • Weapon Adjustments: [Frenzied Shark]&[Golden Bow]

If you've put these two weapons aside due to poor handling and aiming before, well, it's time to dig them out now! Give them a shot!

  • New Occult Scrolls & Adjustments
We've added a batch of new Occult Scrolls (Come on, trust us! We're not turning the Occult Scroll pool into a mess). Meanwhile, we've adjusted the effects of some existing Occult Scrolls.

[h2]Season Update Preview[/h2]

Based on the progress, the update for Season 4 will be released in mid-January. Please stay tuned! 
Thank you all for your patience and support.
See y'all soon :)

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Update Notes - 12/20

What's up, folks!
In this update, we have fixed some issues in the game. We sincerely appreciate all your feedback and suggestions!

Besides, the Winter Sale starts today! From December 19th 10:00 to January 2nd 10:00 (UTC-8), a limited-time discount will be offered to Gunfire Reborn and all its DLCs.

As Christmas approaches, we, together with Lyn, wish you a great time!

--- Gunfire Reborn Studio

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed the issue where it was impossible to clear [Beiting Remnant - Level 2] in some cases.

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