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Monster Girl Garden News


Release Dates Patreon: January 30th Public: March 13th

New Content
-New Meshes for all Warpstones
-Patron-only items now earnable in game: Forest Warpstone, Arena Warpstone, Beach Warpstone, Mountains Warpstone
-The four Warpstones are now craftable at the Fabrication Bench, after earning the recipe from one of the Quest NPCs by completing all their Quests
-Warpstones can now be used two ways, 4 exist in the world at the start of the game, and become active when one is built in your Garden. Using one will teleport you to the other (works on both islands)
-Completing the Alraune questline gives the recipe for the Forest Warpstone, the Trainer questline gives the Arena Warpstone, the Scientist gives the Beach Warpstone, and the Smith gives the Mountains Warpstone
-Create better controls for god mode; selection circle moves independent of camera, registers position in the world under the cursor on screen, clicking and dragging moves camera, right clicking and dragging rotates camera yaw and pitch
-Implement new camera controls in game

-Fabrication Bench now displays mouse over item descriptions, like the other crafting stations
-Patrons can now choose their starting tool level from available options. Silver patrons can choose bronze tools instead, Gold patrons can choose silver or bronze, and Ruby patrons can choose any level including Diamond
-Healing items can no longer be used on a Monster recovering from losing a fight
-Monster Detail window now appears on a lower Z sort, meaning it will appear behind windows which would have been blocked by it previously

Bug Fixes
-Cleared a bunch of non-fatal errors, errors which would not crash the game but could cause performance drops
-Moving while the game is slowed or even paused works with the new controls (clicking and dragging to move while the game is paused is the only thing that won't work, camera can still be moved with WASD in this case)
-Fixed a glitch on the old island, when a new island was started the player was unable to enter shops or the garden itself by using the regular area teleports
-The above glitch may have also been causing call stack errors which would slow and eventually freeze the game
-Fixed collision on teleporters (shop entrances, etc)
-Fixed Succubus Antidote recipe in the Alchemy Station, was looking for incorrect ingredients
-Fixed some glitches in the Help menu, certain menus were soft-locking as well as displaying Biome data on the wrong help screens
-Fixed a glitch with the Shady Alraune which was trying to play an old animation from a different skeleton, this was causing her to T-pose after tossing seeds
-Fixed a dialogue bug with Alraune
-Fixed a bug with Moths where breast size would set to zero when switching to Resident status
-Fixed a softlock in the workshop and some other windows which would occur during Autosave at midnight
-Fixed a glitch in the Journal which would show the old map on the new island
-Fixed a bunch of Alchemy Bench recipes which were not showing all required ingredients
-Fixed a material display error on Harpies wings
-Fixed an error with 'Keep Out' signs, the functionality depended on one sign being placed at a time, multiple signs will no longer bug functionality when destroying one
-Fixed many instances where shop prices displayed did not match the result, for example many products that were listed as "not sellable" were sellable, but the displayed price was registering as 0
-Fixed a softlock when renaming Monsters
-Fully fixed Furnaces, had previously fixed one instance of the bug that is now totally fixed; furnaces now properly remove the intended item from the intended slots

Nayla's Fable: Lust and Rust!


Nayla's an energetic girl who got a part-time job at Sunstone Power Plant, a perfect place for her to hone her engineering skills.

Everything was going perfectly during her first day at work, when she stumbled upon an underground forgotten lab and accidentally released a strange substance with some "serious" aphrodisiac effect.

Scared to reveal her mistake and get fired, she decides to looks for a solution by herself, with the assistance of a new unexpected friend.

Help Nayla investigate and look for resources while completing her daily work schedules and find a solution to this experimental substance before it's spreads everywhere and affect the entire power plant!

- A short adventure with a short stacked hottie
- Various minigames to keep you engaged between sex scenes
- Full graphic adventure mechanics for an interactive story
- Animated sex scenes giving each scene some extra spice

Cam Star! OUT NOW!


In space no one can hear you moan...unless its live to the entire universe. Boarding an experimental space station orbiting Earth, Lexie is ready to entertain her fans, earn cash and perhaps even have a sexy encounter of the third kind! Help Lexie become the first ever to take NSFW streaming to space and beyond!

Entertain millions of viewers with live shows in space. Using your earnings you can unlock new devices to help you really spice up your performances.

Live Responsive Chat: As you explore the space station, Lexie's chat will update in real-time, reflecting the environment and her activities!

Playful Assortment of Scenes: Explore, and use the money Lexie earns from her fans to unlock new toys and over 15+ scenes!

Bedroom: An Anti-Grav wardrobe is included, where Lexie can choose which pieces of her outfit to take on or off, and rest after a long day of streaming!

Rumor has it there are some...interesting things aboard the space station! Can you discover them all?

Help Lexie earn Pulse Credits from her adoring fans as she explores the space station!



Sorry folks, looks like I didn't complete posting this when I updated the game last, so I'm posting it now.

Release Dates Patreon: November 23rd Public: December 24th

New Content
-New Item; Cave Mushroom
-Continue work on Expanded Island, loading zones, etc
-A simple map for the Expanded Island
-Finish NPC Relationship system
-Expand Mountain area on Expanded Island
-Add Jungle type area to Expanded Island
-Add Cave type area to Expanded Island

-Added a warning to the Monster details panel which tells the Player if the Monster is beyond the 'R*** threashold' based on Happiness and State (whether they are a Resident, Visitor, or Feral)
-Increased that value of Coins found in the Garden and Gold Rocks; Ruby is now $5.00 instead of $0.50, Gold is now $2.00 instead of $0.20, Silver is now $1.00 instead of $0.05, and Bronze is now $0.50 instead of $0.01
-Optimize game elements that affect performance
-Loading zone added for Monsteronna City, Slums, Mountains, Beach, and Forest. All elements now despawn when Player leaves the areas, and respawns when entering again (Expanded Island)
-Added 67 missing Items to the Encyclopedia
-Mushrooms can now be found in the Mountains on the Expanded Island, and Cave Mushrooms can be found in the Caves
-Rock mesh used for foliage/set dressing has been replaced with a different looking, much lower poly version for both efficiency and to avoid having them look like rocks you can break
-Reduced tris on a number of flower models, and added LOD models to improve performance

Bug Fixes
-Hoe can once again be used to destroy Flowers, as originally intended
-Added blocking volumes to Lake and Beach on Expanded Island
-Decreased the max growth size of Evergreen trees
-Fixed a glitch where Empty bottles were not filling when dropped in water on the Expanded Island
-Fixed some coding errors which were not causing crashes on their own, but could slow performance
-Fixed an issue with distance LOD rock meshes which could be affecting performance
-Fixed a glitch in Furnaces where they weren't giving the expected output in certain instances (Pure Gems being smelted into Bars will now give 2 Bars as intended, and Molten Glass and Steel Bars will give an extra output when using a Steel Furnace)


Release Dates Patreon: December 24th Public: January 30th

New Content
-New Items; Thermashroom, Frostcap, Resonance Charge (for new quest), Bananas, Cacao Bean
-New Food Type; Mushrooms (currently 4 types in total)
-New Quest; Scientist quest to open path in Caves to Lower Caves
-New section of the Caves, Lower Caves. Contains both Thermashrooms and Frostcaps all year round
-Bananas and Cacao can be found in the Jungle at different times of year
-Thermashrooms are found in the Caves during Summer, and can be used as Fuel. More efficient than Log Bundles, it offers Players an early-mid game Fuel source, aside from having to use wood and seeds
-Frostcaps are found in the Caves during Winter, and can be used as a more efficient cooling source than Ice before Eternal Ice can be secured
-New Dialogue for NPCs; Alraune, Shady Scientist

-New simple system with data stored in the current game instance which remembers which resources have been harvested (across all loading zones) and restores their state when the relevant zone is reloaded
-Loading zones no longer replenish resources when exiting and re-entering, until a new in-game day begins
-The following items can now be sold; All Mushrooms, Purple Slime C**, Werebat C**, Automaton Oil, Greater Succubus C**, All Silicone Items (Implants, D*ildos, etc)
-Changed texture of Rock Surfaces for Interiors so that it doesn't clash with the wall texture
-Added a small Cave equivalent on the Old Island so Cave Mushrooms and other newly added Caves collectables can still be gathered without switching maps

Bug Fixes
-Teleportation Statues now have a proper equivalent destination on the Expanded Island
-Fixed spawning and respawning of the following objects on the Expanded Island; Diamond Rock (Scientist Questline), Gold Rocks, Rocks (Quarry, Mountains, Caves), Trees (Forest, Lake, Mountains), Coconuts (Beach in Summer), Berry Bushes (Forest, Beach), Mushrooms (Mountains, Caves)
-Fixed a display error on the Forest Teleporter stone
-Fixed a display error in the General Store (player inventory was not clearing under specific conditions, allowing for selling items which were no longer there)
-Fixed rocks rolling away on the Expanded Island in the Quarry and the Caves
-Fixed a UI error in the Workshop which caused some buttons to overlap partially, making elements in the Wood and Stone crafting menu harder to click on
-Fixed a UI error when talking to NPCs which would register clicking on the dialogue box as a choice when waiting for a response from the player, this would cause duplication of dialogue choices and other oddities