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  2. News

Dragon Nest News

[Completed] Scheduled Maintenance on 13th November, 2024

Dear Heroes,

We are pleased to announce that our game service has been successfully resumed as of 02:00 (PST)/ 05:00 (EST)

※Please note that some of the rewards distributed during the maintenance, along with restored and replaced items may have an expiration period. Be sure to claim them once you've logged into the game!

Happy Nesting!

Dear Heroes,

There will be scheduled maintenance on 13th November 2024, starting from 22:00 HRS (PST) / 14th November 2024, starting from 01:00 HRS (EST).

During the maintenance, Heroes will not be able to connect to the game including Steam users, and are expected to be resumed by 02:00 HRS (PST) / 05:00 HRS (EST).

[Friendly Reminder]

- The rewards for the STG Bonus event will be distributed.
- The Lucky Shot Top-Up Promotion rewards will be distributed

*Please note the rewards for the STG Rankings will be distributed in Scheduled Maintenance next week due to changes in rankings

*Season 10 : STG Rankings can be checked in our official homepage

We strongly recommend that you log out of the game before the stipulated time to avoid any item loss.

Best regards,

[Completed] Game Patch on 6th November, 2024

Game service resumed at 7th November 01:00 (PST) / 04:00 (EST)

[Additional Information]

- STG Rewards will be provided during the scheduled maintenance next week.

- [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest Stage 1 Clear reward title has been distributed.

 > The reward can be obtained by all characters who cleared the stage.

- Push Crystal Statue Mission Box has been distributed.

- The rewards for October Spending Event has been appropriately distributed for players who were unable to receive them.

Happy Nesting!

Dear Heroes,

This coming Wednesday is the day of the November 2024 Update Patch.

The estimated update patch time will be around 7 HOURS.

We strongly recommend that you log out of the game before the stipulated time to avoid any item loss.

[Update period]
November 6th (Wed) 2024 18:00 - November 7th (Thu) 2024 01:00 (PST) Total of 7 hrs
November 6th (Wed) 2024 21:00 - October 10th (Thu) 2024 04:00 (EST) Total of 7 hrs

[Friendly Reminder]
- Lucky Shot Event Season 04 will be concluded on 6th Nov 2024, 23:59 (PST)
- 2024 Halloween Decorations will be reverted to normal.
- Season 10: Extreme Sunset Training Ground Contest will be concluded.
└ The reward will be provided in the maintenance next week.
- [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest will be removed
└ [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest Stage 1 clear reward will be distributed.
- Vigor Event will be concluded.
- Halloween Artbook Event will be concluded.
- Dark Lord Mission Box Purchase Ticket will be deleted.

Thank you.

[Completed] Scheduled Maintenance on 30th October, 2024

Game service resumed at 31st October 01:00 (PDT) / 04:00 (EDT)

[Additional Information]

The issue with the Lucky Zone being applied twice has been fixed.

Happy Nesting!

Dear Heroes,

There will be scheduled maintenance on 30th October 2024, starting from 23:00 HRS (PDT) / 31st October 2024, starting from 02:00 HRS (EDT).

During the maintenance, Heroes will not be able to connect to the game including Steam users, and are expected to be resumed by 03:00 HRS (PDT) / 06:00 HRS (EDT).

[Friendly Reminder]

- The rewards for October Spending Promotion will be distributed.

We strongly recommend that you log out of the game before the stipulated time to avoid any item loss.

Best regards,


[Compeleted] Scheduled Maintenance on 23rd October, 2024

Game service resumed at 24th October 04:00 (PDT) / 07:00 (EDT)
└ Following items will be sent for extention of the maintenence.

FTG Fatigue Potion (1500)* 2
Fissive Vortex*1

Happy Nesting!

Dear Heroes,

There will be scheduled maintenance on 23rd October 2024, starting from 23:00 HRS (PDT) / 24th October 2024, starting from 02:00 HRS (EDT).

During the maintenance, Heroes will not be able to connect to the game including Steam users,
and are expected to be resumed by 03:00 04:00 HRS (PDT) / 06:00 07:00 HRS (EDT).

[Friendly Reminder]

- New set of Cash Items will be available in the Cash Shop
- Fixed the issue where Erosion Dragon Jade from the Dark Avenger event were not unequipped during a class change.
> All equipped Dragon Jades will be unequipped and can be claimed through the Special Storage for up to 1 year.
- STG Rank Board reset and Extreme Sunset Training Ground Contest will start
- Bonus Event 2: Enhancement Rate Boosting will start
- Sale of some Cash Items will end
> Cash Item 2: Conversion Choice Pouch (+10)
> Cash Item 3: Road to Enhancement Selection Package
> Cash Item 4: Sunset Glow Concentrated Astral Powder Ball
> Cash Item 5: Lunar Eclipse Relic 82% Sale
- October Spending Promotion will end

We strongly recommend that you log out of the game before the stipulated time to avoid any item loss.

Best regards,


[Honor] Bone Dragon Conqueror!

Dear Heroes,

A party has successfully cleared the [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest,
and rewards will be distributed to the first clear party.

◎ NA [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest 1ST CLEAR ◎


Knives / HeavenBIosom / Nutrient / JennaMara
HibikiMiu / CRIlS  / Mataweas / GGBoner

[Reward Details]

▶ Mission 1: [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest Clear
 - Reward 1: Cover Title "No.1 Bonebuster"
 - Reward 2: 200,000 DNP

▶ Mission 2: [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest Stage 1 Clear
 - Reward 1: Cover Title "Bone Dragon Challenger"

※ [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest clear rewards will be distributed during the October 23rd maintenance.
※ [Honor] Bone Dragon Nest Stage 1 clear rewards will be distributed during the November update patch.

Best regards,