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Anomaly Zone News

Champions of the Arena - Results

Congratulations to the Arena Champions!

RU server

1 place
Lif0n - 268

2 place
Красный_Богатырь - 263

3 place
хТАЙГАх - 257

4-15 places
АвторитетныйЧечен - 251
Анатолич - 202
ЛучшийвАДУ - 166
ЗаконопослушныйЧечен - 158
Nigani - 141
Gabapentin - 133
Фрегат_ПокорительКаравана - 126
Талер - 119
EdoTensei - 110
Холо_Костик - 108
Кирпичь - 103

PvP server

1 place
Ko4eGaP - 174

2 place
Kop9lGa - 166

3 place
Игиль - 160

4-15 places
Собрик - 149
Bombimbom - 137
Zlyuka - 133
Da7kness - 96
ЗлойБармалей - 77
Серега_Несси - 71
Пулька_ДумДум - 67
ЯдерныйБуравчик - 67
4ekHyTbIu - 65
МахчурБек_Апхшамтай - 60
СТРАЙКЕР[us] - 59
хххКУЗЯххх - 57

PvE server

1 place
IAm_Legend - 74

2 place

3 place
TORR2 - 26

4-15 places
Карамель - 22
Прафесар_атБога - 15
Rock_N - 15
Черный_Рынок - 7
Ико - 6
Ночной_Страж - 5
ххх16 - 5
Crezy_Enotik - 3
АндеграундныйДворник - 3
Адамант0выйДворник - 3
АцеторфиновыйДворник - 3

Compensation Promo Code

Yesterday all passwords on our site were reset and the game was not available for a while.
This did not affect Steam users, but anyway please accept this promo code as compensation.


It contains:
Injector with Purified Hellcat - 3 pcs.
Injector with Purified Ryabinovka - 3 pcs.
Injector with Purified Brusnikovka - 3 pcs.
Injector with fortified Hellcat - 3 pcs.
Injector with fortified Ryabinovka - 3 pcs.
Injector with fortified Brusnikovka - 3 pcs.
Big Ration - 2 pcs.
Adrenaline Syringe (personal) - 5 pcs.

The promo code will be valid until end of day March 9th, Moscow time.

Champions of the Arena

From 00:00 on 01.03 till 23:59 on 02.03 (Moscow time) win as many times as you can on Arenas.

Winners from each server (RU, PvP, PvE), who have get the most wins, will receive prizes:

1 place
25 Battle Pass Levels
Syringe with Adrenaline (personal) - 40 pcs.
"A-Zone" pin - 120 pcs.

2 place
20 Battle Pass Levels
Syringe with Adrenaline (personal) - 30 pcs.
"A-Zone" pin - 90 pcs.

3 place
15 Battle Pass Levels
Syringe with Adrenaline (personal) - 20 pcs.
"A-Zone" pin - 60 pcs.

4 - 15 places
"A-Zone" pin - 60 pcs.

Good luck!

Happy Motherland Defender's Day!

Congrats to all those defending their Motherland!
Let the sky over your head always be peaceful, and let all wars remain in games.

Holiday Promo Code: AZ_02_23
Trader Search (7 days) 1 pc
Old Stalker's Diary (6 h.) 2 pcs
Adrenaline Syringe (personal) 20 pcs
Big Ration 5 pcs
Purified Hellcat Injector 5 pcs
Fortified Hellcat Injector 5 pcs
Purified Ryabinovka Injector 5 pcs
Fortified Ryabinovka Injector 5 pcs
Purified Brusnikovka Injector 5 pcs
Fortified Brusnikovka Injector" 5 pcs
"SPAS-12" (mod., pers., 30 days)

Have a great game!

Holiday Lubech prolonged till Monday Februaty 17

We don't want to interrupt your game on weekend, so we shall prolong the Holiday Lubech event till Monday February 17.
Have a nice game!