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Rail Route News

Hotfix 2.2.9

FIX: Advanced features were unlocked in Arrival and Routing Sensor tutorials
FIX: Dropdown was having focus wrongly when using the controller
FIX: Inability to compare wave durations in Rush Hour mode against previous personal record after wave 10 due to new personal record being incorrectly used as the benchmark
FIX: Mouse was visible in menu when using controller and sometimes, controller stopped working afterward
FIX: Percentile 100 was not displayed if a new global record was created - the player was counted twice
FIX: Unwanted possibility to build tracks after the end of a wave in rush hour

Hotfix 2.2.8

NEW: Timetable score screen displayed when score is clicked

FIX: First 4 trains were not awarded in SoJ
FIX: NRE when perpetual key was pressed just after a Perpetual Circuit was built
FIX: Rush Hour train numbers were changed & prefixed with type prefix on save&load and on localization change

Hotfix 2.2.7

UPDATE: Logging of long interlocking computation
UPDATE: Reset time speed to 1× when next wave starts in Rush Hour

FIX: NREs when passenger's itinerary used a train with Any platform setting
FIX: Save button in editor was reset from 'Saving' state before saving was actually completed

Hotfix 2.2.6

NEW: Custom contract number used as base for clone numbers

UPDATE: Car collider adjusted to prevent train crashes when switch is already deallocated but vehicle still obstructs it visually
UPDATE: Click on save name initiates its editing
UPDATE: Ignore signals without shunting circuit when testing alternative detach-towards signals at shunting group track
UPDATE: In Departure Sensor configuration, when a destination is reachable from both platform signals, both routes are highlighted
UPDATE: Newly created map in Editor is immediately saved to appear in Main Menu
UPDATE: Unity version to 2021.3.44f1 to fix Mac double-click problems

FIX: Bounding wall ignored loaded walls, cutting out pre-designed corridors
FIX: Construction task was not initialized in the correct moment during the tutorial so the Time Saver achievement was never unlocked
FIX: Departure Sensor was not acting when a train was heading towards sink
FIX: Dispatching from Coach Yard in reversed order flag was not applied to custom contract clones
FIX: Same delay entries were logged multiple times
FIX: Waypoint with player-increased duration was stored as preset, causing inability to shorten the stop for any subsequent contract havning the same pattern

Hotfix 2.2.5

UPDATE: Can decouple multiple locos coupled together
UPDATE: Chokepoints removed from München map
UPDATE: Hovering over partially overlapping shunting command now shows hovered command on top

FIX: Bulldozing a perpetual circuit in Rush Hour and Timetable modes was returning the circuit to the inventory even though it's given for free when you build the auto signal, That led to free perpetual circuits in the inventory
FIX: Contracts menu button didnt listen to keybind after closing construction mode with close menu keybind
FIX: Departure Sensor was acting even without signal
FIX: Error thrown when dispatcher office was placed in custom level and stations where just created
FIX: Error updating train timeline when rejecting a contract
FIX: Infinite loading when steam workshop level was added manually without proper file name
FIX: Locomotive detachment on shunting group was wrongly computed
FIX: Loop including a switch was wrongly connected
FIX: No building item hint shown for Stabling Sensor in Simplified Chinese
FIX: Path was not deallocated from bulldozed signal when it was not connected from the other side
FIX: Populating Shunting Sensor configuration to other platforms did not update attachment endpoint (platform signal)
FIX: Satisfaction bar fill value in the contract detail panel was being changed according to the zoom level
FIX: Services Contracts panel was being shown under the train
FIX: Shunting commands could be shown fully overlapping
FIX: Train label position rapidly changed when it was exiting autoblock
FIX: Typo in the name of the station `Berliner Tor` in Hamburg map
FIX: Waiting train icons with a first schedule that has no specific platform was causing a huge performance drop