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Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of The Mummy News

Frogwares Publisher Sale is On Right Now

Hello detectives,

Today is a special day in our offices. As of right now, this moment (well, roughly this moment) our studio is 21 years old. Pretty much, it’s our birthday, and we’re having a party.

It’s been 21 years of work, commitment, dedication, sweat, moments of tears and also of happiness. We have a whole bank filled with stories and memories from all of these years. Perhaps one day we’ll share them with you over coffee, or a blog post.

But one thing we have to say today is this. Thank you, yes you!, for all your support, your trust, and for being the best community and fandom we could ever ask for.

On this special occasion, we have prepared a huge sale for all our games just for you. The sale will last from 2nd of August to 16th of August 2021 right here on Steam. Get ready, mark these dates in your calendar, and prepare yourself for an 80% discount! Maybe there’s a game missing from your collection?

Click here to visit the Frogwares Publisher Sale page

Enjoy the sale, thanks for your continuous support, and speak to you soon!

Your Frogwares Team

New Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Screenshots

Hello detectives,

We’re working hard behind the scenes on Sherlock Holmes Chapter One and soon we’ll be showing you even more of the game. To tie you over, here are some new screenshots straight from the game.

Harbour - one of the Cordona districts.

Searching for clues at a murder scene.

Some tasks might require a slightly more direct approach.

Sometimes you just have to take a look at a certain object in more detail.

Let us know what you think of these screenshots in the comments below. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!


Frogwares Team


Sherlock Holmes Chapter One | Sherlock’s Many Faces

Hello Sherry,

I won’t write too much on the above subject, as frankly, this video will do a much better job of it. In short, we need to get to know the island and its people. It’ll help us blend in with the crowd better, which in turn will let us gain their trust and reveal vital information to the case.

Observe it all in action below Sherlock.

We’ll be arriving at Cordona soon, Sherry. I cannot wait to see what mischief we will get up to on that island.

Speak soon,


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Sherlock Holmes Chapter One | Q&A Part 2

Dear Holmes,

It seems there are more and more questions popping about you and I, and our time in Cordona. I never knew that we would be the talk of the town so soon after arriving. Seems our London charm is rubbing off on this little island. Our friends at Frogwares have made another Q&A video about us. Might be worth checking out if you’re curious.

That’s it from me, Sherry. Heard there’s a rather interesting get-together happening in one of the affluent mansions just off the center of the town. I’ve always been curious what the so-called rich and powerful are up to. We should take a look at it. One thing that I can confirm is that no matter how much money you have, you can’t buy taste. Something that I shouldn’t have said at Mrs. Robbin’s London get-together a few months back...

Stay safe Sherry. We will pay a visit to your mother real soon. I promise.

Yours truly,


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Sherlock Holmes Chapter One | E3 Trailer

Dear Friend,

Soon we will arrive in Cordona. I know what you are thinking, Sherry, but remember that there is an important reason why we’re going there. I hope that you’re ready for what awaits.

This is the most difficult task you will face. Remember though, no matter what will happen, I will always be by your side.

See you soon Sherlock.

Yours truly,


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