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依盖之书 book of yog News

Patch Notes of December 26

Dear Commander:
We plan to start update maintenance on 14:00, December 26 (UTC+8). The maintenance is expected to take 120 - 300 minutes.
*Please pay attention to the community and in-game rolling announcements for specific times.

After the maintenance, please update the client to the latest version before start the game.

During the maintenance, the players will be forcibly disconnected and unable to login. Please logout before the maintenance to avoid any data loss.

The following is the introduction of update contents:

[h2]【New Blackguard】[/h2]
- Flicker Pierce, Kashinfuu

[h2]【Paid Adjustment】[/h2]
After the update, all in-game paid consumables will be unified under the new currency, Yog Points. The original currency held by Commanders can be exchanged for Yog Points at a certain ratio, and the purchasing power of the original currency will remain unchanged! All paid activities that consume Yog Points will be counted towards the cumulative recharge rewards.

[h2]【New Gameplay】[/h2]

[h3]【Gold Consignment Hall】[/h3]
Welcome to Arklance — a world full of opportunities and good fortune. Here, you can earn Gold by completing challenges in the Gold Valley. Afterward, you can list this Gold for sale at the Consignment Hall. Once the transaction is successful, the Gold in your possession will be converted into Gold Tickets. Finally, you can use these Gold Tickets to redeem various rare equipment and items at the Gold Ticket Hall. Wishing all Commanders abundant wealth and endless good luck in Arklance!

[h3]【Guild Ascension】[/h3]
Consume "Gold" and "Guild Coin" to enhance the attributes of all Black Guards. A maximum of 45 upgrades can be made per week, with the upgrade count resetting every Sunday at 08:00 AM.

[h3]【Journey Story】[/h3]
New stages, "The Phantom of Orient" and "My Heart Is Fire", have been added to Blacktide Difficulty 3. The "Handguard" dropped from these stages may have the "Tradeable" attribute, allowing it to be sold in the upcoming auction house system once implemented.

[h3]【Golden Valley】[/h3]
Completing Chapter 14 of the main story unlocks the "Golden Valley " stage in the "Trial Labyrinth ". Challenge the greedy Goblins to earn tradeable Gold. Higher stage difficulty grants more Gold, and the "Endless Fortune " skill in the "Guild Ascension " system boosts Gold acquisition efficiency.

[h2]【Guild War S1: Origin Season】[/h2]

Guild members across servers can now battle simultaneously!
The Guild War will start at 12:00 every Monday and Thursday, and will last for 48 hours each time. (Server time)
Members who remain in their Guild for over 48 hours, reach Guild Level 10, and achieve a Yggdrasil Level of 400+ can deploy their own defensive team.
The president and vice president can designate these members who have deployed defensive team into [defense towers].
When the guild's defense configuration meets the requirements, it can automatically participate in the Guild War.
Those in the towers will be able to strike the opponent’s towers when the Guild War begins. Winner of each strike will be rewarded with [destruction points].
At the end of the war, the guild with the highest destruction points will be declared the victor.
Members who participated will receive rewards based on the Guild’s ranking, the War’s outcome, and the number of battles they engaged in.

2025-01-01~2025-02-26 12:00

After the S1 ends, "Arklance" will reward guilds with outstanding performance with a special "Guild Emblem"

·Striker and Assassin front Blackguards' max HP +250%, Hunter and Mystic front Blackguards' max HP +500%, Support front Blackguards' max HP +400%, Guardian front Blackguards' max HP +200%.

·Striker and Assassin front Blackguards receive 8% healing, Hunter and Mystic front Blackguards receive 5%, and Support and Guardian front Blackguards receive 10%.

[h2]【New Function】[/h2]

[h3]【Gem Plate Function Optimization】[/h3]
The commander can now freely change the positions of Gems in the Gem Plate.

[h3]【Rune Interface Optimization】[/h3]
The Rune interface now includes an entry to the Workshop and a search bar.

[h2]【Bounties Bonus Update】[/h2]

After the update, the purchase levels of [Sanguine Stone Special] in the Shop will be reset.

Duration: After Update ~2025-01-22 12:00
Complete event requirements of Bounties Event, obtain limited-time exclusive Kimberlee's back skin and more rewards!

1、New Special Title:Supreme Infinity
2、Sanguine Stone*1800
3、Blacktide Medals*300
5、Extract stone*300
6、Stone Carving Box*1

[h2]【New Gears】[/h2]

[h3]【New Casting Gears】[/h3]
Added the following exclusive casting gear for the Blackguards. The casting formula price is Black tide Medal x50
Chesia: Blazing Chain Scythe
Added exclusive casting gear Nightmare Whispers for Chesia with relic advance.

[h2]【Academy Cup S16 Season】[/h2]

Season duration: January 01, 2025 ~ January 29, 2025
Participating in the Academy Cup competition, the top-ranked commanders will obtain the following rewards:
Exclusive Avatar Frame: Lapis Lazuli: Sakura Mirage, Lapis Lazuli: Dreamscape, Lapis Lazuli: Freeze
Exclusive Title: Sakura Slice

[h2]【Everwinter Land】[/h2]

[Everwinter Land] Season 39 and 40 is about to start. Due to the blessing of Frost, Frost type heroes will enjoy additional combat ability improvements in the battle of [Everwinter Land].

[h2]【Mall Update】[/h2]

< Christmas Box >

[h2]【Version Events】[/h2]

During the event period, consume FP will have chance to drop Event item: [Blessed socks], open to obtain modification stones, AP and other massive item reward

Event Duration: After Update ~ January 8th 12:00

[h3]< Juliet 's weapon Skin Lottery Event >[/h3]

Duration: After Update ~ 2025-01-21 12:00
Introduction: Consume Emblem of in the Lottery Event, commander has a chance to obtain Juliet 's weapon Skin - < Aureate Blaze > and other rich prize.


Duration: After update ~ 2025-01-21 12:00
Introduction: Consume in the Lottery Event, commander has a chance to obtain Ojeda's weapon Skin - < Apsara's Feather > and other rich prize.

[h3]< New 8 Days Sign-in>[/h3]
【Brand New Year】
Qualification Activation: 22025-01-01 ~ 2025-01-08, After activation, the sign-in event will end on January 15th, 2025
Day1: Sanguine Stone*50
Day2: Warp Scroll*10
Day3: Sanguine Stone *50
Day4: Warp Scroll*10
Day5: Sanguine Stone*100
Day6: Warp Scroll*15
Day7: Sanguine Stone*100
Day8: Falling Samele's skin: Succubus's Charm

【Searing Blaze】
Qualification Activation: 2025-01-10 ~ 2025-01-17, After activation, the sign-in event will end on January 24th, 2025
Day1: Warp Scroll*15
Day2: Adding Stone*125
Day3: Warp Scroll*15
Day4: Elimination Stone*170
Day5: Warp Scroll*15
Day6: Mercurial Stone*50
Day7: Warp Scroll*15
Day8: Falling Samele's Headwear: Cursed Temptation


Event Rule
Use stones in the workshop to obtain score, Get up to 6 rounds of rewards provided by Nora
Different Modification Stone will provide different amount of points
Accumulative point reward can be obtained up to 6 rounds

Expected Event Duration
2025-01-01 ~ 2025-01-31 12:00


Event Rule
Duration the Event, every 【Sanguine Summon】will gain point, accumulate point to obtain massive pts reward. Event reward can be claimed up to 6 rounds
This event will have server/Cross server ranking, and will provide related ranking rewar(The Heart of Summon leaderboard will be replaced)

Expected Event Duration
After Update ~ 2025-01-08 12:00

[h3]< The Sakura Season I >[/h3]
Event Rule
During the Event, consume FP will have chance to drop event coin「Sakura Emblem」. 「Sakura Emblem」can be used to exchange various reward on event shop

Expected Event Duration
2025-01-01 8:00 ~ 2025-01-07 12:00


Event Rule
During the event period, every 1 FP commander consume will gain 1 event point, accumulate point to certain amount will gain stage reward, there will be 7 stage, up to 6 rounds
Single-server and Cross-server leaderboard will be set on this event

Expected Event Duration
2025-01-01 08:00 - 2025-01-07 12:00


Event Rule
During the Event, players can obtain massive Warp Scroll, Alchemical Dust, SS blackguard and precious Coin as reward by completing a serial of modification stone fusion task

Expected Event Duration
2025-01-08 8:00 ~ 01-14 12:00


Event Rule
During the event period, finish serial task to obtain massive reward, extra reward will be provided after finish all tasks

Expected Event Duration
2025-01-08 8:00 ~ 2025-01-14 12:00


Blacktide Frontline is a limited-time trial. During the Event period, The commander has to challenge boss with 4 blackguards with self-decided difficulty

Event Rule
The boss has a specific weakness which appropriate Blackguard can take advantage of
The challenge of all difficulties cost 100 AP
The trial is limited to 180 sec. If whole team faints in battle or exceed the time, challenge fails
If kill the leader within the time limit, commander will win score and drop rewards from boss
The more bonus drops will be given at higher difficulties, massive modification stone will be awarded.
Each difficulty has its own leaderboard and will provide ranking reward(Each leaderboard will have level limit, the rule is similar to Primeval Gate Leaderboard)During this round, there will also be cross-server leaderboard
There is also score for each participation. Bonus rewards and score ranking rewards will be given based on the accumulated score, including modification stone, SS blackguard Shard and precious coin

Expected Event Duration
2025-01-08 8:00 - 2025-01-14 12:00

Patch Notes of December 12

Dear Commander:
We plan to start update maintenance on 15:00, December 12 (UTC+8). The maintenance is expected to take 120 - 240 minutes.
*Please pay attention to the community and in-game rolling announcements for specific times.

After the maintenance, please update the client to the latest version before start the game.

During the maintenance, the players will be forcibly disconnected and unable to login. Please logout before the maintenance to avoid any data loss.

The following is the introduction of update contents:

[h2]【New Skin】[/h2]
New Blooming Ink Deer, Weimo's skin: " My Little Deer " for sale in the Mall

[h2]【Blackguards Adjustment】[/h2]

1. [Falling Gunflame]: Damage multiplier increased from 850% to 1400%. Fixed an issue where the skill was not correctly affected by attack speed.
2. [Solar Piercer]: Ignite effect duration increased from 6 seconds to 12 seconds.
3. [Global Detonation]: Damage multiplier increased from 6500% to 8500%.
4. [Synergized Strategy]: Drone attack multiplier increased from 850% to 1800%, and missile damage multiplier increased from 1500% to 3000%.
5. [Bright as Sun]: Energy balls consumed per additional wave reduced from 3 to 2.
Frost ball cooldown reduction per ball increased from 0.8 seconds to 1 second.
Lightning ball damage bonus increased from 8% to 12%.
6. [Sanguine Level 3]: Effect duration increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds. During this period, gain 1 of each type of ball every second.

[h2]【New Limited-time Optional SP Pool】[/h2]
New Limited-time SP Pool Duration: After Update ~ 2025-01-09 12:00

1. Players can pick one of the SP Blackguards to summon from the following Blackguards: [Coltish Artillerist], [Legendary Dragon], [Foxy Archduchess], [Coffin Morrigan], [Thorny Bramble], [Centaur Minerva], [Schneemond Princess], [Shadowy Mirage], [Nirvana Ignis], [Judgement Hammer], [Lady Swan Lake], [Shamneko in Night] or [Blooming Ink Deer].
2. The picked SP Blackguard can be freely replaced with other available SP Blackguards before being summoned, and the guaranteed number of summons will be retained.
3. After the picked SP Blackguard is summoned, it cannot be replaced with other available SP Blackguards.

[h2]【SP Hero Pool Re-run】[/h2]
< Falling Samele, Chesia >
Duration: After Update ~ 2025-01-02 (Server Time)

[h2]【New Double SP Pool: Twins' meet】[/h2]
This pool have an independent guaranteed number of pulls.
The Blackguards in this UP are: Centaur Minerva & Marine Rime
Duration: After Update ~ 2025-01-02 (Server Time)
When obtaining a SP Blackguard, you will randomly get 1 of the above 2 SP Blackguards!

[h2]【Mall Update】[/h2]

will be available for sale on Dec. 21th


【Dance of Searing Blaze】
Qualification Activation: 2024-12-14 ~ 2024-12-21, After activation, the sign-in event will end on 2024-12-28.
Day1: Sanguine Stone*50
Day2: Warp Scroll*10
Day3: Sanguine Stone*50
Day4: Warp Scroll*10
Day5: Sanguine Stone*100
Day6: Warp Scroll*15
Day7: Sanguine Stone*100
Day8: Blooming Ink Deer's Headwear skin: Snow Velvet

Event Rule
Duration the Event, every【Sanguine Summon】will gain point, accumulate point to obtain massive pts reward. Event reward can be claimed up to 6 rounds
This event will have server/Cross server ranking, and will provide related ranking reward (The Heart of Summon leaderboard will be replaced)

Expected Event Duration
After Upate ~ 2024-12-25 12:00


Event Rule
During the Event, consume FP will have chance to drop event coin「Sakura Emblem」. 「Sakura Emblem」can be used to exchange various reward on event shop.

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-15 8:00 ~ 2024-12-21 12:00

Event Rule
During the event period, every 1 FP commander consume will gain 1 event point, accumulate point to certain amount will gain stage reward, there will be 7 stage, up to 6 rounds.
Single-server and Cross-server leaderboard will be set on this event, rewards will be distributed based on the total event points accumulated during the event.

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-15 08:00 - 2025-1-13 12:00

Event Rule
During the event period, every blackguard summon will give 1 point, accumulate points to obtain massive accumulative point reward.

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-22 08:00 – 2024-12-28 12:00

Event Rule
During the event, Commander can obtain massive reward by completing series of [Superior Supply Line] task, bonus reward will be given after finishing all tasks.
There will be limited-time [Superior Supply Box] offered in Black Market.

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-15 08:00 - 2024-12-21 12:00

Event Rule
During the Event, Commander can obtain massive accumulative point reward after reaching certain Academy Cup point.
The Event will have separate Leaderboard, Blacktide Medal and Exclusive Avatar will be offered as ranking reward.

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-15 08:00 - 2024-12-21 12:00

[h2]【BUG Fixes and Other Optimization】[/h2]
•Added the exclusive relic "Rising waves" for "Marine Rime" with relic advance.
•Added the option to choose the "Vanguards" Front for "Falling Samele Chesia".
•Added the "Sitting Postiure" for "Everlasting Sol Juliet" in the "Rest Time".
•Fixed translation error in the "Brave Trial" email.
•Fixed text naming error in the "Premium Subscription".
•Fixed issue where runes could not be placed in 3440*1440 resolution.
•Fixed issue where "Oblivion Places" continuous battle reports were shown in the main city interface.
•Fixed issue where "Elizabeth" would still heal when triggering a resurrection effect while wearing an exclusive weapon.
•Fixed issue in "Everwinter Land" where the Frozen Heart of enemies caused abnormal freeze durations for the Blackguards.
•SS Awaken: The Epic+ quality can now be directly upgraded to Legendary+.
•Optimized battle sound effects for "Oblivion Places".
•Optimized battle settlement screen display for "Oblivion Places".
•Optimized the Sanguine Level 2 effect of "Falling Samele Chesia", now grants an effect: Immediately gain 300 Rage upon entering battle
•Cancel the effect that reduces the attack speed of all Blackguards in the current "Everwinter Land".

Patch Notes of November 28

Dear Commander:
We plan to start update maintenance on 15:30, November 28 (UTC+8). The maintenance is expected to take 120 - 240 minutes.
*Please pay attention to the community and in-game rolling announcements for specific times.

After the maintenance, please update the client to the latest version before start the game.

During the maintenance, the players will be forcibly disconnected and unable to login. Please logout before the maintenance to avoid any data loss.

The following is the introduction of update contents:

[h2]【New Blackguard】[/h2]
- Everlasting Sol, Juliet

[h2]【New Limited-time Story Event】[/h2]

Event:【Moonlight in Alien Land】(Duration: after update ~ December 24, 2024)

Event Introduction
Participate in the event, challenge the final level, you can obtain different amounts of event store token - [Siamese Paw Print(Re-run)] according to different levels of difficulty you challenge.
After obtaining [Siamese Paw Print(Re-run)], you can go to the Event Shop to exchange for generous rewards.
Also, after clear the final level, commander can obtain Event Score to participate in event ranking competition, and win special rewards.
*Players can get 3 free challenges every day (can be accumulated if not consumed, up to 15 times)
After the number of free challenges has been consumed, additional challenges can be performed by consuming [Moonlight Pass (Re-run)] that can be purchased from the Mall. (The Pass sales will stop one minute before the end of the event, please pay attention to the usage time)

[h2]【Guild War Change】[/h2]

1. The Guild War Warm-up season has been extended to end at 12:00 on December 29.
2. The field effects of attribute restraint were removed during The Guild War Warm-up season.
3. Field Effect Adjustment: The maximum HP of all characters is increased by an additional 300% , and the single-instance healing effect will not exceed 400M.

[h2]【New Function】[/h2]

[h3]【Rest Time】[/h3]
After obtaining Everlasting Sol Juliet, you can unlock the [Rest Time] . Access the [Rest Time] system through the [Room] button on the Blackguard character attribute interface to engage in intimate interactions with her. (The room is currently under renovation, and more features and additional Blackguards will be introduced in the future!)

[h3]【Fragment Gold Exchange】[/h3]
You can exchange Fragment for Gold through [Dock] → [ Exchange]. Fragments cannot be recovered once sold. Please choose carefully.

[h3]【SS Legendary Awakening】[/h3]
With the newly added SS Legendary Awakening feature in the Awakening interface, eligible SS-grade Blackguards can be instantly awakened to Legendary+ quality

[h2]【New Gears】[/h2]

[h3]【New Casting Gears】[/h3]
Added the following exclusive casting gear for the Blackguards. The casting formula price is Black tide Medal x50
Stephine: Surge Star

[h2]【Bounties Bonus Update】[/h2]

Duration: After Update ~ 2024-12-26 12:00
Complete event requirements of Bounties Event, obtain Kimberlee's Skin and more rewards!

[h2]【Academy Cup S15 Season】[/h2]

Season duration: December 1, 2024 ~ December 29, 2024
Participating in the Academy Cup competition, the top-ranked commanders will obtain the following rewards:
Exclusive Avatar Frame: Blaze Musket: Scorching Chill, Blaze Musket: Fiery Gleam, Blaze Musket: Scarlet Glare, Blaze Musket: Scorch Sun
Exclusive Title: Hunting in Inferno

[h2]【Everwinter Land】[/h2]

[Everwinter Land] Season 37 and 38 is about to start. Due to the blessing of Flame, Fire type heroes will enjoy additional combat ability improvements in the battle of [Everwinter Land].
New Stage: The Blacktide Mode in Everwinter Land has been expanded with Levels 201-300.
New Feature: After clearing the 100th floor of Black Tide difficulty, the sweep function for Normal difficulty will be unlocked.

[h2]【Mall Update】[/h2]

, Series Bundles

[h2]【Version Events】[/h2]


Duration: 2024-11-28 ~ 2024-12-25 12:00
Introduction: Consume Emblem of Luck Essence in the Lottery Event, commander has a chance to obtain Chloe 's weapon Skin - < Bastet's Touch > and other rich prize.


Duration: After update ~ 2024-12-25 12:00
Introduction: Consume in the Lottery Event, commander has a chance to obtain Seraphia's Weapon Skin - < Noctis Devourer > and other rich prize.


Event Rule
Use stones in the workshop to obtain score, Get up to 6 rounds of rewards provided by Nora
Different Modification Stone will provide different amount of points
Accumulative point reward can be obtained up to 6 rounds

Expected Event Duration
After Update ~ 2024-12-31 12:00


Event Rule
Duration the Event, every 【Sanguine Summon】will gain point, accumulate point to obtain massive pts reward. Event reward can be claimed up to 6 rounds
This event will have server/Cross server ranking, and will provide related ranking rewar(The Heart of Summon leaderboard will be replaced)

Expected Event Duration
After Update ~ 2024-12-12 12:00

[h3]< The Sakura Season I >[/h3]
Event Rule
During the Event, consume FP will have chance to drop event coin「Sakura Emblem」. 「Sakura Emblem」can be used to exchange various reward on event shop

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-01 8:00 ~ 2024-12-07 12:00


Event Rule
During the event period, every 1 FP commander consume will gain 1 event point, accumulate point to certain amount will gain stage reward, there will be 7 stage, up to 6 rounds
Single-server and Cross-server leaderboard will be set on this event

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-1 08:00 - 2024-12-7 12:00


Event Rule
During the Event, players can obtain massive Warp Scroll, Alchemical Dust, SS blackguard and precious Coin as reward by completing a serial of modification stone fusion task

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-08 8:00 ~ 2024-12-14 12:00


Event Rule
During the event period, finish serial task to obtain massive reward, extra reward will be provided after finish all tasks

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-08 8:00 ~ 2024-12-14 12:00


Blacktide Frontline is a limited-time trial. During the Event period, The commander has to challenge boss with 4 blackguards with self-decided difficulty

Event Rule
The boss has a specific weakness which appropriate Blackguard can take advantage of
The challenge of all difficulties cost 100 AP
The trial is limited to 180 sec. If whole team faints in battle or exceed the time, challenge fails
If kill the leader within the time limit, commander will win score and drop rewards from boss
The more bonus drops will be given at higher difficulties, massive modification stone will be awarded.
Each difficulty has its own leaderboard and will provide ranking reward(Each leaderboard will have level limit, the rule is similar to Primeval Gate Leaderboard)During this round, there will also be cross-server leaderboard
There is also score for each participation. Bonus rewards and score ranking rewards will be given based on the accumulated score, including modification stone, SS blackguard Shard and precious coin

Expected Event Duration
2024-12-08 8:00 - 2024-12-14 12:00

[h2]【BUG Fixes and Other Optimization】[/h2]

Fixed a color texture issue with Seraphia's stockings in the Flabellum Seraph.
Fixed an abnormality with the [Team Sync] feature
Fixed an issue where game scene textures became abnormal after switching to idle mode.
Optimized the Awakening/Front Upgrade interface by adding a quality-based filtering feature.
Optimized batch fusion for normal Gems below level 12 and of the same level, removing the requirement for matching quality.
Optimized [Arena], [Academy Cup], [Invitational], and [Guild War] - 3x Speed Button Disabled
Optimized battle dates:If the score is consistent, the side with shorter attack duration will win
Optimize Black Guard Kimberlee's damage: Basic attack damage increased from 200% to 400%; Ultimate damage increased from 300% to 600%.

Patch Notes of November 13

Dear Commander:
We plan to start update maintenance on 14:00, November 13 (UTC+8). The maintenance is expected to take 120 - 240 minutes.
*Please pay attention to the community and in-game rolling announcements for specific times.

After the maintenance, please update the client to the latest version before start the game.

During the maintenance, the players will be forcibly disconnected and unable to login. Please logout before the maintenance to avoid any data loss.

The following is the introduction of update contents:

[h2]【New Skin】[/h2]
New Flabellum Seraph, Seraphia's skin: "Fallen's Requiem" for sale in the Mall

[h2]【SP Hero Pool Re-run】[/h2]

Duration: After Update ~ 2024-12-04 (Server Time)

[h2]【Gem System Optimization】[/h2]
1.Gems will no longer be equipped on individual gear but will instead be installed on the newly introduced Gem Plate.
2.The maximum number of slots on the Gem Plate will be determined by the [Unlockable Gem Slots] of current gear set. Before equipping a Gem, you’ll still need to activate slots via the "Unlock Slots" Button.
3.Gem plans must be manually saved to the currently selected equipment plan, with a maximum of 3 plans available.
4.Gem equip/unequip interaction optimized: Left-click to equip, right-click to unequip.
5.Selecting an equipped Gem in the Gem Plate allows you to compare its attributes with those of Gems in storage.
PS: The sorting method in Gem Plate will be optimized in future versions.


【Dance of Searing Blaze】
Qualification Activation: 2024-11-16 ~ 2024-11-23, After activation, the sign-in event will end on 2024-11-30.
Day1: Warp Scroll*15
Day2: Adding Stone*125
Day3: Warp Scroll*15
Day4: Elimination Stone*170
Day5: Warp Scroll*15
Day6: Mercurial Stone*50
Day7: Warp Scroll*15
Day8: Seraphia's Headwear skin: Twilight Gleam

Event Rule
Duration the Event, every【Sanguine Summon】will gain point, accumulate point to obtain massive pts reward. Event reward can be claimed up to 6 rounds
This event will have server/Cross server ranking, and will provide related ranking reward (The Heart of Summon leaderboard will be replaced)

Expected Event Duration
After Upate ~ 2024-11-26 12:00

Event Rule
During the Event, consume FP will have chance to drop event coin「Sakura Emblem」. 「Sakura Emblem」can be used to exchange various reward on event shop.

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-15 8:00 ~ 2024-11-21 12:00

Event Rule
During the event period, every 1 FP commander consume will gain 1 event point, accumulate point to certain amount will gain stage reward, there will be 7 stage, up to 6 rounds.
Single-server and Cross-server leaderboard will be set on this event, rewards will be distributed based on the total event points accumulated during the event.

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-15 08:00 - 2024-12-13 12:00

Event Rule
During the event period, every blackguard summon will give 1 point, accumulate points to obtain massive accumulative point reward.

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-22 08:00 – 2024-11-28 12:00

Event Rule
During the event, Commander can obtain massive reward by completing series of [Superior Supply Line] task, bonus reward will be given after finishing all tasks.
There will be limited-time [Superior Supply Box] offered in Black Market.

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-15 08:00 - 2024-11-21 12:00

Event Rule
During the Event, Commander can obtain massive accumulative point reward after reaching certain Academy Cup point.
The Event will have separate Leaderboard, Blacktide Medal and Exclusive Avatar will be offered as ranking reward.

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-15 08:00 - 2024-11-21 12:00

[h2]【Server Merge Notification】[/h2]
We are planing to Merge NA_2 to NA_1 server on November 18, 2024, for the exact date and time please look forward to future announcement.

*To make the server run more smoothly, we'll start a round of Data Wiping to delete some users' data in NA_1 and NA_2 server before Server Merge, if a User meets the following three conditions at the same time, the User's data will be deleted.
No Login for ≥ 150 Days
Bounty Level = 0
Soul Level ≤ 30

[h2]【BUG Fixes and Other Optimization】[/h2]
• Extraction Interface Optimization: Now showing equipper’s avatar in the lower-right corner of equipped items.
• New Repeat-battle rewards feature added to Oblivion Places, Time Rift, and Journey Story.
• Updated the effect buff icon description for Weimo – Yunmeng Slim Pen.
• Fixed an issue where Ying at Sanguine Level 5 could not trigger the protective effect from self-Dispel.
• Fixed an issue where the Epona’s knockback immunity effect was ineffective against certain bosses.
• Fixed an inconsistency between the MVP damage statistics in Journey Story and the in-battle damage panel.
• Fixed descriptions for Moonlight · Ice Incarnation, Moonlight · Skeletal Breastplate, and Raid Armor.
• Added Relic Advance for [Death emblem], exclusive to Nyanko, and [All things come together], exclusive to Weimo.
• Added countdown display for certain buff icons with durations.
• Fixed an issue where the 4-piece set effect of [Oblivion Chaos] would incorrectly apply a debuff effect to the equipper as well.
• Fixed an issue where the debuff of Ojeda’s Exclusive Weapon - Nox Cross was applied to Ojeda herself.
• Added a buff icon notification for the 2-piece set effects of [Frost of Snow Shadow] and [Exquisite Bluestone].

Patch Notes of October 30

Dear Commanders:
We plan to start update maintenance on 15: 00, October 30 (UTC+8). The maintenance is expected to take 180 - 240 minutes.
*Please pay attention to the community and in-game rolling announcements for specific times.

After the maintenance, please update the client to the latest version before start the game.

During the maintenance, the players will be forcibly disconnected and unable to login. Please logout before the maintenance to avoid any data loss.

The following is the introduction of update contents:

[h2]【New Blackguard】[/h2]
- Tundra Thunder, Epona

[h2]【7-Days Login Re-open】[/h2]
After the update, the Seven-Day Login Event for beginners will be reset for all commanders. Any incomplete Seven-Day Login Events will be replaced with the new one. By logging in consecutively, commanders can earn a large number of Sanguine Stones, and receive the SP Black Guard: Salvia Fairy Cacau on the seventh day.

[h2]【Equipment plan saving feature Update】[/h2]

1. Modifications to equipment plan now require manual saving (previous plans remain unaffected).
2. If equipment or Gems in a plan are being used by other Blackguards, using this plan will no longer take equipment from them.
3. Plan names can now be customized.
4. The [Team Plan] feature will no longer store or modify Blackguards' equipment, Gems, or Rune disk.

[h2]【Guild War Adjustments】[/h2]

1. The [Diamond] reward in the Guild War round settlement has been changed to [Sanguine Stone]. Depending on rank, players can now earn between 10 to 75 Sanguine Stones.
2. Adjusted the score requirements for different reward tiers in Guild War rounds.
3. Added a correlation between the Main Castle, Elite Castles, Ordinary Castles in Guild War regarding HP and damage:
When 5, 7, or 9 Ordinary Castles in the current fortress are destroyed, Black Guards in Elite Castles will have their defense damage and HP reduced by 4%, 7%, or 12% (non-deployed castles are considered destroyed).
If all Elite Castles are destroyed, Black Guards in the Main Castle will have their defense damage and HP reduced by 10%.

[h2]【Power of Contract Update】[/h2]

New Lightning Powers of Contract:
Electric Flame: Summons a ball of lightning that orbits, dealing lightning damage to enemies it hits.
Lightning Strike: As the lightning ball of [Electric Flame] orbits, it shocks nearby enemy.
Thunder Glory: Increases the damage of [Electric Flame] and [Lightning Strike].

Serpent's Pursuit: Unleash Lightning Serpent towards a random target.
Echoes of Thunder: [Serpent's Pursuit] triggers a thunderstorm at the impact location, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Divine Lightning: Increases the damage of [Serpent's Pursuit] and [Echoes of Thunder].

[h2]【New Gears】[/h2]

Added the following two exclusive casting gears for the Blackguards. The casting formula price is Black tide Medal x50
Weimo: Spring Rises
Ojeda: Breezy Shadows

< New Ancient Equipment Sets >
Added the following Ancient Equipment Sets for Refining:
Soul Stealer, Fervor Heart, Doom Reversal

[h2]【Bounties Bonus Update】[/h2]

Duration: After Update ~ 2024-11-27 12:00
Complete event requirements of Bounties Event, obtain Ying's Back Skin and more rewards!

[h2]【Academy Cup S14 Season】[/h2]

Season duration: November 1, 2024 ~ November 29, 2024
Participating in the Academy Cup competition, the top-ranked commanders will obtain the following rewards:
Exclusive Avatar Frame: Permafrost: Aurora Polaris, Permafrost: Dreary Fade, Permafrost: Snow Fall, Permafrost: Lightning Flash
Exclusive Title: Chilly Thunder

[h2]【Everwinter Land】[/h2]

[Everwinter Land] Season 35 and 36 is about to start. Due to the blessing of Lightning, Lightning type heroes will enjoy additional combat ability improvements in the battle of [Everwinter Land].

[h2]【Version Events】[/h2]

[h3]< Stephine's weapon Skin Lottery Event >[/h3]
Duration: 2024-10-31 12:00 ~ 2024-11-26 12:00
Introduction: Consume Lucky Charm in the Lottery Event, commander has a chance to obtain Stephine's weapon Skin - and other rich prize.

[h3]< Irida's back Skin Lottery Event >[/h3]
Duration: 2024-10-31 12:00 ~ 2024-11-26 12:00
Introduction: Consume in the Lottery Event, commander has a chance to obtain Irida's back Skin - < Stay in Spring > and other rich prize.


【Phantom Night Photography】
Qualification Activation: November 7th ~ November 14th, After activation, the sign-in event will end on November 21th, 2024.
Day1: Sanguine Stone*50
Day2: Warp Scroll*10
Day3: Sanguine Stone *50
Day4: Warp Scroll*10
Day5: Sanguine Stone*100
Day6: Warp Scroll*15
Day7: Sanguine Stone*100
Day8: Vina's skin: Violet Phantom

During the event period, consume FP will have chance to drop Event item: [Fitch's Stitched Pumpkin], open to obtain modification stones, AP and other massive item reward

Event Duration: After Update ~ November 26th 12:00

During the event period, the commander can challenge the limited-time activity BOSS: Headless Knight at the Primeval Gates,[Fitch's Stitched Pumpkin] will be dropped as challenge reward. Some high-level equipment will will also be dropped from the difficulties above 5.
Event Duration: After Update ~ November 26th 12:00


Event Rule
Use stones in the workshop to obtain score, Get up to 4 rounds of rewards provided by Nora
Different Modification Stone will provide different amount of points
Accumulative point reward can be obtained up to 4 rounds

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-01 8:00 ~ 2024-11-30 12:00


Event Rule
Duration the Event, every 【Sanguine Summon】will gain point, accumulate point to obtain massive pts reward. Event reward can be claimed up to 6 rounds
This event will have server/Cross server ranking, and will provide related ranking reward (The Heart of Summon leaderboard will be replaced)

Expected Event Duration
After Update ~ 2024-11-13 12:00


Event Rule
During the Event, Commander can obtain massive accumulative point reward after reaching certain Academy Cup point
The Event will have separate Leaderboard, Blacktide Medal and Exclusive Avatar will be offered as ranking reward

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-15 08:00 - 2024-11-21 12:00


Event Rule
During the Event, consume FP will have chance to drop event coin「Sakura Emblem」. 「Sakura Emblem」can be used to exchange various reward on event shop

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-01 8:00 ~ 2024-11-07 12:00


Event Rule
During the event period, every blackguard summon will give 1 point, accumulate points to obtain massive accumulative point reward

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-22 08:00 – 2024-11-28 12:00


Event Rule
During the event period, every 1 FP commander consume will gain 1 event point, accumulate point to certain amount will gain stage reward, there will be 7 stage, up to 6 rounds
Single-server and Cross-server leaderboard will be set on this event

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-15 08:00 - 2024-12-13 12:00


Event Rule
During the event, Commander can obtain massive reward by completing series of [Superior Supply Line] task, bonus reward will be given after finishing all tasks
There will be limited-time [Superior Supply Box] offered in Black Market

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-15 08:00 - 2024-11-21 12:00


Event Rule
Brave Trial is a limited-time mode during the activity period. Players can get two free challenge opportunities per day. AP will be used afterwards.
A blackguard will be assigned to participate in Brave Trial, who will be Lv.500 with no self equipment at the beginning.
Each wave has a time limit. Any time afterwards for each wave will be deducted from the return time.
min of return time is given initially. If reaches zero, cannot proceed to the next wave.
Crystals for equip modification is given for wave clearance. Owned equip will be replaced if gets the same type.
For boss reward, you can upgrade equipment to Mythic, or get an extra piece of equipment.
Use FP to obtain loots including Diamonds. Sakura Emblem is given based on amount of waves cleared in the end
Commanders can gain massive reward by completing Event task
Pass Wave 10 to enter the leaderboard and win extra Diamonds

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-01 8:00 ~ 2024-11-07 12:00


Event Rule
During the Event, players can obtain massive Warp Scroll, Alchemical Dust, SS blackguard and precious Coin as reward by completing a serial of modification stone fusion task

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-08 8:00 ~ 2024-11-14 12:00


Event Rule
During the event period, finish serial task to obtain massive reward, extra reward will be provided after finish all tasks

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-08 8:00 ~ 2024-11-14 12:00


Blacktide Frontline is a limited-time trial. During the Event period, The commander has to challenge boss with 4 blackguards with self-decided difficulty

Event Rule
The boss has a specific weakness which appropriate Blackguard can take advantage of
The challenge of all difficulties cost 100 AP
The trial is limited to 180 sec. If whole team faints in battle or exceed the time, challenge fails
If kill the leader within the time limit, commander will win score and drop rewards from boss
The more bonus drops will be given at higher difficulties, massive modification stone will be awarded.
Each difficulty has its own leaderboard and will provide ranking reward(Each leaderboard will have level limit, the rule is similar to Primeval Gate Leaderboard)During this round, there will also be cross-server leaderboard
There is also score for each participation. Bonus rewards and score ranking rewards will be given based on the accumulated score, including modification stone, SS blackguard Shard and precious coin

Expected Event Duration
2024-11-08 8:00 - 2024-11-14 12:00

[h2]【BUG Fixes and Other Optimization】[/h2]
• Optimized the loot display in the multi-battle reward screen, now showing detailed information about dropped equipment and other wearable items.
• Improved the Guild War interface in the City, adding a countdown timer for the current Guild War.
• Enhanced guild name search functionality, now supporting fuzzy search.
• Fixed an issue where certain Black Guards could not trigger the two-piece set effect of [Neon Slayer's Blood].
• Fixed an issue where the effect of the equipment [Shining] was not triggering correctly.
• Fixed an issue where the exclusive relic for [Falling Samele] was not correctly applying its damage increase effect.