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Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition News

Free Weekend - Total War Titles - 33% to 75% off!

Play all Total War Titles FOR FREE now until 1pm pacific on Sunday!

Also save 33% to 75% off until Monday at 10am Pacific!

Now on Linux!

Empire Total War is now available on Linux!

Now on Linux!

Empire Total War is now available on Linux!

Daily Deal - Empire: Total War , 50% Off

Today's Deal: Save 50% on Empire: Total War™!*

Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!

*Offer ends Thursday at 10AM Pacific Time

Total War Weekend - 75% off!

Save 75% on Total War Titles as part of this week's Weekend Deal*!

Plus, play Total War: Rome II for FREE until Sunday at 1pm Pacific.

If you already have Steam installed, click here to install or play. If you don't have Steam, you can download it here.

*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time. No discount on Total War: Rome II.